Submitted by Buggyboy05 t3_10or3yr in tifu

AITA for getting revenge on my drivers Ed partner

I’m currently taking drivers Ed at school, and how it works is you’re paired up with a partner, and one partner drives and the other is in the back “observing”, and then we switch. Anyways, my partner, let’s call him EP (evil partner), sat behind me in the actual class, and would always pick on me, like kicking the back of my chair and whispering hateful comments into my ear, petty and annoying stuff like that. Anyways, when I found out we were going to be partners when we were taking the driving test, I was pissed, but EP was quite the opposite. We had one day of driving practice before the test, and he spread a rumor that I wet my pants a little because I was so nervous (this is obviously not true). This was extremely embarrassing, and I wanted to come up with a way to get back at him via a harmless “prank”, or whatever you want to call it. Then I had a great idea. On the day of the driving test, I went first, and I did pretty well,the instructor said I made a few mistakes, told me what I could work on, and then told me that I passed. Then, I switch seats with EP, and he takes the wheel. This is where my plan goes into action. Now, EP isn’t the most popular kid, so he doesn’t get to many notifications on his phone. He had it in his pocket, and I had assumed that it was on vibrate mode. So, I pulled my phone from my own pocket and started sending him a bunch of texts. However, instead of vibrating, they made a loud DING sound. I didn’t intend for this to happen, but it was even better this way. EP was clearly getting annoyed and distracted, and made numerous mistakes (nothing dangerous though; I would never try to put anyone in danger). Anyways, the instructor got so fed up that he told him to pull over and gave him a lecture about distracted driving and not having your phone on you while you’re driving. The instructor took the wheel and drove us back to school, and I was handed my permit, and per my knowledge, EP did not receive his. He was pissed at me, but hopefully he learned his lesson. I do feel kind of bad though, and want to know if you guys think I’m the asshole, or if EP deserved this.

TLDR; my drivers Ed partner constantly terrorizes me so I cause him to mess up on his driving test. I get my permit and he does not



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vuphoria t1_j6ghcyh wrote

wrong subreddit. r/amItheasshole


LongDistRider t1_j6gikif wrote

Yes, you win the asshole award. Congratulations.


Paragon_Night t1_j6gku1n wrote

You are the addhole but they might base deserved it. Don't they get 3 tries though? Also wtf, why is that a fail. He should've said pull over and dnd. I wouldnt fail someone for having s phone on them . . . . Wtf u not supposed to carry a mobile in a car. What happens when u get stranded. Do fucking asinine.


Lord_Jefe t1_j6glbx5 wrote

You’re not just an asshole but an asshole who could easily be retaliated against. He may not have many friends (most bullies don’t) but the ones he has could easily catch you alone and throw a beat down upon you.

And yes, this doesn’t belong in TIFU


smudgetimeusa t1_j6gn63c wrote

Wow you’re a dick


NeedsMaintenance_ t1_j6ivzgq wrote

Not as much as the other guy.

Relentless and unprovoked bullying deserves a nuclear response 100% of the time.

Fuck bullies.