Submitted by Difficult-Race-1188 t3_zrj6bf in MachineLearning

There is a whole more to pooling than Max and average pooling. A few other Pooling methods are:

  1. Mixed Pooling
  2. L_p Pooling
  3. Stochastic Pooling
  4. Spatial pyramid Pooling
  5. Multi-scale order less Pooling
  6. Super Pixel Pooling
  7. Compact bilinear Pooling
  8. Edge-aware Pyramid Pooling
  9. Spectral Pooling
  10. Per-Pixel Pyramid Pooling
  11. Rank Based average Pooling
  12. Weighted Pooling
  13. Genetic-based Pooling

Read the full article here:




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m_nemo_syne t1_j14exvt wrote

You forgot the most robust mf of all:

M e d i a n P o o l i n g


jrkirby t1_j1603hk wrote

That's what I would have imagined Rank Based Average Pooling referred to, but apparently Rank Based Average Pooling is some complicated mess.


ktpr t1_j14ga2m wrote

Why don't you provide paper references for these types of pooling so that we can see them in context and in action?


Craksy t1_j195my5 wrote

At this point, whenever I see a medium link, i kind of just expect it to be some half assed content meant to give search engine coverage or w/e.

Granted I did not read the article. It's entirely possible that this is the exception to the rule, and OP really just wanted to share a good read.

But the answer to your question may very well be "because it was never meant to educate or inform. It was made just to drive clicks"

It's honestly like the OnlyFans of tech news. "Here's a little tease. For only $9.99 a month, you get exclusive access to my entire disappointfolio"


ktpr t1_j19lwj0 wrote

Should the Reddit ban medium links?


Craksy t1_j1alea2 wrote

I think that's something mods should handle on a post-to-post basis. Scrolling through the comments here for instance, people don't seem to mind. If the community is interacting with the content and it can bring people together and spark interesting discussion, then it's a positive contribution in my book.

If it should get out of hand and the sub starts getting flooded with low effort content and self promos, then it might make sense to ban it or restrict it to "medium Mondays" or w/e. It's definitely something to watch out for. Lots of tech related subs just turn into link dumps that people use to promote their blogs.

Anyway I don't think we're anywhere near that point though. I find content here is generally pretty high quality. I don't know if it's due to the community or good moderation.

I just personally dislike Medium. The content is generally low effort, and it bothers me that lately, the first 2 pages of search engine results are mostly behind a pay wall.


RetroPenguin_ t1_j171fur wrote

Has anyone here found that the choice of pooling makes any difference?


TheFlyingDrildo t1_j1d7wm5 wrote

While it introduces extra non-convexity, parameterized softmax pooling allows the pooling layer to smoothly choose how it behaves within the min-avg-max pooling spectrum