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FxTree-CR2 t1_iuc4yoh wrote

It’s wild to me because… I visited her office and the offices of a few members of the CT delegation on a couple of work trips.

While it was always functional, effective, sharp, and knowledgeable, It was also always the most disorganized of them all.

Now to be totally clear, that’s not specifically on Hayes herself — her office staff were mostly people starting out. Most House offices of members who aren’t long-standing Reps and/or members without nationally recognized names are staffed this way (universally statute instituted abhorrent pay) and are just as if not MORE disorganized.

(I prefer this tbh because I don’t think members should be incumbents for life, so ofc there’s turnover and less opportunity for people to use the name to get into lobbying firms.)

But for people to actually believe one Junior member can be the cause of any major issue is… laughable at best.

People are stupid.