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Guiver5000 t1_iunyf67 wrote

Well my cousin actually… he is an extreme left nutter butter. But to be fair… he is a nutter butter. The problem with huge issues like this is as follows

  1. someone that is anti vax is likely to be a conservative. But that doesn’t mean all conservatives are anti vax

  2. however the opposite is also true, for example someone deeply passionate about environmental issues are likely to be a liberal. But I know conservatives that are also passionate about the environment

These are stereo types, and to be fair stereo types exist for a reason. However they also tend to be on the far ends and with our world more polarized than ever it’s the extremes that get all the attention.


[deleted] t1_iunypwa wrote

I am specifically talking about anti-vaxx and climate change denial type of stuff, the left's equivelant are climate change and equality radicals

Yes not everyone on the left or right is this and that, but those on the right are more often to be conspiracy theory nuts.