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Danimal_House t1_iwy3cvz wrote

Neither of them are an “authority” on pizza kid.


ninjacereal t1_iwy3ye7 wrote

Portnoys opinion on pizza matters, unlike your opinion on anything.


Danimal_House t1_iwy49cy wrote

Oh man, you actually care about something that dude says! Yikes…. Sorry to offend you bud. Brutal.


ninjacereal t1_iwy54yr wrote

I don't care, but plenty of people do, whether you like it or not. Reality is tough, ain't it?


GoPikachuGo1 t1_iwz63l2 wrote

Imagine being such a salty liberal that you cant enjoy some guys pizza reviews because of muh politics.


Danimal_House t1_ix0yr5v wrote

?.. Imagine being so obsessed with politics that it becomes your entire personality and you attribute everything to it, even though I didn’t mention anything remotely political or “liberal.” Ironic!