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disturbed_beaver t1_j3onjwu wrote

Ah yes. True patriots always vandalize public property with their bullshit stickers. Bunch of sad, morbidity obese incels that group is.


dwimber t1_j3ovrgs wrote

Thanks for cleaning up after these inbred fuckers. It sure would be nice for someone to actually see them putting out these stickers.


benutne t1_j3r0g2a wrote

Bring a small bottle of goo gone next time. The orange citrus stuff, not the volatile one. It'll help release those stickers and not mess up any surfaces.


the_honeyman OP t1_j3r0mpm wrote

I usually bring my plastic ice scraper, it works better than the knife and doesn't scratch the signs, but I forgot it in my car this time.


Benway23 t1_j3phfbb wrote

Thank you for your work.


topflight8000 t1_j3orgdp wrote

So what's this Patriot Front that I keep hearing about? What are their beliefs?


VoidDemon0226 t1_j3ps5t8 wrote

They're Nazi's

As in seriously they're Nazis. They prescribe to white supremacist fascism and are known for looking up to Hitler and Mussolini.


Jimithyashford t1_j3suifd wrote

neo Nazis.

It's a liiiiitle bit more complicated than that. But not much more.


topflight8000 t1_j3svfk9 wrote

Ugh, gross. Does Springfield have a lot of people who subscribe to irritating political groups like Patriot Front and Antifa?

I just...I just want to get to work without the road being blocked.


VoidDemon0226 t1_j3syzad wrote

Antifa means Antifascist, it does not describe to a specific ideology. If you're against fascism, you're apart of Antifa, congratulations.


Jimithyashford t1_j3t0nc4 wrote

I dunno if you did that on purpose, or if you actually don't know any better.

My general rule is "assume no malice until given a good reason to think otherwise" so I am going to assume you didn't know any better.

But to answer your questions directly it, it's very hard to say how many people ascribe themselves to, let's say, heavily activistic political wings, but it's a good bet that there are a fair few.


Jimithyashford t1_j3subuo wrote

You're out here doing God's work.


Beating these jagovs back into shameful obscurity will have to be a community effort. Problem is penetrating their circle and figuring out who they are. I've made attempts at it, but as best I can tell they communicate primarily on discords and whatsapp or telegram groups and most of them have no idea who each other are.

You'll never be rid of this kind of filth, but is just part of, I dunno, civilizational maintenance that every so often this social gunk builds up and you gotta flush it out and clean it up.

If anyone has any ideas or thoughts on how to penetrate these groups, PM me. I've not had much luck alone.


MLC3527 t1_j3tbiaj wrote

I like the Dead Kennedy's reference.


laffingriver t1_j3plgt8 wrote

blasting this online gives more exposure than the stickers.

im glad you arent a nazi. thanks for cleaning up.


the_honeyman OP t1_j3pltxi wrote

Eh, I thought about that. Last time I posted as well. But I removed their website, and I think it's important they know there are people who will resist them, even if this time it was just removing some stickers.


Shadow11Wolf50 t1_j3rdt1e wrote

Silence is worse than calling them out. Its assumed silent support and they'll continue to operate with less scrutiny Vs the more public backlash and callouts tend to make sure more people view them unfavorably plus shines a spotlight on their actions. Dont discount public shaming.

The more we call them out and make it clear their actions aren't ok the more quiet and hesitant they become spewing their bs.


Jimithyashford t1_j3sv51c wrote

It's the classic conundrum. Decrying something obviously by it's very nature brings more attention to it than not decrying it. Will that extra attention in a critical form hurt and diminish the influence of the thing, or increase it?

It can easily go either way. For example, let's take some cults, like Nexium or Scientology. They would have been much better off if left allow and allowed to recruit in their own ways among circles that were safe for them to do so. Exposure and large amounts of public attention and criticism didn't empower them, it collapsed them in the case of Nexium and has seriously hurt their recruitment in the case of scientology. There are lots of cases like this.

But some times, something like Trump for examples, thrives off the free media of even negative or critical coverage and is aided by it.

It's hard to tell which it's gonna be, but I can say that I think it's better for humanity, for people and their souls, to unabashedly decry and publicly renounce evil, instead of ignoring it and hoping it shrinks and goes away.