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OnlyNearlyWise t1_jcq1gac wrote

I had to switch off aluminum-based deodorant. Took a few painful months to find something that worked for me but I got there. Toms didn't seem like it was doing much for me but it was also my first foray and I might not have spent enough time with it. I was concerned about still being sweaty & stinky so I went hard with Schmidt's magnesium-- which dried me out so bad I chapped and I started to smell again 4-6 hours later. Love beauty love planet (there wasn't a lot of options locally at the time so I gave it a whirl) left me sweaty and made me smell like rotting meat. It was awful. I finally tried Native (mostly because I was curious about the bacteria additive) which is actually working out.

I used to have awful yellow stains on shirts and that's gone now so I can buy better quality stuff and keep it nice. Also we have some white cotton bed sheets that are great quality (handed down in the family) but they've been abused and were starting to feel like leather more than cloth. Tried a laundry strip on those and it worked like a charm!