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OkFan6322 t1_j9g32ik wrote

Or I could just keep using Firefox


Kal_Akoda t1_j9f85ca wrote

Remember a decade ago when chrome was a good browser that didn't eat up all your RAM?


Quentin-Code t1_j9gjbcq wrote

No I don’t remember, Chrome has always been like this, since day 1.


Apart_Ad_5993 t1_j9fvvrl wrote

And it's a complete bullshit complaint.

Browsers don't just 'browse the web' anymore. They're almost OSs in themselves with tons of background processes.

The only time you'll see performance degradation is if you're on a low-end windows machine. Or those with 55 tabs open.

Unused RAM is wasted RAM. I want the machine to use 90% of the available RAM. Kinda why I bought extra.


Uristqwerty t1_j9gu3tn wrote

> Unused RAM is wasted RAM

Your actual OS is well aware of that fact, and will use spare RAM to make everything faster rather than just the one narcissistic program hogging extra. It'll cache files on disk so that commonly-used things are even faster than SSD. It'll erase some amount of old memory pre-emptively so that when a program demands a block of fresh RAM, the OS can immediately hand some over. Probably other background optimizations too.


[deleted] t1_j9gl3j7 wrote

I would rather make use of this RAM in other Apps. I absolutely don't care that Chrome could be or is an OS. It should not be one. Not while running on Windows.


maydarnothing t1_j9huv4h wrote

>Unused RAM is wasted RAM. I want the machine to use 90% of the available RAM. Kinda why I bought extra.

i will be forever impressed by people who can contradict themselves in one single paragraph.


samyoualljaxuhn t1_j9kzhx1 wrote

Uneaten food is wasted food. I want to throwaway 90% of my food. Kinda why I buy extra.


SIGMA920 t1_j9g4wbq wrote

> Unused RAM is wasted RAM. I want the machine to use 90% of the available RAM. Kinda why I bought extra.

Not how I would phrase it but I do agree with you there. I have 16 gigs and almost got 32. If I have 5 chrome tabs open and 3 of them are youtube videos, going back to one I left half-way and needing to refind where I started stopped is a PITA. I have the RAM to do this, don't just not use it because I switched to watching an hour long video an hour ago.


Dull_Cantaloupe9107 t1_j9hv7eu wrote

The new Chrome settings do not preclude you from starting where you left off, it just takes a second to reload the page with the video at the spot you left it (give or take a few seconds).


SIGMA920 t1_j9i8jkz wrote

Not with my experience. It boots me to the start of a video, subreddit, .etc .etc and reloads it far more often than not.


Dull_Cantaloupe9107 t1_j9i9lfa wrote

Fair enough; even though I haven't experienced that, I've noticed that video playback has been stuttery tonight, so it's either something else coincidentally or just more Chrome issues.


KennyTooMany t1_j9f7uk6 wrote

I imagine this came about when an engineer at Google left a few browsers open before going to lunch and came back to his super computer frozen and locked up, opens task manager and sees the browsers using 77gb of ram.


barktreep t1_j9kd3ox wrote

This happened to me recently with Firefox actually. Had the Verge open overnight using 44GB RAM.


Quentin-Code t1_j9gjwmr wrote

Chrome: “Hey I am super fast”

Also Chrome: *allocating all the computer RAM*

Others: “Yeah that’s normal you are pre-allocating the memory before it is even requested, if all programs were doing this we would be doomed. That’s bullsh—“

Chrome: shhh


Carbidereaper t1_j9gca2u wrote

One of the problems I have with Crome on android is that it gives itself root level access to your phone but you as a user aren’t naturally given that level of access it’s because of that I’m not allowed to backup my bookmarks directly on my phone in an organized way without them being a jumbled mess.

I know I can back them up to google and download a zip file of by bookmarks in an organized structure but then there goes my browsing privacy if I didn’t want my privacy tracked.

I know I could’ve used another browser but Crome being the default browser on android means that you’ll no doubt end up having a lot of bookmarks saved because of convenience before you realize your mistake and having to sign into google to backup again


radiocate t1_j9gvzh0 wrote

If you care about browser privacy, you should not be using Chrome, and it truly is that simple. If you want a chrome-like browser with privacy, Vivaldi or Chromium is a good choice, but Chrome-proper is absolutely not a "private" browser


noobgolang t1_j9j3wbq wrote

Dont use android. Life issues solved


Carbidereaper t1_j9j51k6 wrote

Not an option. iOS doesn’t have the all of the options that I want. Such a emulators and accessing the file structure via a file manager.

I’m also just recently bought a new iOS device a 2022 iPhone se. I bought it to replace my iPod touch and oh boy the differences between iOS 9 and iOS 16 make it look like a completely different OS some things I can’t figure no matter how many times I try to google it mostly because I can’t get a straight answer.

Like Twitter won’t play videos when I’m signed in through the safari browser I also can’t seem to share pictures from webpages straight to my google drive from safari it just won’t show the thumbnail preview before I press save to drive


koolaidisthestuff t1_j9g2p8z wrote

Chrome was always the one I used throughout the years and I just got used to it always being kinda slow. When I got a MacBook I wanted to keep it as is so tried out Safari or whatever. Like I know it’s Apples own browser so it’s gonna work well on their stuff but like damn.. yeah I don’t use Chrome ever. It just boys down after like five tabs. Safari I have some tabs that were streaming video from two months ago and it still won’t go slow.


Johnykbr t1_j9h4yi5 wrote

That's a shame. I loved the feeling like I was standing in a wind tunnel everytime I opened Chrome.


jeffreyianni t1_j9jyu82 wrote

I'm sure glad I upgraded to 128gb of RAM.


milanistheboss12 t1_j9on26v wrote

Just tried the new "Efficiency Mode" and "Memory Saver" chrome flags.

Compared to Microsoft Edge, they are abysmal. The energy saver mode is much slower and stutters when scrolling all to still use more resources than Edge (who is smooth as butter even on battery saver).

As for the memory saver feature, it pauses the tab, but when you go back to it, it will refresh it. On edge, clicking on a sleeping tab just resumes it like nothing ever happened. Once again, chrome's memory saver still uses more resources than Edge.

I'm hoping that these are still work in-progress features as Edge is still king when it comes to efficiency.

FYI, I am a chrome fan but also use edge occasionally (typically when I need to stretch some battery life).


PmMeYourBestComment t1_j9f766n wrote

Isn’t memory-saving the opposite of energy saving? Everyone always complains about memory usage, but unused memory is wasted and can be beneficial to use it instead.


Carbidereaper t1_j9ge9b9 wrote

So your saying that you want Crome to use up 90% of your system memory while windows defender runs in the background ? No thanks that was total hell everything slowed to a craw. granted that was on a entry level laptop meant for web browsing and light use and had only 4GB of ram but it is supposed to just be a damn web browser


ohmanstan t1_j9grnhe wrote

How about they revise chrome like duckduckgo and not watch our every move!


3_50 t1_j9i6ltz wrote



ohmanstan t1_j9nd4cj wrote

Still being watched from the tube. 0011000100. Good luck.


kaishinoske1 t1_j9hv009 wrote

When you realize what’s eating up RAM is Google sending out your data to third parties for profit.