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thebrews802 t1_j651qk6 wrote

It's not reverse flow in this case, polarity shouldn't make a difference since it's just a magnetic pull. The problem OP is facing is that the coil is just a magnet pulling the projectile towards the center. At t=0, the projectile gains a ton of momentum rushing towards the coil, by the time it gets there the magnetic force has dropped a ton since the voltage of the caps has dropped. But there's still a little bit. Once the projectile gets past the coil, the magnetic field is now pulling back on the projectile, slowing it down. Since the voltage is much lower from when it started, it won't be an equal force, but it'll slow it down none the less.

There will certainly be a ringing after the coil dies down, but I don't think that's the source of OP's problem. Good point though, I recommended IGBT'S for switching the coil off and I didn't think of the flyback current on turn off. OP, look at guides to put a clamping/flyback diode across the IGBT. A 1N7007 should be fine. You can buy like 100 of them on Amazon for like $10. A great thing to keep in the electronics drawer too.


anon5005 t1_j67lc0s wrote

>polarity shouldn't make a difference since it's just a magnetic pull


Good point, the math for that isn't as simple as saying when the current reverses so does the would if the projectile were permanently magnetized (and that were the significant effect) but it is just iron and its own magentization is caused by the coil and reverses too. If that did happen, one could try to tune the circuit to oscillate just once and pull the projectile partway then push. But as you say, by the time the projectile is at the midpoint one wants to have the current shut off.