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Pancrat t1_iuk0h3c wrote

Some kids aren’t taught about the front light thing I bet. My neighborhood has a huge wave of kids bust out every home with their family before 6 o clock. So for some reason, people are trick or treating in the day light. But if someone says to me you got candy I will forever answer no. You got candy is a nope situation.


Lyrehctoo OP t1_iuk1juu wrote

Also, my first trick or treater tonight came up just as I was coming out to sit on the step. He saw my kids heading out. When he got to me he said "where's the candy?" But he was like 4. Not 16. I laughed . His mom said from behind him "what do you say?" And he said "please?" "thank you?". So I asked him "what are you out doing right now?" "Walking!" OMG he was so cute!


Pancrat t1_iuk6ewb wrote

So maybe they’re not even teaching trick or treat lol. Very different from where’s the candy… please


Lyrehctoo OP t1_iuk11jg wrote

After, I thought I should have said "yes" and shut the door. They're just taking a survey, right? JK. That definitely would have gotten my pumpkins smashed


beanie0911 t1_iuk7pyn wrote

Wow, I’ve never seen anyone respond to a trick or treater this way. Half the kids that come up where I live are too shy to even say anything, and just reach in for one little piece. Do they get candy at your house?