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Dead_Or_Alive t1_iqsef44 wrote

New driers break every 4 to 7 years. I doubt the energy savings offsets the energy and ecological cost to dispose of the broken drier and create a new one.

I’m sure manufacturers could build driers with modern tech that could last over ten years but the majority don’t.


ohhellperhaps t1_iqtu83m wrote

Don’t underestimate the lack of consumers willing to pay extra for the more sturdy build quality.


skarn86 t1_irdwl99 wrote

You doubt it, but have you actually checked? You'll be surprised. Probably not every 3 years, but total energy consumption in EU and USA has stopped growing years ago, and not because we stopped using driers or heating our homes (well, until now, this winter is going to be tough). And this happened in the EU while Eastern Europe was enjoying a post-soviet growth burst.

Estimates hold even after you account for moving productions to China.

Of course we should also demand better quality and reparability from manufacturers. Hopefully some countries are drafting Right-to-repair laws that should change the landscape quite a bit, but it will take a while.