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SpinningOnTheFloor t1_j1f9m1g wrote

There’s the moral dilemma’s too. If you have cancer and walk into a teleporter…should it put the cancer back when you’re reconstructed?


adisharr t1_j1fbjwu wrote

Is that really a dilemma though? Probably an extra cost.


Words_Are_Hrad t1_j1fcxod wrote

Uhh if we had such technology something tells me the only people who had cancer where the ones who didn't want it removed.


Thin-Limit7697 t1_j1fd3un wrote

This is not a moral dilemma, in my opinion. Because the answer is obviously yes, since trying to modify the teleported being during the teleport risks causing more issues beyond the cancer.

On the other hand, if the medical knowledge evolves enough to make such "fix" possible, then it would probably be available in another way. Or at least, the healing teleport would be offered as a specialized kind of surgery, only applied in hospitals (if they still exist).