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PsycoticANUBIS t1_jatzz43 wrote

This is a dumb post. The imagery doesn't promote any motivation whatsoever except to blindly jump into dangerous things.


Wise_Crayon t1_jaujd9r wrote

Jump into the abyss of your fears so you may drown in your dark vomit of illusions.


cybercherries t1_jat7obp wrote

Idk I’m not really understanding this example 😂


Putrumpador t1_jatjlq7 wrote

Yeah, it kind of looks like the swimmer is getting gagged by the black water. Or maybe he's throwing up the black water? Hard to know which direction the black water is going.


FatSilverFox t1_jatu55l wrote

The black water is sentient, and is forcing its way down OPs throat to impregnate his stomach with little black water eggs.


migswrite t1_jaug1pc wrote

It's only worse at first

Soon the eggs will hatch!


MM_mama t1_jaungor wrote

…and then a snake bites your face? Hmm. Not super motivating, lol


Melodelia t1_jatonav wrote

Jumping off the cliff only works in Cdramas - otherwise you will hit subsurface rocks and be a paraplegic.


mimsoo777 t1_jau82pt wrote

I think his face got smashed against a long shaped rock in the black water and will be paralyzed for life?


Mrs-Stringer-Bell t1_javgchn wrote

Ahhh, OP, I'm sorry, this is a miss. "Jump into your fear" - but he doesn't look afraid AT ALL. And where's the reward part? Maybe it could be like this: He looks afraid, he jumps in the water and it sucks, but then after awhile he's having fun and splashing around or whatever.