Submitted by DaddyDersch t3_123zjdc in wallstreetbets

I was not able to do any trading today unfortunately but caught the end of the market today to see us close. Looks like we end up with a low volume and tight $3.36 range day today.



Taking a look here at the supply and demand on the daily we actually put in a new supply (resistance) at 395.82. One thing to note much like the 3945 demand on futures from last week that this is a weaker supply than the other supplies like 399.07.

So this is where much like a few weeks ago when we had supplies and demands “out of order” or that “didn’t make sense” we are seeing an imbalance here right now and basically seeing price action that doesn’t make a ton of sense just yet.

With this supply (which technically since below price action is actually a support now) being established today we are now in the process of making a new demand (support) The question will be do we come back down to 393.07 demand (support) before we make a new demand…. Or more probable will we attempt to turn this 395.82 supply into a demand. The most probable scenario I see is attempting to turn this into demand which would be extremely bullish.

However, as you can see today we nearly to the penny rejected that 399.07 level. That 399.07 area remains a very strong supply (resistance) that bulls need to breach still.



The biggest things to note today from price action stand point is the fact that we turned the daily 20ema into support now. However, we also once again failed to breach the daily 200ema. The daily 200ema as you know is a major level and that many times takes numerous days of interaction to break through whether over or under.

Bulls will look to continue to hold the daily 20ema as support and much like futures daily will look to get a daily 8/20ema bullish crossover. The last step for the bulls before a bigger run will happen is a closure over the daily 200ema at 399. If and when that happens my target will remain 405.2. However, if the bears can fight back and get us to close under the daily 20ema and most importantly under that key 395.8 supply (now support) then I would start to target 393 and possibly 390.1 support once again.

SPY Daily Levels:
Supply- 395.8 -> 399.1 -> 405.2
Demand- 393.1 -> 385.9
Support- 396.4 -> 393.1 -> 391.9
Resistance- 398.2 -> 399 -> 401.6



Now this is why I enjoy trading SPY but analyzing both futures and spy… when we look at the supply/ demand here we actually do not see a new supply being established yet on futures daily. However, there is a pretty interesting different here in the fact that SPY daily is approaching a new demand (support) being established but futures is closer to establishing a new supply (resistance).

This is where things will be more interesting to watch play out this week. We did not quite reach the 4040/4055 supply (resistance) area on futures today. That was and remains my first upside target before a possible bigger run to 4095 this week. However, if we see a red day tomorrow we actually very well could establish 4013 as a new supply (resistance) which would open up a sell off down to 3972/ 3945 demand (supports). This is where we as I said have a discrepancy between spy and futures here. Eventually these will correlate and correct but for now we find ourselves directionless.



Now looking at daily futures price action here I actually have to favor a slight bearish bias compared to spy… what I am seeing here is that we closed out a gravestone doji with a rejection off the daily 200ema and we failed to get to 4040/4055 supply/ resistance. Now the one thing to keep in mind for the last 3 days now you can see we have had some pretty large wicks and all three days have closed out as dojis.

SPY favors upside continuation tomorrow while futures daily I would say favors an upside top and breakdown to 3970 or potentially 3945 support. However, if we followed SPY daily upside then my target remains 4040/4055 and ultimately 4095.

Futures Daily Levels:
Supply- 4040 -> 4055
Demand- 4095 -> 3972 -> 3945
Support- 4000 -> 3988 -> 3972 -> 3945
Resistance- 4014 -> 4040 -> 4055 -> 4085



The VIX continues to also point to further upside and I actually am surprised to see such a small green day of only 0.19% on SPY with such a large 5.15% drop on the VIX.

The VIX daily is now experiencing a bearish (bullish for markets) 8/20ema crossover and is attempting to break the support which sits at 20.5 for tomorrow. IF we break that support then my downside target is 19.68 and eventually 17.72 to 18.21 support area.

I do not always follow the fear and greed index but it definitely should be noted we are in a “fear” market and were in an “extreme fear” market just last week. The risk is definitely to the upside versus the downside currently.


I was gone the majority of the day today and did not get to make any trades today. I do still have some 18dte 396 calls I am holding. I was not around at open which I could have sold them for about 15% looking back it appears. My upside target remains 405 for these and I wouldn’t mind an average down if we touched and bounced off 390.1 sometime early this week.

Looking forward to get back to trading tomorrow and operations as normal tomorrow!



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RGJabber t1_jdxjt6z wrote

Crazy that we were in extreme fear a three weeks ago and we only dipped into the 380s on spy for a week.

I know you said the banks could be the black swan event but it seems like the backstop has prevented that so far. Unless they let a bank fail without insuring deposits past 250k, I'm not sure what will truly take this market lower.

I'm a bear at heart buy i'm hopping on the bull train short term.


DaddyDersch OP t1_jdxk2e7 wrote

Its crazy i really did think the banks thing would be the black swan. But damn this markets resilient as ever.

But i still believe a rally to 415-420 is an opportunity for puts


murphy1455 t1_jdxu8qe wrote

It’s not resiliency it’s called The Fed, they won’t let it crash.


DaddyDersch OP t1_jdxuc3r wrote

The "reslient" fed lol. But agreed this is still much like october being propped up


SweetVsSavory t1_jdyhoqx wrote

Thank you for sharing your DD. I appreciate you. I messed up today and sat on some 396 calls in at 398 thinking today was the day we’d see this pop. 2 times we saw my chance to get with small loses and sat tight thinking we’d close high. Reversed play late with 397 14dte puts


janeohmy t1_jdz763e wrote

It's because previous crashes were due to actual impoverishment. Today's crash is due to overabundance, ergo a crash due to correction, ergo a correction. This is not resiliency. This is just progress in society. We're just overall richer nowadays, despite people cosplaying as the poor


Timely-Government-84 t1_jdxn649 wrote

Commercial real estate will take the markets lower - the news wheel is just catching on but I’ve been living mostly in the office sector for three years. All product types (mf, industrial, retail, etc) will suffer with the recession, but office is particularly fucked rn.

Probably correct to be short-term bull, but cracks are forming big time.

The long-term nature of office cre and their leases ensures these issues creep up slowly, but also that they don’t and can’t really go away without a serious intervention.

The media is focusing on smaller banks share of loans backed by cre, which is an issue sure, but in the end that’s not really what matters. What matters is office was overbuilt already, now you have an absurd essentially overnight disappearance of demand that hasn’t healed in three years, and as a result ANY owner with a heavy exposure to office outside the highest quality assets will have trouble covering their debt payments and even if payment isn’t an issue they’re still considering handing the keys back (because why continue to hold an asset with negative leverage).

Google search on your own and you’ll very quickly find multiple recent examples of institutional players wiping their hands clean of office product. You’re not even hearing about the smaller players doing the same, but they are there.

Unless somehow demand suddenly skyrockets and lenders can buy an owners story of a turnaround and growing rents based on that (allowing for some creativity around extensions), keys will continue to be handed back and write downs will accelerate.


SweetVsSavory t1_jdyh5qt wrote

When the feds are talking about something negative happening, they are working hard, and ultimately will not allow it to happen on the mainstream media. They NEED to save face. It’s when no one is paying attention that it happens.


daddyslimane t1_jdxv1cf wrote

Ok but are my $395p gonna print tomorrow?


DaddyDersch OP t1_jdxw1n4 wrote

Truly tomorrow could go either way.


Sbmagnolia t1_jdxyfb3 wrote

Thanks for posting regularly and this is the most anticipated daily post for me.


Potential_Project_48 t1_jdy5ter wrote

Yeah, the vol crush with SPY not rallying was very suspect.

Gold was dumping hard as well, bonds were sold-off. Risk on type behaviour but this time SPY didn't care for it. Looks like another rotation, this time into IWM.


Useful-Anxiety-9839 t1_jdygg1v wrote

Even taking the day off, you still are here for us..thx for the info!!!


Prestigious_Ear_3737 t1_jdylqdw wrote

So glad to see you back!!! There has been 600B plowed into about 7 tech stocks since the SVB event. They ran to those and treasuries. While the DIA and SPY have been down lately the QQQ's were up abnormally. Today the QQQ's started to show cracks. 1Q earnings are going to be down. I think we are close to capitulation. Last year peeps said TINA. That has changed. Let's see 5% t-bills or NVDA at 150 P/E and AMD 100 P/E going into earnings??? MaggieP


crage88 t1_jdy9whr wrote

What makes 395.82 a supply line if the price stayed above it?


DaddyDersch OP t1_jdyahtl wrote

So thats where i said things are imbalanced. We shouldnt make a new supply and then push higher like that.

This tells me eventually price will correct and come back down


NaturalArt452 t1_jdyi745 wrote

You're a badass as always, thanks for all you do and effort you put into this. Always look forward to reading.


RockmanMike t1_jdz149g wrote

Used some of last week's profits to rollout to a higher strike price to hopefully get some time value back from hodling a 6+ month SPY put that expires Friday. All I need is another day of bad news to hopefully break-even with any gains from the new strike.

Thank you and keep up these awesome DDs


VisualMod t1_jdx23l1 wrote

I am a bot. You submitted a picture of a banned ticker, SAR. The market cap of SAR is 288,820,300 This check will fire if you included unnecessary pictures that have bad keywords/phrases. Repost with the useless pictures omitted if you did that.


B3stAuD1t0rofA11tiME t1_jdxmjxz wrote

You like to pump and dump. This is fraud. Just gotta protect this sub on this bs you post.


DaddyDersch OP t1_jdxmpzt wrote

How exactly do you expect me to pump and dump... one of the if not the highest traded security of the market?

That literally makes no sense at all.


B3stAuD1t0rofA11tiME t1_jdxo5at wrote

This is a 4th grade level analysis. I just sent this to the trading floor for jokes. Thanks they loved it and asked if you could do another


DaddyDersch OP t1_jdxogcv wrote

Appreciate you giving me the free advertisement with the big boys. Ill happily post another tomorrow night. No problem!


stor_e_teller t1_jdxpe4h wrote

Looks like you also sent your two brain cells to the trading floor.


kotsumu t1_jdy17wv wrote

Yo, serious question. What are you high on?


Vuffy_ t1_jdy1lw1 wrote

LMAO, even if this sub collectively buys SPY, we're not moving the needle