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Sloth_Flyer t1_j3oeb5b wrote

If you want to dispute the police's story, that's cool -- but you can't claim he "didn't chase anyone" unless you have proof of that.


Harmony_w OP t1_j3og79b wrote

You can't claim he did without proof. The police already lied about aspects of this case, their credibility is ruined.


Mountain_Resolve1407 t1_j3ohy6m wrote

What aspects?


Harmony_w OP t1_j3oih1w wrote

The number of shots


mowhozart t1_j3oj07j wrote

What was reported and how many were actually fired?


biffNicholson t1_j3olowk wrote

yes, what are the other numbers of shoots you have heard?

you can listen to the entire police radio transmission here

about half way through is when the officer calls in shots fired., and just after that another officer radios dispatch saying he heard 5 shots, dispatch confirms it was the police doing the shooting


thatguy10095 t1_j3ogyus wrote

Out of genuine curiosity is there any evidence one way or the other? From what I've heard we have accounts that the guy was covered in his own blood from harming himself, showing at minimum he's likely not in his right mind at the time. As tragic as his death is, at face value it looks like suicide by cop.


guimontag t1_j3oz5b1 wrote

just because it's being "investigated" doesn't meany ou get to put down any lie about it you want


[deleted] t1_j3pw82z wrote



some1saveusnow t1_j3pwazg wrote

Lol the Cambridge police who haven’t been involved in a police shooting death in 20 years are looking to get embroiled by shooting someone without absolute just cause….? Someone who by all accounts was doing god knows the fuck what. GTFOH