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Ingvariuss OP t1_iy52ioq wrote

Oh, I see! Interesting that you like Kant and Nietzche together :D

I mostly read phenomenologists like Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Heidegger, and Husserl but I also like Heraclitus, Whitehead, and the like. My background is in Psychology so my work is focused on bridging the gap between it and AI.


leoKantSartre t1_iy52uma wrote

Well I like the works of Husserl and Ponty,I love reading so it’s more like exploring more and more. I legit started with sophists and kept exploring more and more. Ultimately epistemology seems more interesting to me.


phobrain t1_iy77obi wrote

Have you looked at my 'Rorschach pairs' concept? Nets predict interesting unseen pairs with 90% accuracy, implying a model of personality is embedded in the training data. Early results:

Motivated a lot by British Empiricism as dissected by analytic folk 'under' Wilfrid Sellars, and the idea of alternately seeing the Platonic sameness of two water glasses, vs. the Aristotelian particularity/difference.


Ingvariuss OP t1_iy7y7kj wrote

No, I haven't. I've just experimented with it and it is very interesting indeed! Would like to know more about your inspiration and overall approach.


phobrain t1_iy84rh5 wrote


The pair concept started as a demo for a proposal for an AI conference lounge:

Before that, I was sequencing single images, comparing the real one to the memory of the previous one, which was based on my discovering ways to sequence abstract slides to hold an audience's attention.

The underlying inspiration was a desire to dissolve militant ignorance, which I saw as a threat to a civilization which had provided the books that gave me a sense of companionship. As a 10-year-old in the 60's, I ironically beamed Morse SOS into the night sky, imagining the colossal improbability of it reaching the aliens who would be our only hope.

My approach was to use myself as a sort of vessel to cook up a solution in, autosuggestively forking a clean copy of my then self into my unconscious, tasked with maintaining its understanding, while interrupting any move toward having children or career commitment by my external self. I needed to reduce the friction I was feeling from the IQ Gap, and what better way than dropping my IQ enough to get along, while my inner self modeled the stupidity involved to be able to unwind it from the inside and claw my way back, leaving a realizable trace, after having been fully Yoda-fied by a varied, Garp-like life.

Part of that kid stuff involved reading lots of history, especially about WW1/2, since I had even listened to family members who fought in WW1 at the dinner table.

I'm readying the code to open source, so first taker and I'll push it. :-) Anyone want to see if seeing their psyche reflected causes a prodromal barf sensation like psychedelics? From that, I wonder if it will be possible to gain control of one's serotonin, dopamine, and what have you from this concept, way down the road.

I derive 'side vectors' that represent the 'pairability' of each photo as if with 'all' other photos appearing on left or right. 2D vectors work ok, and plotting them, I see even spacing locally. Now I'm starting to explore how neighbor effects might be exploited, using lists of the closest 50 other points per point. When the proven nets come up with a socko pair, I grab nearest vector neighbors of each to see how that pair fits, which is the sort of thing that keeps labeling more pairs exciting. Now adding cosine diastance, then will push code to site in case anyone wants to try it. On the site, you can get some such control via the

Phob->Search mode: AI



Ingvariuss OP t1_iy9hud6 wrote

Very interesting. Might I ask if you are acquainted with Carl G. Jung and if he was a source of inspiration? I do see a lot of Jungian concepts in the way you describe things. Especially when talking about yourself.


phobrain t1_iybxbzh wrote

I was into Jung as a teenager, but realized I couldn't understand his books (now I call it aspiration), so stayed more in Joseph Campbell world. I see a lot in common with him now, but I hope to make way more of a difference in the end, since now we have so much more and quicker quantifiability of who we are, and awareness of sufficient species threats to know what to coalesce our best for.

New slogan: We are the local minima that we seek.