Submitted by maavaa t3_112j345 in ColumbiaMD

What are the chances any homes in River Hill go up for sale in the next couple years? The market as it stands is ridiculous, and availability is so scarce too. Just wanted to pick your guys brains for thoughts or expertise



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AKnitWit777 t1_j8kfdtf wrote

Almost 100% that one or more will go on the market this spring.


SquigglySquiddly t1_j8kuaqt wrote

For sure. A lot of original owners who bought in the late 1990s are now empty nesters and approaching retirement so I wouldn't be surprised if they started selling soon. Many new families have moved in over the last 3 years.


ggkimmiegal t1_j8ktrtj wrote

Wait like 2 more months for the market to pick up. People want to sell their houses such that they move during the summer, so their kid can start the next school year at the new house/school. That's why houses go up for sale in the spring.


baltikorean t1_j8kkfyi wrote

I'm guessing the odds that one household took out an ARM during the low interest years will be over their heads in 1-4 years.


Plenty-Dinner-3422 t1_j8mjp1d wrote

And they’ll still sell for a high price or refi into a longer 30 with less financed. I don’t see what would cause RH to become inexpensive other than a severe recession heavily impacting the DMV job market which recessions hardly do.


TEdwards_Homes t1_j8l8fta wrote

Inventory will pick up in the spring and summer but may still be quite low. There should be more homes on the market coming up soon. This month, there’s hardly anything in the entire town or county. As a local realtor, it’s been tough!


Plenty-Dinner-3422 t1_j8lh5on wrote

Contact Northrop Group at Long and Foster. We just found an off market place in River Hill after looking for 18 months only because of them.

With that being said, prices are still high and sellers have good control of negotiation but low supply will do that. I am not sure what drops demand in RH as people want the schools and community it seems.


SnooHedgehogs6553 t1_j8nilk1 wrote

Hate to say it but that’s how we got our house 20 years ago in a hot market- bought it before it hit MLS at asking price.


justthezipcode t1_j8krsst wrote

People end up needing to move for all different reasons so surely there will be at least a few that go up for sale


earnt1t t1_j97wt4d wrote

There will for sure be some for sale, just a matter of how much it will cost.