Submitted by TicoDreams t3_zv4tyx in washingtondc

Hey All, I am visiting and do not like huge crowds. I am considering going to African American History and Culture, American Indian, Sackler/Freer, Natural History, American History, and Air and Space (DC not Udvar in Chantilly). I know African American History, Natural History, and Air and Space are very crowded, but they have timed tickets. Does that work to keep the crowds down? Thanks for the help.



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solidrecommendations t1_j1n3h1r wrote

The timed tickets just keep the crowd inside at a certain size, but it will be full in my experience.

The others won’t be peak crowded, but will be more crowded than they would be on a Wednesday in February, for example.


4RunnerPilot t1_j1neyq8 wrote

If you are visiting you’ll have to deal with it. What else are you going to do, not go?


allianora t1_j1naeem wrote

They will be crowded but not summer tourist season crowded. You might want to avoid or quickly go through choke points like the area around the Hope Diamond at Natural History. The Objects of Wonder exhibit is usually not crowded even though it is a wonderful mix of items because so many people are in the Gem & Mineral Hall. Same with the others - the museums are big enough you can find areas where you will be more comfortable. American Indian has a gorgeous exhibit of Preston Singletary glass that you shouldn't miss.


random_generation t1_j1nvi0t wrote

This is one of the slowest times of the year for the museums. You should be fine.


Wurm42 t1_j1pq8q3 wrote

What? Mid-January is slow at the museums, but they're crowded during the Christmas-New Years period.


medievalrockstar t1_j1o5pmt wrote

American Indian is usually very quiet—and absolutely worth seeing! The Freer Sackler is also usually less busy.

If you plan to go to NMAH, NMAAHC, Natural History, etc—check the websites. Make a list of what you really want to see in each and just focus on those exhibits/objects. You’ll still be dealing with crowds but at least you won’t miss the bits you care about!


meditation_account t1_j1n5fxt wrote

I had tickets to the African American museum and inside it was packed with people. The place is huge too so they definitely let a lot of people in.


medievalrockstar t1_j1o54n7 wrote

They purposely create a choke point at the beginning of the permanent exhibit to recreate the crowded feeling of a slave ship.

If you can get past that, you can usually find some breathing room.


DCGinkgo t1_j1ou1zi wrote

The week between Christmas and New Year's is busy-families in the region and near region are home with the kids, so the Mall is the place to go. American Indian and Freer/Asian Art are usually not crowded most of the time. everything else count on crowds.


HMWmsn t1_j1n5mpi wrote

If you don't already have an entry pass for the Air and Space Museum, check their website in the morning of your intended visit. They release "day of" passes starting at 8:30.


freelancerjourn t1_j1nqzis wrote

My guess is that with kids out of school for break, many parents will be taking their kids.


bolt_in_blue t1_j1ojhw3 wrote

One of my traditions growing up that I infrequently keep today is going to a museum on New Year's Day. Most of them have regular hours and especially if you make it in the morning, most are empty.


museumed t1_j1oibof wrote

Two biggest days of the year for museums are the day after thanksgiving and day after Christmas. When I worked in museums people who had guests in town took the opportunity after the holiday to show their guests around. No avoiding crowds. Best you can do is go first thing at opening. That way you’ll be there as the crowd builds as opposed to arriving to a crowd that is getting worse and worse. Alternative to Smithsonians is to go to the smaller historic houses and galleries. Many are open and just less popular so less crowded.


elayyou t1_j25cgx4 wrote

Just went to the Baltimore Aquarium and it was a mad-house. Incredibly large amount of people. Was hoping to do some DC museums tomorrow but reconsidering bc of today’s experience.