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Exciting_Ad9005 t1_j1l1frx wrote

Space saver


BadSanna t1_j1l2bw8 wrote

How does it save space? It literally takes up more space because the cabinet has to be larger than the washer and dryer inside it....


Wide_String2861 t1_j1l2rk7 wrote

Smaller footprint if they are stacked.


BadSanna t1_j1l46eg wrote

Wtf does that have to do with the cabinet?

You guys need to work on your reading compression


Leaislala t1_j1l4sxg wrote

Ha, while I agree that most don’t read carefully, the irony of you using the wrong word made me giggle!


BadSanna t1_j1l7mnr wrote

Lol didn't notice the autocorrect before I hit post. Ima leave it because it's ironic