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garry4321 t1_jd9m00f wrote

Except for all the stuff you ignored and didnt handle.


gecked t1_jdbi20k wrote

Guess what, you're still alive. So either try to handle it or just leave it behind. Either way, as long as you keep on living, you keep on winning.


garry4321 t1_jdcu3si wrote

So in the end everyone loses?



gecked t1_jdcunsc wrote

Yep, death is imminent so live your life or accept your end. Who cares how you die, just enjoy the ride. By the time you're dead, you won't feel anything.


MeetInPotatoes t1_jddtbeh wrote

Sounds like you need to handle that some stuff wasn't as important to you as others thought it should be.


Ericknator t1_jdekvt8 wrote

Story of my life


MeetInPotatoes t1_jdl1j22 wrote

Right? All it boils down to, people expecting you to have their same values and priorities because they have potato imaginations.


Ericknator t1_jdl36io wrote

Username checks out.


MeetInPotatoes t1_jdlbjfn wrote

I did manage to put both boil and potato into one short reply, didn't I? I wish I could claim it was intentional though.


itsallthesamejames t1_jd91l6j wrote

Something I learned to tell myself much too young:

“I’ve survived everything in my life so far. Even the things I was certain I wouldn’t. I will continue to survive.”


HappyHighwayman t1_jd9mkt3 wrote

Objectively untrue. There are tons of terrible, weak, non-bad-ass people out there.


ArtisticBid127 t1_jdelq3o wrote

Preach. I am one of those people, actually. And we have the right to exist. I am totally fine with being weak and I actually enjoy in a twisted way feeling miserable. Sometimes I make bad decisions on purpose just to feel that pleasure.


SpiritStriver90 t1_jda2688 wrote

I don't think "terrible" and "weak" go together. I think it's wrong to call seriously traumatized people "terrible".


HappyHighwayman t1_jda2jjs wrote

You’re moving the goal posts. Nobody said seriously traumatized anywhere


SpiritStriver90 t1_jda2oba wrote

I took it as the implication. That could have been mistaken. If it was, then okay, but what then did you mean? (And the goalpost moving is thus not intentional, even if still a matter of fact.)


ArtisticBid127 t1_jdemxx5 wrote

Yeah, I agree. They don't necessarily go together. But often (very traumatized/mentally ill people) are actually terrible for others...maybe not always intentionally.


SpiritStriver90 t1_jdenbct wrote

Perhaps, but that's not the same as "weak", either. Also, when it's that extreme it absolutely needs a competent mental health professional handling it, not a layperson or moralizer (punisher, like in a jail, where they deliberately deny people treatment as a way to exact "society's just retribution" upon them, something I'd rather undermine.).


ArtisticBid127 t1_jdeo8mv wrote

When you're not healthy, you are less capable of dealing with live than other people. So you are weaker. Like, I actually have a toothache right now and I feel pretty weak.


MeetInPotatoes t1_jddtlo9 wrote

How would you know having not lived in their shoes? Research "fundamental attribution error."


HappyHighwayman t1_jddtozi wrote

So you’re saying everyone is awesome strong and bad-ass?


MeetInPotatoes t1_jddxp51 wrote

No, but I'm noticing how you chose to mischaracterize the position as if it were an extreme absolute as your first step in arguing. It means you have a weak point to make. Not really interested in wherever you were going there cause you're starting off by signaling that you will be making cheap, low quality arguments.

People have strong tendencies to not give to give themselves credit for all they've been through. That's all this is getting at. Slap yourself upside the head and tell yourself that things don't have to be 100% literally true in every single case to have value as advice. I've worked with a lot of people who struggle with being too literal about everything, so I assume that's all that's happening here for you.


HappyHighwayman t1_jde0o04 wrote

There are objectively bad people out there.


MeetInPotatoes t1_jdl237j wrote

I specifically didn't argue that. Would you spurn wisdom because it might not apply to some people who read it? Your call, but I wouldn't understand it. Would it be easier if we just put out a browser extension that stamped "I don't know who needs to hear this, but..." in front of every piece of advice? Couldn't you just imagine it being there instead? you don't miss out on what might apply to you by wasting your time thinking about who it doesn't apply to?


lingenfr t1_jda279e wrote

Please don't upvote this idiocy


justingod99 t1_jd9zgr7 wrote

I tend to speak to myself with the more better grammar.

I also like to cite other people’s work and not pass it off as my own.


[deleted] t1_jddf517 wrote



justingod99 t1_jddlb9g wrote

Wow…I was just gonna say “more better grammar” and I thought that’d be enough for people to get the joke. Apparently not.

Additionally, if you are going to try (and I do mean try) to correct someone’s grammar, it would behoove you to use proper punctuation. 🤣


Grigoran t1_jdaaxgn wrote

Idiotic sentiment


bulletpyton t1_jda8zc2 wrote

Now imagine how much fucking stronger you would be if you didn't have to deal with any of that bullshit, get mad about it and go make your even better.


Smaugulous t1_jdaxcir wrote

This sounds like it was written by an angsty 12-year-old. Yikes. Cringe.


MeetInPotatoes t1_jddumfi wrote

And yet they're right. I've never met a single person that had it easy and yet people don't give themselves enough credit for surviving. A lot of people think they're weak who haven't bothered to look back at all they've been through.

Challenging people to take stock of how strong they are is noble and important at any age. Whether or not something makes you cringe is the least important thing in the world, and the type of person who says "cringe" to this is a helluva lot less mature than the angsty 12 year old. Nice self own though, grow up.


fernatic19 t1_jdb5pks wrote

There's tons of stuff I've made worse by freaking out or having anxiety attacks over. I wouldn't say that I 'fucking handled' them. I did do them but probably the worst possible way.

So better might be: everything you've done in life you have done. Things you completed you saw through to the end. Things you quit you saw were not worth doing.


VG88 t1_jdc08zj wrote

People in the comments are being dicks.

I just want to say that I really needed this and I thank you for posting it. Much love from Seattle.


TransientMovement t1_jdafbh5 wrote

I've handled the stuff I've handled, but I still just want a hug.


MeetInPotatoes t1_jddvqbt wrote

Thanks for this, saw that someone went and downvoted everyone who just appreciated the post. Whoever that person've got some problems and genuinely need therapy.


dranaei t1_jd9ffkp wrote

I almost didn't reach the egg. Woohoooo!


Herkfixer t1_jdaot83 wrote

Getting passed it in time is definitely not the same thing as "handling" it.


[deleted] t1_jdarnmy wrote

You seem to know what’s up… is it just me or does everyone seem super annoyed in these comments? Cool username


MeetInPotatoes t1_jddv8yn wrote

Then you handled the fallout from not handling it. I didn't do my taxes for the longest time in my twenties, government just kept my refunds and chased after me one year when they thought I made more money than I did. So not handling it caught up with me, and then I had to handle that. You learn that putting things off can make them worse, and then you handle that life lesson.


ctbasie t1_jdd747t wrote

Pretty sure I'm just waiting to die


[deleted] t1_jdfftz1 wrote

Yes, I have gone through a lot, now I feel like I can handle any kind of hell. 🙂🙂


Substantial_Motor_87 t1_jdaod29 wrote

I prefer the quote “you have survived all of your worst days so far. Keep going.” - someone or something


DDLJ_2022 t1_jdawt4z wrote

Is this supposed to motivate us?,


ecto1ghost t1_jdbcezy wrote

Thanks, definitely needed that message


KenjiBenji18 t1_jdbeqvo wrote

Thanks, and yet when I make even the slightest suggestion that yes, I'm a badass, I get hated on. 🤷‍♀️


dankest_of_danks t1_jdbxqha wrote

Reading this in a “burly gym bro” voice makes it 1.000.000 times more effective


Proper_Mortgage_1538 t1_jdc214c wrote

YEAH! we can achieve everything by doing some good stuff in ourlives good habits will lead to good results and that shit is proven and tested


Shrek_n_donkeh t1_jddvlvh wrote

So glad I read this, I thought I was gonna actually have to deal with everything I was avoiding 😅


ArtisticBid127 t1_jden8wr wrote

I've never will understand. I don't even want to be strong, like it's not something I value. And also, there are many weak people.


DwnStairsIsQuitePosh t1_jdeyjz9 wrote

Unpopular opinion: I’m tired of being called strong and being strong.

Sometimes I wish the world would just be nicer so I wouldn’t have to be so strong


MothsAreSoCool t1_jdao0x2 wrote

This actually really helped. Thank you so much