Submitted by TheHeavyMetalCouncil t3_11w0dp0 in Music

Dear Swedenites what have you got to say about this country man of yours??? he's written hundreds of songs for modern pop music artists that have 'charted' the top billboards and made the modern world a living hell in terms of music pollution... You need to remedy this at once!!!



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LeoIunti t1_jcvrh2y wrote

I'm not a big pophead but a lot of the songs Martin wrote/co-wrote/produced are really solid catchy songs. If you don't like them just listen to something else mate


RemotePersimmon678 t1_jcvrrh9 wrote

This. People vastly underestimate how talented you have to be to write an extremely well-crafted, catchy pop song, and Max Martin has done tons of them. You don’t have to like them but they’re well done.


TheHeavyMetalCouncil OP t1_jcwaeuv wrote

They're songs that are on the radio everywhere you go, where you shop, at work, on tv, in films.. it's a total disgrace and you may have the gift of being blissfully unaffected by this ill but it's totally nauseating to me and it's lowered my quality of life. it's lowered the IQ of people I have to interact with in my daily life. This is a global societal ill and it's making music in general lower in standards. Familiarity and repetitiveness stagnates music culture and its normal evolution. Say goodbye to masterpieces in the near future. it'll all be factory slop for zombified lemming minds.. You're already halfway there


Apostate_Nate t1_jcxfc32 wrote

Grow up, what are you twelve? The music business has been that way since the fifties or so, likely earlier but I didn't get into anything older when I was getting into music. You're complaining about industry standard practice, and it's really a bad and foolish look.

It's like you posted this just so you could then disagree in the comments and act like an ass toward everyone telling you that you're wrong, which is pretty much everybody.

And it's SWEDES. Ffs try to know some shit when you come to complain, moron.


TheHeavyMetalCouncil OP t1_jd0wlo8 wrote

You truly are a work of ass arentcha? looking to fight and belittle someone who's clearly more cued in to the machinations of the music industry. You claim it's common practice and that may have been true up to an extent but the way it's done today it's encompassed way more territory than ever why?? because of the rise of the internet. The internet piracy dismantled all the true underground supporting record labels that were responsible for the proper evolution of artists and trends. All of the modern artists today are NOTHING but performance clowns.. ALL OF THEM.. before it was just a small percentage. NOW there is no escape from factory slop from these corporate dumb and blind profiteering pariahs.. again, you've just flushed yourself down the toilet with your turd talking' Get LOST PLEB!!


Apostate_Nate t1_jd0wsp1 wrote

I'm sorry whiny loser baby. You don't know shit. You're flat out wrong. You make me laugh. It's a good thing literally nobody agrees with your shit take. So long, sucka!


MDS1138 t1_jcvvr1t wrote

I don't care for his work but he's very good at what he does. If it puts your mind at ease, pretty soon AI will be a thing and they won't even use humans to craft successful pop music formulas. Then you can just hate programmers.


TheHeavyMetalCouncil OP t1_jcwasz4 wrote

haha you're right but I'd argue that these modern producers have basically conditioned the general public to more easily accept the next very familiar songs they'll create and thus keeping society dumb and dumber in order for faceless record labels to make more profits.. it's like a horrifying black mirror episode but real...


-PepeArown- t1_jcvx8gh wrote

More fear mongering and popphobia on this subreddit? Did we really need more of that?

Besides, all of these “modern music bad” people don’t seem to realize that Max is actually a bit more versatile than they give him credit for. And, no, he has not written ALL of the top hits of the last few decades. Just a good handful of them.

Not only that, but he’s been slowing down a bit in recent years. He’s recently worked with Coldplay and The Weeknd, but not really much else since 2022. This may shock you, but there are other producers in the mainstream.


TheHeavyMetalCouncil OP t1_jcwb0d2 wrote

They're all basically in the same gang.. The profit gang.. They keep the majority of the cattle out there dumb enough to keep pumping out the corporate cheddar to em and keep things rolling. You are a victim and here you are defending your victimhood. You should get a cut of their vile profits!


connivingbitch t1_jcw9cda wrote

His songs are fine, and you don’t have to listen to shit.


TheHeavyMetalCouncil OP t1_jcw9vha wrote

They're ubiquitous, they're at the grocery store, at the dentist, on tv shows, on advertising. His songs have permeated the minds of people I interact with. It's a nightmare


connivingbitch t1_jcwamh1 wrote

Yeah, his work is super-popular because a lot of people like it! I don’t, but I also don’t bitch online when a song I don’t like plays at the drugstore.


TheHeavyMetalCouncil OP t1_jcwfdy9 wrote

Yeah cuz you are ok with mediocrity and you aren't sensitive to bad art. Good for you.. You're one of those people Kurt Cobain mentioned in his songs with the lyrics "I wish I was like you, easily amused" you suck! You are part of the problem doing NOTHING!


connivingbitch t1_jcwg4y0 wrote

“Sensitive to bad art” is fucking amazing. Shine on, you crazy diamond.


Apostate_Nate t1_jcxfuv2 wrote

Yeah, OP managed to pull off looking pretentious and stupid at the same time. Really difficult pull, really, credit where it's due and all.


Apostate_Nate t1_jcxffn0 wrote

Lmao you really suck too, at trying to get anyone to agree with your shit position.

I'm a musician. Daresay I'm probably better at it than you, since I'm much better read. And you're flat out wrong, and making an ass of yourself besides. Shut up already, put down the crack pipe.


TheHeavyMetalCouncil OP t1_jd0vbi0 wrote

You've Cleary demonstrated that you are also part of the problem. The blind/deaf masses of asses that just obey what marketing money tells them to like and to adhere to. You are a simpleton and boot licker! hence why the music industry is in shambles right now! Congrats! I'm sure your music is as redundant and formulaic as your brain is!


Apostate_Nate t1_jd0wm7c wrote

Lmao cool, you're a dipshit looking for a fight. Good luck with that, loser. Buhbye. What a waste of oxygen.