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mikexmachina t1_ixutdk1 wrote

Well deserved; a gem of a show that let her (and James Marsden and Linda Cardellini) shine - through *every* emotion. Also glad she finally got to re-team with Katey Sagal, if only for part of an episode.


tinacat933 t1_ixuvmam wrote

Honestly this show is a great example of how good things can be if you don’t force them to draw out for 28494 seasons


ThrottlePeen t1_ixuxbeu wrote

Not sure this is the greatest example of that - seeing as the finale was ripped to shreds and hated by most fans.


tinacat933 t1_ixv0o7e wrote

🤷‍♀️ I liked it…I mean the late introduction of the character (leaving out for spoilers) was a little weird but I liked the humor behind it


Head-like-a-carp t1_ixw2dbz wrote

I think people may wanted a different ending not that it was poorly conceived or acted.


RazorOfSimplicity t1_ixx4hly wrote

I thought the show went downhill after Season 1 and especially this season. The >!cancer and surprise pregnancy!< plots seemed like the writer had no idea what to do with the story anymore.

This show was supposed to be about a woman who committed a hit-and-run and tried to infiltrate the dead man's family to make amends, but this season was just a cliched drama with none of the original zest.


embiggenedmind t1_ixx621k wrote

Hard disagree.

The show was about two broken people coming together and healing together.


RazorOfSimplicity t1_ixx6wqf wrote

Nobody would watch a show under that cliched premise. This was foremost a black comedy in S1.


broanoah t1_ixxo6sh wrote

Yeah I got 15 minutes into s2 and It immediately didn’t feel the same as s1 in any way that I appreciated


peanutdakidnappa t1_ixwnwan wrote

Lol more like a vocal minority online, most fans definitely did not hate the finale


9leggedfreak t1_ixvbt03 wrote

Why are people hating the finale?


Black-xxx t1_ixwjw1m wrote

I kinda doubt “most” people did. I’d say it would just be “fans” on a reddit somewhere tbh


SpaceCases__ t1_ixvqubc wrote

With the plot points introduced in the last season, it felt like Liz Feldman introduced too much at once.

Escaping the FBI felt like an dues ex machina and it was left on an ambiguous note.

I love the show, but I’m definitely skipping the last 3-5 minutes of the last episode because it just falls flat.


amackee t1_ixxejc5 wrote

The creator said she anticipated this story run 3-4 seasons and I do think if Applegate’s health was better, they’d of preferred 4 to wrap it up.

But I do agree having the loose end of >!Ben never finding out that Jen killed Steve!< felt a little too unfinished for me. Those other angles of love, forgiveness and loss were addressed but that character really only got half of an ending.


SpaceCases__ t1_ixxeuoq wrote

The show was only ever gonna be 3 Seasons, so it was always planned to be rushed. Imo, cancer plotline should’ve happened immediately, with a steady progression into that character getting into the boat at the end. Instead we got a hamfisted cancer storyline that just felt like an excuse to kill a main character off.


inquirer t1_iy12x5o wrote

It literally ends with that solution tho


amackee t1_iy13554 wrote

Right, it’s implied that began - but it was never finished.


bengringo2 t1_ixvbul3 wrote

Damn, didn’t think it would be badly received. Why do fans hate it?


texrygo t1_ixvm226 wrote

My wife loves the show. She felt it was a bit rushed. She didn’t know about Christina Applegate’s recent MS diagnosis so she felt bad after complaining. She also now noticed her mobility issues in the show.


peanutdakidnappa t1_ixwo0ob wrote

It wasn’t badly received, it was well received with a pretty loud vocal minority online who didn’t like it. It definitely was not hated by most fans


diiejso t1_ixvy8p9 wrote

Isn't the normal Netflix complaint that they cancel after 1-3 seasons instead of allowing a show to finish their story arc? This is the first I'm hearing that Netflix drags shows on too long and seeing it upvoted.


tinacat933 t1_ixw7iep wrote

My comment wasn’t specifically about Netflix content


OutrageForSale t1_ixwdoy7 wrote

I was having a hard time through S3.1-8. Ep9 & 10 were really good, but I thought this entire season was drawn out.


Segamaike t1_ixx103a wrote

I haven’t seen this third season yet but in the first two Applegate’s presentation of grief was already truly a standout for me, and I don’t easily connect with acting performances. The way she made you feel how heavy and, I dunno, saturated with it her character was, was so compelling. It was so believable, and it felt like I was actually witnessing a woman named Jen being devastated on camera, not the actress „performing grief” if that makes sense. And I think it’s because she found something very meaningful for herself in this role, so I’m really happy for her she got to see it through.


Myis t1_ixxo0lk wrote

Oh wow I just made that connection lol.


[deleted] t1_ixvkbae wrote



clycoman t1_ixvoxfe wrote

Did Ed O'Neill have an illness that caused him to lose composure?


Gato1980 t1_ixvcayt wrote

I've mentioned this before, but it's a story I like to tell every time I come across a post about Christina Applegate. In about 2005, I was working at a luxury hotel in Manhattan that had just opened, and we had celebrities coming in non-stop every day. I met everyone from Oprah to Martha Stewart to Will Smith. One night I was working late, and Christina Applegate came in to our lounge to have a drink with her mother. I had just seen her in a musical she was doing on Broadway called Sweet Charity, and I told her how much I enjoyed her performance and loved the show, as I was a big musical theater nerd and was in the show in high school. She spent a good ten minutes talking to me about the show and her work getting it going and rehearsals out of town and so much more. She couldn't have been nicer. Of all the celebrities I interacted with that year, she was definitely the most kind and genuine one that I met, and that conversation is one that I'll always remember. Also, later on, I came to realize that she had broken her foot during preview performances of Sweet Charity, and they were going to shut the whole production down until she convinced the producers and put in her own money to keep the production alive. She kept all of the cast and crew employed, and the show ended up running for 279 performances.


Bears_On_Stilts t1_ixwc2zb wrote

She had some mild reputation as a diva during that run because she would just drop certain numbers from the show some nights for an easier run. People didn’t realize how she was struggling behind the scenes; it wasn’t like she was being lazy, it was that if she didn’t do it nobody would do it. The show was running just based on her continued presence while they tried to line up a healthier celebrity to fill in and keep it running. But negotiations with Britney Spears fell apart, leading to a premature closing.


Thedukeofhyjinks t1_ixv07fc wrote

Let's give a quick shout-out to Christina Applegate


jhagerman7 t1_ixvuxb6 wrote

Seriously. I couldn’t survive a fraction of what this woman has. (“Period.”) but then to also deliver great quality entertainment content. She deserves reverence.


Jeremy252 t1_ixwovpw wrote

Cheers I’ll drink to that, bro


blank_wav t1_ixxbxna wrote

Full disclosure, I shot the Pope in the 80s. He bit my nugs!


redmandolin t1_ixy9hth wrote

I’ll never not think this when I see her name lol


Plzspeaksoftly t1_ixuws6s wrote

She did the 3rd season while she delt with MS. She commented on how ppl how to hold her up and move her legs in some scenes.


Bikinigirlout t1_ixv005v wrote

I did notice the show had her lying down on the bed and or sitting down a lot so I’m glad the show worked to help her.


basicbitchherbaltea t1_ixx3j9b wrote

As someone with early stage MS, this is fucking terrifying to think about. I feel like a ticking time bomb.


lilsassyrn t1_ixx8s2r wrote

I’ve been a nurse for awhile and I have seen many people with MS well into their 70’s using a walker still at times. I am definitely not down playing your diagnosis but there are so many new meds and improvements for treatments… I do not pray but my thoughts are with you. Remember how amazing the human body is (especially paired with science)


Bikinigirlout t1_ixuzt8p wrote

She deserves the best.

She’s been in the business since she was 16 with Married w/ Children and I’ve been a fan since I watched the show growing up. It’s so nice to see her finally get her flowers

It’s also a little bittersweet knowing this is her final acting project due to her MS so I’m glad she can retire on a high note.


Sunflower2025 t1_ixvm1x4 wrote

Did she announce she was going to retire?


LurkAddict t1_ixvnkf6 wrote

I think I saw she's retiring from live action but plans to do voice work.


TheOtherUprising t1_ixvmqoj wrote

I can't even imagine how hard it was to finish that season while learning to live with having MS. That had to be incredibly taxing both emotionally and physically. And she was phenomenal as always. Her chemistry with Linda was off the charts and it was no surprise to learn they became good friends in real life.

This show had tons of plot, arguably too much but the best parts were just Jen and Judy talking to each other.


speedycat2014 t1_ixwb44q wrote

>This show had tons of plot, arguably too much but the best parts were just Jen and Judy talking to each other.

For me the best parts are the two of them talking with a third person. Half the time they've got this whole hilarious other subtext going on between them while they're both interacting with the other person.

An example from the episode I watched last night, when they agree to throw that memorial service for steve. The scenes leading up to that, with the two of them interacting with Steve's brother, is some of the best subtle humor I've seen in awhile. We had to rewind to watch twice.


AriMeowber t1_ixvzook wrote

Her Shakespearian-like use of the word “fuck” in the series is inspiring.


notnickthrowaway t1_ixynaze wrote

She’s the best fucking fuck-sayer of all fucking time.


WestNileCoronaVirus t1_ixypg77 wrote

We could get into a spirited Quality vs Quantity debate here, but I’d argue my man Samuel L is definitely in the running when you consider both quality and quantity of fuck-saying lol


Orangebronco t1_ixvwu4k wrote

I loved the show, just binge-watched all three seasons. Christina Applegate is great in it, and knowing about her health issues during filming was heartbreaking.


MarvelsGrantMan136 OP t1_ixurb7c wrote

Honorable Mentions:

  • Christian Serratos - The Walking Dead
  • Anna Diop - Titans
  • Aj Buckley & Alona Tal - SEAL Team

Islandgirl1444 t1_ixv426q wrote

I love this show! It's dark and it's light. Reminds me of the Aussie show with the two women being thrown in the boot of a car and three seasons later the fun ended.


Emmafabb t1_ixvdf82 wrote

Oh my gosh I loved that show. What was it called


Islandgirl1444 t1_ixvg7h6 wrote

It was called "Wanted". Great chemistry between the women. The downside was some terrible costumes, and hair on one of the characters, but really well done. Rebecca Gibney had just stringy hair throughout and the ballcap was just not suited for her. But I loved the show!


Johnyb229 t1_ixw51c6 wrote

Quick shoutout to Christina Applegate


2kids2adults t1_ixvhiw8 wrote

What a great series. I saw her picture when she was getting her star on the walk of fame and got sad. That disease is wrecking her. ☹️ I never expected a 3rd season. So far it’s awesome!


Huckleberry_Sin t1_iy4t0ks wrote

I didn’t realize she was sick and was shocked when I first saw her on the first episode of season 3. The disease had rlly taken its toll on her :(


2kids2adults t1_iy5e8x1 wrote

Terrible disease. I couldn't believe how fast things progressed with her. So sad.


uglykidjoel t1_ixvrq7r wrote

I'm 48 and I still have a crush on her...


Chelular07 t1_ixvt9li wrote

I’ve had a crush on her since I first saw “don’t tell mom the babysitter’s dead”.


unripenedboyparts t1_ixw68lr wrote

Looks aside, she's just a likeable person and has survived some real shit in life.


Content-Hippo1826 t1_ixw0gl5 wrote

Great but sad season. I loved their friendship. ♥️


remymartinia t1_ixvkgue wrote

From Married to Children to being lauded. Great trajectory for her career. I wish her the best.


Chelular07 t1_ixvt3d1 wrote

I have always loved her as a actress.


kamenlady t1_ixwkgnl wrote

She really is the best. All love for Christina Applegate.


honey_rainbow t1_ixvtkf2 wrote

I can't wait to catch up on this season I didn't think I'd love the show but, I do!


harpejjist t1_ixxj4vn wrote

They managed to shoot the whole season with her in bed, on a couch, or at least sitting. Seriously so many scenes in a bed! They took her new physical limitations and really managed to direct around them well. I mean, it was sad knowing why. But the whole production did a good job of it.

And of course she was able to deliver that performance from the bed. Even more impressive.


flynn_dc t1_ixx27tc wrote

Perfect ending to a fantastic series!!


TeensiestTulip9 t1_ixx4cg2 wrote

Started this show on a whim. Love it. Also, Linda Cardellini is such a hottie. My gosh!


PetyrDayne t1_ixvm920 wrote

Thing from Wednesday was robbed!!


maxtacos t1_ixvy005 wrote

Lol I thought this comment was funny.


grimtrigger86 t1_ixvsw2x wrote

I only watched the first episode of the new season today... but the cinematography seems different... is it just me?


Emozpqqy t1_ixxe764 wrote

She’s still hot af, not sure how that works either


AtsignAmpersat t1_ixxk3mk wrote

What sad season that was. I want to warn my wife but I don’t want to spoil it.


FFJamie94 t1_ixx6vq9 wrote

Shoutout to Christina Applegate!


LeadPrevenger t1_ixxcmoy wrote

Im so happy that She is still acting


sin_duda t1_ixxrrsj wrote

Love Christina Applegate ❤️


judgementforeveryone t1_ixy0sy9 wrote

She’s such a stunning and talented actress. I’ll watch anything she’s a part. Wish her nothing but the best. Healing wishes Christina.


Dawni49 t1_ixwlztb wrote

A warning about spoilers would have been great, I just started watching the last season last night


googlebearbanana t1_ixwyoxu wrote

You forgot to mention spoiler alert. Thanks a lot.


stiksandstones t1_ixwm385 wrote

Loved season one, season two my wife and I made one episode and couldnt watch anymore, jumped the shark. Could you watch season 3 without seeing 2?


SirDunkerOfWiggles t1_ixwwpoj wrote

No one is forcing her right? Take a break, Dead to Me isn’t changing lives, it can wait


ionfollowhoes t1_ixvbxyr wrote

It should have lasted one season the only season I watched
