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JHolm915 t1_ixm37ue wrote

Watch the Naugatuck PD press release video on their website. He is described as very well known to all law enforcement. You are only going to see some info on the judicial site, it's not the same as a background check. Here's a snippet below of some of his past.

"Francisquini is well-known in the state judicial system, with five pending cases in three different courts. He’s out on bonds that total $375,000 among the five cases, according to the Judicial Branch website. The previous charges Francisquini face are serious, including carjacking, second-degree assault and third-degree robbery in West Haven; burglary in Derby and assault on a police officer by state police at Troop G in Bridgeport."


AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_ixm6vio wrote

That adds some beef to the sandwich for sure.


JHolm915 t1_ixmb04g wrote

Well he strangled, stabbed, then dismembered his own 11 month daughter. A person doesn't get like that overnight, so he obviously would have exhibited some indications to professionals had he been properly evaluated by the courts in the past cases.


AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_ixmdiwb wrote

Wow did the courts hire clairvoyants or something?


JHolm915 t1_ixmjwl5 wrote

Psych evaluations can tell a lot to a professional and should be mandatory for parole with violent offenders.

I don't get why you are excusing someone like this and the failure of the justice system. A violent offender shouldn't have been out and having the care of an infant.