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Markharris1989 t1_j1dg3u6 wrote

Solar is ok, but PV technology is already up against some pretty firm physical constraints that stop any meaningful further ‘breakthroughs’ with the exception of niche areas like use in space.

Millions of dollar of research money is being pissed away finding ways that don’t make Solar any more efficient, cheaper or less dependent on resources that are hard to source and environmental hazardous then what we already have.

So I would say I’m against Solar but it isn’t gonna solve this thing by it’s self, or even likely be a major component of it. (Background: BSc, major in physics)


RedditorsArGrb t1_j1h18p7 wrote

there are thousands of experts working to engineer cheap tandem architectures in both public and private research environments. such breakthroughs are not at all precluded by any "firm constraints" physics undergrads learn in passing.