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ChasteAnimation t1_j748n0c wrote

Calm down, we're deep into a reddit comment section.

Honestly I agree. If you intentionally avoided the mRNA vaccine because you wanted to virtue signal or were simply too stupid, then maybe you should be held to your bullshit.

mRNA was too wacky, dangerous, and mind controlling during the pandemic, why should we tolerate a sudden, selfish change of heart?


Smooth-Mulberry4715 t1_j79fx5x wrote

“Tolerate”??? Who are you to decide someone else’s heath care? I’m new to Reddit, came for the cancer support where we say everyone has to decide their own journey, and here you people are thinking you should be able to “down vote” people to die because you don’t agree with their healthcare choices. I mean, seriously. Who thinks like this? What kind of mean spirited people are you? How ugly.

I’ll stick with my cancer friends, screw this garbage.


ChasteAnimation t1_j79rt9g wrote

>Who are you to decide someone else’s heath care?

Some guy on Reddit.

>you should be able to “down vote” people to die

If only

>Who thinks like this? What kind of mean spirited people are you? How ugly.

Lol, you should really lighten up. I thought people with cancer were supposed to be chill. What gives?


Smooth-Mulberry4715 t1_j7aphzd wrote

Gaslighting cancer patients - aren’t you edgy?


ChasteAnimation t1_j7b6kl9 wrote

"Gaslighting". And just when I thought you couldn't possibly be more dramatic...

You sure you got cancer at all? Maybe it's just a cold.

Are you feeling gaslit?


Smooth-Mulberry4715 t1_j7b786n wrote

Stage 3C ovarian cancer, diagnosed right before Christmas. You think you’re being cute but you’re really awful. Reporting and blocking.