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coughdrop1989 t1_j3exicv wrote

That article says Monsanto doesn't even make pesticides. It's a lie and so the truth comes out. You are a Monsanto fanboy. Now that the dirty laundry is aired out we can go about our day. Kind of funny I never thought I would come in contact with someone who actually advocates for Monsanto. Good read though until the lies so that discredits the whole article unfortunately.


FeFiFoShizzle t1_j3f03ps wrote

It does not say that. It in fact says Monsanto do make pesticides, it's sort of the point of the article. That's why Monsanto is the "unlikely ally" - it's really simple to understand actually. They wouldn't be an "unlikely ally" if they didn't make pesticides. If you actually read the article you would understand that.

You didn't read it, Don't lie. If you did you would know it doesn't say anything like you claim. It's pretty sad tbh.

Why would you lie about reading this? What a shitty trait to have as a human.


coughdrop1989 t1_j3fdlf2 wrote

The rhetoric offended Hayes’ sense of fairness. He knew that environmentalists linked colony collapse to neonicotinoid insecticides and that they thought Monsanto was somehow to blame. But he also knew that Monsanto doesn’t make insecticides. The company’s most famous product, glyphosate—that’s Roundup—kills plants. Its second-most famous product—Roundup-ready seeds—allows plants to resist its most famous product.

I didn't read it huh? Okay.


FeFiFoShizzle t1_j3fdu5e wrote


You are really, really not very bright eh?

Roundup is weed killer.


coughdrop1989 t1_j3fgh4o wrote

What? I know what round up is but yea you're right I didn't realize that insecticides are pesticides but they mainly go after a certain stage in the pests life. The more you know. And you just don't stop with the insults do you?


FeFiFoShizzle t1_j3fhn6a wrote

Well you keep saying stupid ass shit and calling me a Trump voter or Monsanto Stan among tons of other things.

Your insults don't count tho, I guess? Mine are worse because I said swear words?

I should remind you that you claimed not all vaccines are important, that bee farms aren't a large enough of a population to matter, that the vaccine wont help with foul brood disease, that we shouldn't bother with it because other issues in the world exist, and that anyone who's pro this vaccine is a Monsanto Stan. You also backtracked on basically every one of these claims lol.

Whatever, kick rocks this isn't really fun anymore lol.

Edit: you also got mad about vaccine manufacturers then pretended you weren't anti vax.


coughdrop1989 t1_j3fircd wrote

Wow. You really are a trump supporter if you're this delusional.


FeFiFoShizzle t1_j3fj20y wrote

Literally everything I said here is documented in the previous comments lol. Want me to prove it?

Edit: i highlighted some dumb shit you said for you.