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Koda_20 t1_jdy3ior wrote

Society blew it with all the last chance warnings from the last century.


eggtart_prince t1_jdyvfnd wrote

Point your fingers at the U.S, EU, and China. Don't blame the others as the carbon they've emitted amounts to nothing like those 3.


Haddonimore t1_jdzv5lu wrote

Actually over the history of modern carbon Emissions England is still on top purely from the fact the started so much earlier in the industrial revolution


ialsoagree t1_jdzzwe6 wrote

The US has emitted more than the entire EU combined.

Remember, the industrial revolution started around the time the US became a country.


TheGeekstor t1_je6hl9c wrote

This is a pretty dumb take since almost the entire world uses products produced by those regions. It's pointless to pretend like the global supply chain isn't inseparably interdependent at this point.