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Distinguished_Parrot t1_iudmqx4 wrote

Yeah...toddlers can't give money to political organizations on their own free will. The FEC is probably already working on case against him for this blatant violation.


texmarie t1_iugea17 wrote

Only if someone files a complaint! Sad thing I learned about our local government this year is that they don’t prosecute campaign finance violations unless someone else does the work for them.


anon1141514 t1_iuhes6t wrote

If you head to his Facebook page, he supposedly already told on himself to the FEC 🤦‍♂️


DaddyBobMN t1_iudyq2t wrote

But he honestly thinks that his legal right to gift money family members overrides campaign finance rules.


FizzBitch OP t1_iue5x36 wrote

Honestly who hasn't given their 3 year old $2500 to do whatever they want with?


DaddyBobMN t1_iue8m32 wrote

Right? And then had the 3yo decide of their own free will to use the money to make a campaign donation back to the father?

Happens all the time...


beazzy223 t1_iuf94yk wrote

Actually when my son was born i made a new investment account and gave him $2500. Its in trust so i have to approve anything but its technically his.


FizzBitch OP t1_iufbfv7 wrote

>to do whatever they want with?

As I said before - which is the only way this could be legal.


beazzy223 t1_iufz7tz wrote

As his gaurdian i can make these decisions on his behalf. So yeah i could donate to a campaign. Now in the campaign finance world yeah donating to my own campaign would probably be illegal (ianal). But for us regular folk. Probably legal.


Traditional_Lab_5468 t1_iue0nqf wrote

Let's play "Guess the party".


nlpnt t1_iueomv6 wrote

He's only been a Republican for a month or so and he's already playing the shell game like Donnie himself.


vtsunshine83 t1_iuejhm4 wrote

Doesn’t matter which party it is. It’s wrong and shouldn’t be allowed but nothing will change unless people complain enough.


Traditional_Lab_5468 t1_iuf487q wrote

I'm not saying it only matters if one party does this shit. I agree with you, it doesn't matter who does it, it's wrong.

But that doesn't change the fact that I would have put $100 on this dude being a Republican before I even clicked that link, and I would have won that bet. Politicians suck, but Republican politicians are a special breed of dogshit.


you_give_me_coupon t1_iui8jwf wrote

> Let's play "Guess the party".

It's actually worth playing this time! You have this guy - I'll let others give it a go - and then the other candidate, who took the overwhelming majority of their funding from one single crypto ghoul. Awesome electoral system we have! I love these meaningful choices, and am really sure my views will be well-represented!


Traditional_Lab_5468 t1_iuif2vb wrote

Is accepting donations from a "crypto ghoul" illegal?


you_give_me_coupon t1_iuiljuj wrote

Who cares? Citizen's United makes massive amounts of corporate dark money "legal". What's legal is such a minutely low bar. Being beholden to a rapacious, amoral financial cartel should be disqualifying, regardless of party.


usually_bad_ideas t1_iues36j wrote

Is there a monetary requirement to be allowed to enter a debate?


thisoneisnotasbad t1_iufaix2 wrote

Yes there is, pretty fucked up huh. Money directly gives access to speech.


Personal_Change4294 t1_iufatgp wrote

Yea I kinda disagree with this approach. Gotta take money out of the equation.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_iufbto8 wrote

There does need to be some barrier to entry so the debate is not 100 crazy people but there has to be a better way.


Bradcopter t1_iufdzcf wrote

Make them collect signatures to prove there's interest.


Personal_Change4294 t1_iufj5md wrote

That's great, except hard to verify for small scale orgs

He had to hit 25k, seems like that should be pretty easy if you're a serious candidate.


Formal-Day9640 t1_iuewu31 wrote

Sometimes in the primary, to reduce the number of participants.


landodk t1_iufadgs wrote

I think a certain amount of donations


JanglesMontgomery t1_iugsz3b wrote

I generally agree with you that money should neber dictate access to opportunity, but in terms of getting on a debate stage for a political campaign I agree with it being in place. They dont have to pay to get in, its about how much your campaign has raised and its usually a relatively low threshold. If they didnt then there could be 50 people on the stage cuz they filed a piece of paperwork


Carp_ t1_iuftuod wrote

His willingness to skirt/break state laws on campaign finance tells what kind of Congressman he aspires to be.


ethandavid42 t1_iuhicf6 wrote

Absolutely on par with the rest of them?


Carp_ t1_iuhkbnj wrote

Distinctly subpar. Name another Vermont politician in the last 20 years that has done this.


ethandavid42 t1_iuhkegr wrote

If you limit it to Vermont, perhaps not. There are a few other states out there.


Carp_ t1_iuiwndu wrote

And if you open it to the universe, forever, without naming a single name, what does them mean?

Madden is running in Vermont now. That sets the standard, which he failed. I vote in Vermont, not other states.


MargaerySchrute t1_iuf43c4 wrote

Late to the party on this dude but a post like his at this stage in the game is a badddd look.


MrsMags18 t1_iuffm11 wrote

Liam ISNT a real Republican…


Intelligent-Hunt7557 t1_iuhtz2m wrote

So he’s a true Scotsman or nah? So long as Malloy is a Republican candidate on the Vermont ballot so’s this guy…


breakfastmeat23 t1_iui2o67 wrote

Typical conservative "alpha male" complaining about...somehow being completely at the mercy of liberal women. How can you wave around your AR saying, "I don't take shit from nobody!" while also crying because "I cheated and still lost to a girl"? You can't have it both ways. "I am an alpha victim bro" doesn't make any fucking sense.
