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Most_Expert_8080 t1_iza8ur2 wrote

Holy shit you mean the road was wet when it was raining? You had to slow down your Audi all the way down to the speed limit? Are you ok? Need a kiss?


cmh413 t1_izaeptz wrote

I was relegated to going 35-40 in a 55 and still having issues with the water. Just curious if it’s standard not to grade state highways here.


Tiyugro t1_iza85iq wrote

Yes, slow down. People in Vermont drive slow for a reason.


cmh413 t1_izaeia6 wrote

I was actually going 40 in a 55 while having these issues. Just felt unlike anything I’ve experienced in my 100k or so miles of driving since I got my license.


[deleted] OP t1_izabljl wrote

had the same problems yesterday, the rain made the roads wet and it was different than driving on dry roads, so I couldn't speed around in m'fuckin' LEXUS GX570 LIMITED EDITION


RareAlphaSigmaMale t1_izaftx0 wrote

Yeah man I was driving my 2022 Lamborghini Huracán V10 with all-wheel drive and had to slow down when it rained and I got so mad I went home and punched a hole int he drywall and told my mom to shut up. it must be the roads fault because in Hollywood, where I normally drive, the roads arent like this.


cmh413 t1_izaga5x wrote

Got a good chuckle. I didn’t mean to sound pretentious, i really just haven’t experienced anything like this. I plow for DOT, given that’s with a 2500 on meaty tires, I still feel like these roads have some major issues that are beyond the responsibility/awareness of the driver.


LifeIzBeautiful t1_iza87e0 wrote

No to both. The weather is actually warmer than usual and you can really jack up your car if you hit a snow-hidden pothole.


Crushproofx t1_izag9yc wrote

Dudes from Massachusetts be like


cmh413 t1_izagiaa wrote

Can confirm we are all this annoying


btwnmtns t1_iza8da5 wrote

Did you get out and measure the puddles?


[deleted] OP t1_izag01m wrote



btwnmtns t1_izaodqc wrote

TIL how it’s easy to measure the depth of a puddle while driving 40mph through it


phoebe7439 t1_izabpvz wrote

Five time better than roads in Massachusetts, that's for sure


bcodding t1_izacgm3 wrote

Yes, slowing down 5200 pounds of wet weight is the standard for VT roads.


CalicoFlannel t1_izacyj6 wrote

Puddles are easy to hydroplane on when you are going at high speeds. This is especially true if you have snow tires, which do very poorly in wet conditions. Please slow down and drive safely.


JerryKook t1_izaeae1 wrote

> This is especially true if you have snow tires, which do very poorly in wet conditions.

never heard this before. Do you have a source?


cmh413 t1_izaf4g5 wrote

I actually do know the answer here, I forgot I had my snows on; Snow tires drag more in warmer conditions, as the tires are meant to stay softer in colder temps, so they get extra soft compared to summer tires when it warms up.


“Since winter tires are made of softer rubber compounds, they are noticeably "squishy" during warm weather. This effect is really pronounced when temperatures rise above 50°F - it feels similar to the steering linkage being a little loose, especially at highway speeds. You can feel the car "wobble" during harder turns and cornering. The softer material means that winter tires will wear very fast in warm weather - you definitely don't want to leave them on very long once spring arrives.”


cmh413 t1_izaev2u wrote

I do have my snow-hybrids on, I just came down from Montreal before heading here! Astute observation.


-_Stove_- t1_izafl1x wrote

In your 100k of driving, is this the first time that bad weather has forced you to slow down?


cmh413 t1_izafsiu wrote

I’ve never had to yield to half the speed limit because of rain when it’s 45 degrees, no.


ChallengerShaker2014 t1_izagwex wrote

For some reason we don't pave our Interstates correctly. in other states they know there is a lot of heavy truck traffic so they account for that. Here somehow we just end up with ruts. It is like poor man's auto pilot sometimes as you can just sit in the rut and it will steer the car for miles.


71802VT t1_iza7xgg wrote

You're not stupid. The roads in VT suck!
