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ChildrenotheWatchers t1_j8vs60t wrote

I think you could benefit from therapy (the kind that people with ADHD get) to help you focus and plan your daily life.

I had a traumatic brain injury 32 years ago, and I just learned this past year that there ARE behavior therapist and job or life coaches that can help, even if you were BORN with something like ADHD. Contact a Neurologist to get tested.


sleeplessbearr OP t1_j8vtqi6 wrote

This sounds 100% accurate


analog_alison t1_j8x92kq wrote

My partner and I both have ADHD and each spent some of our younger years floundering - poor grades, dropping out of school, fired from jobs, underemployed/unemployed.

He currently sees an occupational therapist for organizational strategies like bullet journaling and it helps a lot. I think you’re in Ontario (hello neighbour!) so it should be covered by OHIP. I’d see a doc to get some meds too if needed. Undiagnosed ADHD is a bastard and it would help you a lot to get it sorted first, as a strong foundation, if that’s what’s been causing problems.

Job-wise, I’d suggest something where you’re not at a desk all day. My partner is a media technician (film, photography, digital) and I am an event producer. We both found jobs that play to our ADHD strengths. Lots of suggestions here for skilled trades which might be good! If you told me 10 years ago that I would be happy/fulfilled/well payed in a job, I never would have believed you. I’m in my forties now and things are great.

Today is your day to change things. Make small steps. Focus on feeding your body in healthy ways: good food, sleep, regular exercise. You need that stuff in order to really do well at a job.


CharlieandtheRed t1_j8zels2 wrote

Get on some meds for your undiagnosed ADHD, get a job where performance is tied to compensation, then get addicted to racking up business. I used to be addicted to video games, then drugs, then many other things, but then I got addicted to working (and more importantly, being productive) just like I had my past addictions. At least this addiction has positive yields.