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piggydancer t1_is9rm3r wrote

I have a friend with an eating disorder. This is the exact type of messaging that helps. She hasn’t eaten all day. Nothing sounds good. So I encourage her to just get some food, anything, and have a bite. Just one bite. It won’t hurt. She doesn’t have to eat the entire thing.

Practically one bite won’t do much. But what it does do is breaks through the barrier. It gets her with food in front of here. And starting the process of eating it. Once you take that first bite, the second is a lot easier, and the third becomes inevitable.

Telling yourself you just need to take one bite is a lot less overwhelming and more manageable than trying to get yourself to eat an entire meal.


lil-butch t1_isa48i7 wrote

my dad always told me that the hardest part is the first step. and then afterward the rest is just smaller steps. you’re really doing your friend a service by helping them in this way and with this first step.


theenglishsisters t1_isaeyoj wrote

Yes it helps baby steps.


[deleted] t1_isb9fjw wrote

At some point baby steps aren’t enough and there comes a time to take bigger steps

  • the alternate motivation

tsogtbayarr t1_iscamat wrote

how do i stop eating? once i start i cant stop until im about to explode


piggydancer t1_iscxh83 wrote

Two things I’d Recommend. First is replace your vice foods with health alternatives that still satisfy a similar craving. If you like sweets then replace it with fruit. If you’re a big soda drinker then try sparkly water. Things like that. Then just control what you have access too. Keep fruit in the house, but not candy. You can eat relatively similar amounts this way and greatly reduce your calorie count.

Try to have set times you eat, and a time to stop. The last part is important. Dinner is from 6-7 it ends at 7. And don’t be hard on yourself. If you eat till 7:10 recognize that and feel good about stopping then even when you could keep going. Remind yourself you can do better next time, because you just did better. You could’ve ate till 8, but you didn’t. You stopped.

Also when you feel that hunger between meals. That craving for a snack, focus on pushing it off. Say things to yourself like “it’s okay to be hungry .” “I can eat later”. Even if you get yourself to push it back by a half hour or an hour that is great. “I’ll just wait one more hour.” You’ll start to get a little more comfortable with the feeling of not being full over time. You’ll also start to feel full sooner when you do eat.

The big key here is positive self talk. Don’t be your worst enemy, be your best friend. If your best friend calls you and say “I really need to eat less, but it’s hard and idk if I can” think of how you would respond. What would you say to them? Well say those things to yourself.

You got this. You can do it. It’ll be hard, but that’s okay. You’ll make mistakes, but that’s okay. You’ll try your best, and that’s what matters.


Corridos t1_ise09cg wrote

can you stock less food or have food that you don't like so much?


rox4me t1_is9yp7l wrote

Remember that everyone has a different threshold for 100%. Never compare yourself in statistics, it's usually only a way to devalue yourself.


Zech08 t1_isaybkr wrote

Data should be relevant to the subject. As in keep things relative as you said, you should not compare yourself with athletes or special cases (Like a model for beauty that has essentially beat out thousands of others to begin with). There is also the harsh reality of acceptance of limits, genetics, and luck.


Infinite-Passenger13 t1_is9uhrk wrote

Sadly Not enough for finals


rox4me t1_is9yhyk wrote

I gave 300% got burnt out and failed because "I don't agree with the message".

Would have been WAY better off giving 30%. Gonna be honest most of my life would have been better if I never tried so much :/


Zech08 t1_isaz7ld wrote

300% out of 1000%? Also was this effort done consistently, because if you were struggling throughout that last spurt wasnt a winning bet.


rox4me t1_isbushi wrote

Not too that degree. Probably worked around 120-150 most weeks. Always had trouble with relaxing, it's also very frowned upon in most places.

Glad I have a wonderful SO to take care of my broken body. Now I can at least go 20-30. But this time without literally being in constant pain.


Zech08 t1_iscexgm wrote

Yeeeeesh 120-150hrs a week is def too much, thats like running on low oil hoping for things to not seize up on an engine.


rox4me t1_iscvvwb wrote

Not hours! Percent! So about 60-70 hours.

But also yes. Extremely srupid. But at the time I thought teachers, bosses and others in higher positions actually knew something. So I stupidly put my trust in them, not knowing they never cared what the aftermath would be.


theenglishsisters t1_isadrnn wrote

It’s true it doesn’t have to be all or nothing! Everyone starts with trying, then if you don’t succeed you will have succeeded in learning something that you can learn from!


slave2GROOV t1_isaz29j wrote

Anything worth doing is worth doing half assed


Yeetus_McSendit t1_isbxn2e wrote

I think the corporate world knows this and demands 110% all the time even though they only need like 50% to operate. All the extra effort is just padding their profits.

Source: I used to give 110% now I do the bare minimum, sometimes only working half the day. Still getting paid, raises and bonuses. I wish could only clock in for the time it actually takes me to do my job but I'm hourly.


RubAnADUB t1_isay6c7 wrote

0% takes less effort. - slacking pays off now.


thekrepa t1_isbdpwn wrote

F*ckin tell that my client...


[deleted] t1_isbm5ez wrote

Aw hey I like this


ApplesCryAtNight t1_iscvudi wrote

Today I climbed a really really tall hill with a castle on top. My health app says 120 flights of stairs.

Buuuut I didn’t reach the tippy tippy top of the castle. The walls of the castle were low, and there was no railing, and it was kinda windy, and my knees were shaking, and my ankles were banged up from a fall the other day, but I could have kept going, truth was my knees were shaking cause I got a fear of heights.

So I sat down at about the 90% mark.

And I climbed back down to more flat ground. And I sat there feeling like 3 quarters of a coward.

After about 30 minutes of thinking, and my friends telling me they are about to leave, I decided, screw it, I’m going up the exit path, which was more green and rocky, rather than the stairs of the castle. I looked down the entire time, never up from the rocks.

I made it to the 99 percent mark. I couldn’t go a step further. My knees shook so hard that I was crab walking. I put my phone over the highest part of the wall, took a pic, cause I couldn’t look over with my own eyes and I scooted all the way down.

Know what? I feel DAMN good about myself. I don’t give a quarter of a rats ass that I didn’t 100% this thing. I did something I call hard. My knees hurt, so my body tells me it was hard. And I didn’t do the hardest thing but damn did I do a HARD thing, and I gave it all of my moral fiber, I think. And that’s the challenge I wanted to accomplish, more than the tippy top of the hill.


Corridos t1_ise056t wrote

We need to stop with that mentality "if you won't do it good, then don't do it".

Better do the bare minimum rather than nothing.


willp0wer t1_iseaaqs wrote

Just what I need right now. Going through some relationship turbulence - I did all I can and will continue being me. If it isn't enough, then it's just fated for me to be however it ends up being.

Don't get me wrong, I didn't slack in my efforts and I never wavered, it's always more than just 30% as I'm experienced enough. But if that's what it's gonna be then I'm not gonna cross my own boundaries for anyone.


dk_anonymous t1_isb3zzo wrote

But what if you've absolutely given 0% all this while and the days you're left with, you gotta give your 100% achieve it. Do you give your self credit if you give your 30% when you should be absolutely at your best?


trunks10k t1_isbddt9 wrote

I totally agree with trying but sometimes like in academia 30% means repeating the year even though you still tried maybe not as hard as you would have liked...


Halo_Chief117 t1_isc8c75 wrote

Not if that’s your interest rate that you have to pay.


ToxyFlog t1_iscdnrw wrote

Participation trophy attitudes


needhelp11235 t1_iscey2m wrote

Not for trying. Give yourself credit for the effort to outcome ratio


scuddlebud t1_ischgjy wrote

Unless we're talking mortgages the 0% is better than 30%


dontlikeagoldrush t1_ischlpc wrote

“If it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing poorly”


fadoxi t1_ischnr4 wrote

Gd players, "I've been doing that since I could click"


pickypawz t1_iscipjy wrote

You know it’s really not hard to read, ‘give yourself credit for crying’ lol


truteamplaya t1_isckciv wrote

Nah fr this is factual… I always share with myself and other’s that I’ll take a conscious effort over perfection any day. And something is better than nothing.


LiamColeE t1_isczehf wrote

Those are great returns tbh


jeremystark9 t1_isdp7ab wrote

This is a terrible way to do things in life. So we’re not even giving stuff half our effort anymore but we’re still rewarding ourselves for it? Does anyone see the issue here? This was born from a society that gave the losers trophies back when they were kids.


Mait123 t1_ise19l3 wrote

Does that apply with hw


bigpun32 t1_ise4cg6 wrote

I only did 30% of the dishes. Fuck it someone else can do the rest. Going to go pat myself on the back for a job well done.


ThePinkParadox OP t1_ise8j7r wrote

It's better than not doing any of it. If I have a tough day, I motivate myself by starting with what I am able to do. That way it's less to do if I am able to do more later.


Shodan30 t1_isf2m97 wrote

Yeah uhh.. except the people around you giving 100% might not appreciate that attitude.


ThePinkParadox OP t1_isf4o0v wrote

So they would rather you do nothing at all? Why?


Shodan30 t1_isg6zhg wrote

What’s wrong with expecting people you work with to work just as hard as you do? I’m not going to encourage anyone to be halfassed or in this case 30% assed in a project I’m partially responsible for. Not to mention Half assed work on a job site is dangerous.


Mango_AT t1_is9ypum wrote

Give yourself credit by try harder


ShawnPln t1_isbhpzx wrote

Let the participation trophys commence.


DarkKnightCometh t1_isblvny wrote

Who is talking about trophies? If I say I'm going to work out 6 times a week, but only work out twice a week, that's way better than zero times a week.


ShawnPln t1_isbowij wrote

It sounds like you need to set more realistic expectations of yourself. If you set the bar high and continuously fail it only hurts you. Maybe you should speed walk and scrap the gym if you aren't going to take your goals seriously.


DarkKnightCometh t1_isbpbeq wrote

Not really. I'm adult enough to keep things in perspective. 2 days a week is better than zero. How is that "hurting" me?


ShawnPln t1_isjy26w wrote

Two days a week is better than zero yes, but it's also a third of what you said you'd do, so if you can't commit and fulfill why commit at all? Consistently letting yourself down by not completing goals YOU set for yourself is hurtful even if you don't realize it.


DarkKnightCometh t1_isjyzjf wrote

>if you can't commit and fulfill why commit at all?

You said it yourself, two days is better than zero. Lol. Like what, I'm gonna go into a downward spiral and cry in the corner if I don't reach the amount of days I intended? Na, I'm gonna feel the physical and mental benefits of being physically active.


hipster3000 t1_isc57sm wrote

Ah yes settle for mediocrity and don't feel bad about it. Typical Redditors mindset. How about it's ok to feel bad about yourself if you fail and use it to motivate yourself. Not be ok with being mediocre at everything because it feels good to stay complacent. This stupid quote is just to motivate people to not feel bad about never improving thier lives


ThePinkParadox OP t1_isc790h wrote

How is giving 30% more than you used to being mediocre at everything?

I don't agree, I think the message is to feel good for being able to do and improve what you can, and not feel bad for not being able to do everything at once.


hipster3000 t1_isc7cpd wrote

You're right I think I misinterpreted the intent of the message


ChuCHuPALX t1_is9z1i5 wrote

Actually Jordan Peterson but okay...


Shaved_Wookie t1_isczq9o wrote

Based on his actions, I think you misheard JBP ask for credit for crying - understandable mistake. For all his talk of "traditional" gender roles and the consequent collapse of Western civilisation, he breaks down into sobbing at the most innocuous questions. Very feminine, gender-confused behaviour.


UncertainMorale t1_isaq0e3 wrote

30% of 0% is 0%; give yourself some credit, do the fucking maths.


ThePinkParadox OP t1_isaqb2b wrote

It wasn't meant that way. The point is that doing something is better than nothing at all


UncertainMorale t1_ise73j0 wrote

You should write it on facebook; I heard they like shit touchy feel no sense memes on there; don't pollute reddit with that toxic happyclappy stuff please.


therealnaddir t1_isaufhx wrote

30% of zero is still zero.


ThePinkParadox OP t1_isauxuh wrote

The point here is that it's more than doing nothing at all


therealnaddir t1_isavdx6 wrote

Nah, I'll pass, thanks.


ThePinkParadox OP t1_isavx67 wrote

You can pass when it doesn't relate to you. You could've avoided criticizing something that's relevant to others, though.


Herbiphwoar t1_isb0eu0 wrote

It’s not 30% of zero that the post is advocating for, though. It’s 30% of what the original effort is. Eg can’t go for a walk for 60 minutes? Go for 18 minutes, that’s better then zero.


ValyrianJedi t1_isa2ijg wrote

30% might as well be 0% on a good many things


DarkKnightCometh t1_isae3ni wrote

It never ceases to amaze me how many people are here just to contadict every post. Like, what are you even doing here? If this helps someone in any way, why do you have to be negative about it for no reason?


EatSleepCodeCycle t1_isag1cq wrote

I used to be subbed but left because of this. Huge problem on r/GetDisciplined too.


DarkKnightCometh t1_isajp0h wrote

It reminds me of the kid in class who contradicts everything the teacher says because they think it makes them seem smarter than everyone else. In reality they just look like an annoying asshole.


ValyrianJedi t1_isaltgt wrote

Maybe if they actually had motivational content instead of just a mountain of useless feel-good bullshit it wouldn't be a problem.


ThePinkParadox OP t1_isauvc7 wrote

Why does what is motivational or not have to be measured by your standard only? It is motivational to someone else.


ValyrianJedi t1_isavlfe wrote

Advocating that someone only completely a piece of something seems plain de-motivational.


ThePinkParadox OP t1_isaw20e wrote

Maybe you're that privileged.


ValyrianJedi t1_isazx9f wrote

Pretty sure the privileged person is the one who is able to act like 30% is a win


ThePinkParadox OP t1_isb1jpt wrote

The quote clearly says that 30% is better than 0%. Being able to do more than previously is great progress.


ValyrianJedi t1_isb2cyu wrote

Yeah there is just no chance of us agreeing on this one


StrangeSoup t1_isa6y56 wrote

30% of 0 is still 0.


ThePinkParadox OP t1_isaf503 wrote

I think the point here is that it's more than doing nothing at all


Zech08 t1_isaz3d3 wrote

miss is as good as a mile in some cases. For personal related things, yea effort and hope is tremendous (Along with the incremental steps and progress needed to achieve things). On practicality there is a hard line, but at the same time its not like failing is a horrible thing. Failures are valuable lessons as well.


iJasonator t1_is9qmc6 wrote

BULLSH1T. If I hire a person and I trust them to do a job that they only give 30% to and it takes me a week to find out….then I just lost: time, clients, reputation, repeat business, and least importantly money.

This is the very definition of toxic positivity and should be avoided.

“Here’s your participation trophy, for giving 30%”

“You did got a 30% out of a 100%, great job!”

“You got out of bed and made breakfast” (it’s 6pm)

“You benched 30% of your reps, amazing”

“I started dinner, but didn’t finish the other 70%”


EvenAH27 t1_is9qukn wrote

You took it way too literally. Obviously it's not meant like that ^


iJasonator t1_is9s0ha wrote

My point is made and further exemplifies why this is toxic positivity.


ThePinkParadox OP t1_is9qzn7 wrote

I don't think this was meant for a work setting.

It wasn't meant as in 30% out of 100%, but rather 30% instead of 0%

Getting out of bed and making breakfast is a huge accomplishment for many? Benching 30% is better than 0%?


DarkKnightCometh t1_isblmwa wrote

You can't help these people. They only want to spread their own misery. I appreciated your post, thank you!


iJasonator t1_is9rpfj wrote

This is the problem. You accept 30% as “progress” and you only get 30%….

This leads to mass acceptance and eventually a break down in society.

I used many cross life examples, not just work.

I will agree that for a very select few (proportionate to the population) that 30% is ok. Is disabled, clinically depressed, and other maladies….

This cannot be a “motivational” poster.


ThePinkParadox OP t1_is9rve4 wrote

Only if you stop at 30%. 30% is a start, not necessarily the goal.

Only if people have the view you do.

If you don't find it motivational, then it isn't for you.


Kaiowhat2111 t1_is9w8wn wrote

You are intertwining "giving 30%" and being "30% as good. Which is it?

>If I hire a person and I trust them to do a job that they only give 30% to and it takes me a week to find out….then I just lost: time, clients, reputation, repeat business, and least importantly money.

Then next time, you will be better at hiring people. So you are no longer "30% as good" as other employers, but 40%.

>“Here’s your participation trophy, for giving 30%”

For being 30% as good. Someone giving 30% can win a winner's trophy over someone giving 100%.

>“You did got a 30% out of a 100%, great job!”

For someone who struggled to get 5% before, it would be a large improvement, wouldn't it?

>“You got out of bed and made breakfast” (it’s 6pm)

Not sure what sleeping schedules have to do with it, tbh.

>“You benched 30% of your reps, amazing”

Every bodybuilder will tell you that you won't always feel like exercising but it's better to go and not give it your all than to not go at all. This is legitimately how it works lol

All of your points are stupid lmfao. Maybe next time you will give more than 30% making them


DarkKnightCometh t1_isbl8x0 wrote

Someone missed the point. If I say I'm going to run a mile 3 times a week, and I only run once a week, that's better than not running at all.