Submitted by HughDanforth t3_10t2r2t in Maine

Urgent need help:

The power is out at the rental condos on the mountain... anyone know how quickly everything will get unbearable cold?

Do we tell family to leave or tough it out?



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CobaltAzurean t1_j74zq8y wrote

You're going to want to go somewhere warm very soon. CMP has some long estimates for the 6300+ without power.


indyaj t1_j75256h wrote

Ok. So there's a tree down on Dallas Hill and they're saying it should be resolved quickly. I'd sit tight.


weakenedstrain t1_j750u90 wrote

If there’s no fireplace or stove you need to find someplace warm with power. It’s dangerous tonight.


peanutbutterhoneybee t1_j750t7p wrote

As long as you can safely get somewhere I’d recommend going somewhere that still has power. Make sure you bring blankets, layer up, bring water, food, flashlight, and even a first aid kit too… just incase your car decides to not take you all the way. BE SAFE!

Edit: grammar


indyaj t1_j751ge9 wrote

Don't panic yet.

Is there a wood stove in the unit? If there is, tell them to use it. If not, where would you send them? If the outage is widespread, they may open up the school as a warming station. Or maybe the lodge. I don't know how Saddleback handles things like this but Rangeley knows how to do cold weather and outages. Find local resources before sending them out into the cold.

Edit: word


HughDanforth OP t1_j752wqc wrote

thanks. Glad you are warm.


indyaj t1_j753lau wrote

👍 If I hear anything else, I'll reply under your original post.


HughDanforth OP t1_j754aqk wrote

many many many thanks


lipsticknic3 t1_j759t32 wrote

Try calling 211. My school sent an email out saying they have information about where warming shelters are. May not lead to anything but could be helpful.


HughDanforth OP t1_j752rjl wrote

gas stove that is not reliable. It went out already but they got it back on.


indyaj t1_j753bez wrote

Oof. Tell them to stay awake. If that thing goes out and leaks gas...y'know.


Breezy207 t1_j756e2j wrote

The wind will often blow out our gas stove pilot light-hope power comes back soon🤞


indyaj t1_j75b84m wrote

Haven't heard anything new. I think everyone's in waiting mode. Or no news is good news? Hope your people are staying warm.


asmithey t1_j75m8cq wrote

Just got power back on on Dallas Hill rd


HughDanforth OP t1_j7hyqgv wrote

Yay. The fam is all good now. Thanks to everyone.