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Murky_Interview3502 t1_ja17oqh wrote

turkey japan now papuA???? what the


SideburnSundays t1_ja1ax71 wrote

Happens all the time. Media is just going ham reporting on every single shake they can find to keep riding the click-train of the Turkey disaster.


That75252Expensive t1_ja1j1qe wrote

Just wait till you see how many clicks the major pnw quake gets.


By_Design_ t1_ja1jj56 wrote

click one for me. I'll likely be busy being swallowed in the soil liquefaction


PurpEL t1_ja28g3c wrote

No problems, just wear and inflatable suit. Remain bouyant.


Former_Football_2182 t1_ja1qwcl wrote

6.2 happens all the time?


UniversalMomentum t1_ja36nb6 wrote

Well could be that we do get more earthquakes based on solar activity and the sun has been acting a little bit weird lately while also approaching it's projected cycle peak.

It's still a loose correlation based link, but we haven't written it off yet and this cycle will be a good one to study.


TechieTravis t1_ja29ydl wrote

It's a normal amount of earthquakes. We are just more focused on them because of what happened in Turkey and Syria.


t-b0la t1_ja1aw7f wrote

Pretty sure I read about one in Indonesia yesterday.


WirelessBCupSupport t1_ja9f7uo wrote

Eh. You realize there are 44 or more active volcanoes so ... earthquakes are frequently felt... plate tectonics et al... just the big ones that do damage we are told about.


I_am_Relic t1_ja1oefq wrote

Dont forget wales in the UK. Seems that they got hit with a 3.7 or something.

Not an expert but it seems that recently the tectonic plates are having a bit of a grumble and doing some rearrangement.


Cheshire1234 t1_ja2m8ko wrote

Expert here. That's completely normal and not out of the ordinary. They just report it now. You can compare the numbers easily:

Also, the most commonly used scale (Richter) is logarithmic. There's a huge difference between magnitude 3 and magnitude 6.


I_am_Relic t1_ja2mng3 wrote

Cool. thank you! I had a vague notion that what you said was the case and its good to hear someone say it (or read it in this case).

Appreciate the link too. Going to educate myself more and have a look at it.


Ready4Chaos t1_ja1g48e wrote

“OmG qUAkeS aRe HapENiNg EveRYwHeRe!!!”

It’s normal. Shut up. Tell ur mum to stop walking around


TechieTravis t1_ja2a5q4 wrote

"It's the end of the world!" "It's HARP!" "We are over due for the big one!" /s. Doom and gloomers and drama queens always do this. The sky is always falling.


El_CapitanJames t1_ja194o8 wrote

Seems this happens ever so often. If I remember correctly


Arctic_Chilean t1_ja244cn wrote

6.0s are WAY more common than most people think. Anything over a 7.0 is usually newsworthy unless it's a very shallow 6.0 near a populated area, like the 2011 Christchurch Earthquake.


pachaconjet t1_ja1eg99 wrote

In Costa Rica, just in the last week alone, have been something like 2000+ earthquakes, of course most of them aren’t perceivable, but there has been several 5+


TechieTravis t1_ja2aikd wrote

Yes. This is all normal. We are hyper-focused because of the tragedy in Turkey and Syria.


jeffyoulose t1_ja19tmm wrote

Just seismic waves bouncing around and loosening some faults. Nothing to see here -- especially if it concerns Papua New Guinea.


blackbomb22 t1_ja1vj1f wrote

Is this related to the one that hit Japan, or are they unrelated?


Dt2_0 t1_ja2fs9r wrote

Unrelated. Earthquakes happen all the time. You don't hear about them because usually the big ones don't hit in extremely vulnerable areas like Turkey. One does, and for a month or so, the media freaks out about earthquakes for a while.

Papua New Guinea is located in the Ring Of Fire, and has several large volcanoes. Like Japan (also in the Ring of Fire), quakes like this are not uncommon.


PuspakViman t1_ja1g0c2 wrote

Earth seems to be having a bad stomach.


VideoGenie t1_ja1gf4d wrote

Underground nuclear tests by Russia.


TechieTravis t1_ja2a925 wrote

That would not cause an earthquake that far away from Russia.


CTG0161 t1_ja1l1fq wrote

It's the end of times. Yep, end of times coming soon.


TechieTravis t1_ja2alvj wrote

Maybe, but we are experiencing a normal amount of earthquakes.


lolzexd t1_ja75asw wrote

But the media's reporting them more often which means more must be happening, right?!!!!!!


FirelordRob76 t1_ja1l1u1 wrote

this is because of the big solar flare we just saw.
