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DeadwoodNative t1_j61iq47 wrote

Know what a tornado and an Alabama divorce have in common? Someone’s gonna lose a mobile home.


oldsmoBuick67 t1_j629lg8 wrote

I heard an old joke once that Alabama state law required a trailer park be built just on the edge of a city so the tornado would hit it instead of downtown.

But yeah, chicken houses and trailers are the first things hit in tornadoes it seems.


wolfie379 t1_j62yqaf wrote

Way I heard it:

What do a divorce in Alabama, a tornado in Kansas, and an unlatched fifth wheel on (highway near where joke is being told) have in common?

Someone’s gonna lose a trailer.


MikesMiniBinge t1_j650az0 wrote

Why do Alabama comedy club audiences get bored of sister jokes, mom jokes and wife jokes? Because they are too closely related to each other