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Zalachenko t1_iyrpyr6 wrote

I mean, any bill could be one of the ones that passes with a simple majority if Democrats would bother to get rid of the filibuster with the majority they do have, which they could if they wanted to enforce any kind of party discipline in favor of the average American - who supports progressive things like single payer healthcare, marijuana legalization, and abortion rights regardless of party affiliation. There's no excuse for a party to run on flipping both houses, do it, and then spend two years conceding on every issue that was portrayed as contingent on such a victory.

It's true - we don't live in a functioning democracy - but it's not because one or another ruling-class party is prevented from carrying out their stated agenda. It's because they're both complicit in acting against popular will.


Aneuren t1_iyrw3rt wrote

Still no disagreement. My only response to this point is that people use this particular observation mainly against Democrats as well. "Both parties suck so why should I bother." True enough except one of those parties will do the bare minimum to keep things roughly how they are while the other one will literally turn back all progress made in the last 200+ years. I'll still stick up for the Democrats then, while urging people for more, because we have a better chance to actually progress one day from where we are now rather than from a degrading society caused by Republican control.

Voting is for sure important but it's the bare minimum to get the bare minimum results. Without massive change in driving progressive policies at a very wide grass-roots level we will eventually be lost. Bernie was one person who pushed the Democrats wildly left compared to where they were, but he isn't enough and we won't just stumble into two or three more of him by luck alone.


Zalachenko t1_iys1f7u wrote

Certainly - not that the right to vote shouldn't be vigorously defended, it should, but like any other right it was won in the streets first. I don't fault anyone for choosing to disengage, but we're only powerful organized and fighting. Half the work of getting that done is restoring hope in the doing of it.