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27Pianos t1_ixt679g wrote

Mozart chortles at your meager and rudimentary preferences.


Adamant-Verve t1_ixu71tc wrote

J.S. Bach pats Mozart's head: "Come on Wolfgang Amadeus, just because we're dead, it doesn't mean we have to be condescending. Let the children play."


HarryBalsonia69 OP t1_ixt7tz2 wrote

Come on , they're the closest thing we have to Mozart , Bach , Tchaikovsky , or even Beethoven . Thats why they're underrated . They are all underrated in today's generation really .


Laethettan t1_ixttz1s wrote

Lol... ignorance


HarryBalsonia69 OP t1_ixtylwy wrote

Im not gonna get on you about that inaccurate comment but what Im gonna do is say listen to Revolver song by song , then listen to Sgt Pepper , then realize when those both were released . Then listen to Magical Mystery Tour and realize it came out right after Sgt Pepper not even a year away and realize they didn't even take the pieces in the albm seriously in Magical Mystery Tour . They literally shat out a work of art there . After that then realize that they played the instruments or directed how the instruments were to be played . After that then go back and listen to Rubber Soul and see their art evolve at a constant high and thaank me lateer hateer alright


Laethettan t1_ixtyru5 wrote

And then realize that Bach, Beethoven and Mozart are in a different league. The Beatles have some good shit, but they are not at all comparable.


BearOfBelAir t1_ixu1f1d wrote

Those composers make exquisite art with what could be seen as basic instruments. The Beatles made, well, exquisite art with what could be seen as basic words. Just like in Hello Goodbye or I Am the Walrus for example. It really takes something different to make those lyrrics come out as the monuments that they have become. Some might even say a comparable difference


WeakDiamond2313 t1_ixuheqa wrote

Then realize that sgt pepper was inspired by frank Zappa and now you realize the Beatles weren't the most innovative frank Zappa influenced them more than any other mainstream band at the time they were making music


HarryBalsonia69 OP t1_ixvog0o wrote

Whos gonna realize something thats not true at all


WeakDiamond2313 t1_iy1io4d wrote

You can look it up lol the mother's even made album making fun of the Beatles for stealing their style calling the album we are in it for the money lol


HarryBalsonia69 OP t1_iy1m84u wrote

According to the internet , they only did that to make fun of the Beatles for supposedly only being part of the " psychedelic " culture wanting money and l don't know from what l read it seems like the Beatles inspired them or motivated rather . Who cares really , Im just saying they made the best ever . However they did it . Plenty of people were inspired by others but the didn't do constant outstanding pieces of art like the Beatles had done .