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tdawg-1551 t1_j2yvjqv wrote

Anything from the dime down center


ToTaiwanAndBack t1_j31zf87 wrote

Yes! Especially back when it was the lady with the over done Jersey accent.


tdawg-1551 t1_j32aa8p wrote

My daughter would turn the radio off as soon as she heard that voice.


Any-Fault-8382 t1_j2z7z03 wrote

It's not a jingle but the super annoying voices of Dave's discount flooring. The skits never make any sense to me on how they tie into advertising carpets


Mr_Crnky t1_j30basi wrote

Man's marriage is barely hanging on by a tug of carpet


formiscontent t1_j2yv00a wrote

Any radio commercial with squealing tires, honking or emergency sirens. Seriously fire people who make those commercials.


telxonhacker t1_j30gmso wrote

I've said for some time this should be flat out illegal.


EcoAffinity t1_j2ywya6 wrote

That Civil Kitchen ad. It's not a jingle. I don't even know if it runs anymore. But I hate that nasally wannabe-sexy-voice that woman does so damn much that I can't even bring myself to spend a dime at the restaurant.


sourdoughbreadlover t1_j2z4ww4 wrote

I was going to say the same thing. I pay for Spotify and I refuse to listen to the radio now.


GundleFly t1_j2zir5z wrote

any advertisement, on any form of media, where it’s done by the owner/proprietor’s children.


clapton1970 t1_j2zo182 wrote

The fucking Kubota tractors one with the old guy’s grand daughter


Wendypeffy t1_j31svyw wrote

Sutter trailers where the kids “sing” the jingle. Yuck.


Charlotte_the_cat t1_j2zlezy wrote

The old man and woman who advertise the big green eggs. They're the discount Dave and Lammie.


lcdabest t1_j2zqe15 wrote

that one roofing company that says “god bless you, good day” in their add


GBBorkington t1_j30c12f wrote

Citizens Bank of Rogersville: where other banks have branches…we have roots!


Lazy_unknownComedian t1_j3374m3 wrote

Only it sounds like’We have boobs!’


GBBorkington t1_j337mim wrote

Hahahaha! You’re right! I’ve never thought of it like that before. It’s forever boobs in my head.


Live_Oak123 t1_j2z0y5e wrote

1-877 cars for kids. K. A. R. S., cars for kids. 1-877 cars for kids. Donate your car today!

You’re welcome.

I’ll see myself out.


Sally_twodicks t1_j302a6s wrote

For awhile Mitchem Tire and Auto had their kids singing the jingle and you could absolutely not understand this fucking kid. Sounded like a bee stung his tongue. As they got older, it got more clear but for awhile it was rough.

Also, Quarles Supply. I have had enough of their goddamn Todd bullshit.


LifeRocks114 t1_j2yugni wrote

the one commercial for sheds or mobile buildings or whatever, where the guy has his granddaughter in the commercials. just let her go to school and hang out with her friends, she doesn't need to be part of your marketing man


dwimber t1_j2z2kgs wrote

CAR STAR PAINT AND BODY. That twangy, atonal, nasal singing gets the channel changed every damn time.


mcnicfer t1_j2zpq42 wrote

I can’t remember the name of the business, but Glenda talking about some weight loss place. Drives me insane.


You_Ate_The_Bones t1_j30k4o4 wrote

  1. United Plumbing 🤬
  2. Delta Roofing 🫡
  3. DIME DOWN 🤯
  4. fuck civil kitchens 2 ads they ran.
  5. Discount Dave and his llama need to get the hell out of town.

sourdoughbreadlover t1_j2z5465 wrote

Cardins flooring. I hate country music.


AmcillaSB t1_j2z6dh9 wrote

The OG Cardin elder was a shitty abusive alcoholic, so it's fine to not like them or do business there. I won't ever, even though he is long dead.


SleeplessInMisery t1_j306aho wrote

Not listed but sportsman pickup covers is one I’ll never forget.


Cloud_Disconnected t1_j30edp3 wrote

Cedar Ridge, Cedar Ridge

Get a portable building from Cedar Ridge


Existing_Front4748 t1_j32l0lu wrote

I will remember this jingle when I am old, senile and demented. This will still be there...


idvedder83 t1_j309ufq wrote

Sanctimonious roofer all day. I'd honestly be fine with just having the old Crosstown commercials for every break.


1randomdude4 t1_j30nna6 wrote

Most if not all of these ads played multiple times per hour on the radio station that was on at my job when I lived in Springfield, I'm glad to know you were all living my nightmare with me


willardharrisupvotes t1_j3364az wrote

La-la-la-la Larson


Ready_Improvement_21 t1_j3dk2h1 wrote

This has stuck in my 6-year-old's head to the point where he will randomly sing it out and I regularly hear him sing it in the shower. Can't stand it.


seaking_katts t1_j2zn5u7 wrote

Personally RnR. It used to not bother me but I had to hear it a lot over the radio at my previous place of work. Can't stand it.


BooneTG t1_j2zz9dx wrote

We’re part of your community. We live here just like you. We’re people you can count on.


RayMan89477 t1_j302w01 wrote

Any Christmas music. When I lived in Nebraska it was the commercial for Menards. Usually most radio commercials tend to annoy me but I think that is more a "me" problem


TheLegendaryWizard t1_j30ni1h wrote

The only reason DeLong gets a pass from me is because the man himself donated to my scout troop twice after doing a trash pickup on our adopted street (Scenic, right in front of DeLong plumbing)


snorlaxatives_69 t1_j308ng5 wrote

I see more tv commercials than heat radio ads. Not a Chiefs fan so the Aaron Sachs Travis Kelce commercials make me wanna barf. Affordable towing is getting annoying too


mylifeissoperfect t1_j30l1gq wrote

Anyone remember the Ethel Curbow jingles from a few years ago??


Wendypeffy t1_j31tyea wrote

Which is the one that goes “we’re part of your community, we live here just like you. People you can know and trust, people you can turn to. Best service and low prices, we’ll be there when you’re in need…..” I can’t for the life of me remember the tag line with the actual business name.


dnvrdty t1_j3up9mh wrote

“You’re one of the family, at Family Pharmacy. Family Pharmacy!”


lcdabest t1_j32qdvx wrote

old post, but the chumba casino ads


whaIeshark t1_j330xiz wrote

Cars for Kids. It gets stuck in my head every time and I hate the man’s voice.


ftp_haili t1_j333ix9 wrote

I don’t know if they still play it but the jingle used to make me so angry lol


vulturekiss t1_j33v8ua wrote

Delta Roofing and Citizens Bank of Rogersville.


Poshy2005 t1_j34wqex wrote

La la la Larsen, la la la Larsen, la la la Larsen, Larsens hearing and air


dnvrdty t1_j3uph8c wrote

That one is the absolute worst. 😖


neutral-spectator t1_j3h248h wrote

The one from mother's brewery where he talks about his mom but the back ground song sounds like "I hate my mom I hate my my mom"


Mr_Crnky t1_j30b3xk wrote

Anytime I hear Shape of You or Despacito


I can't stand lazy songs like that, literally designed to be catchy


Old_Jackfruit_1438 t1_j30tocp wrote

Y-you guys still listen to the radio? I thought everyone knew about Bluetooth… and how do you make a top 5 from listening to ads for 1 day?


ricardomilos-mp4 OP t1_j31up6t wrote

> this question was inspired by me forgetting my aux cord and being forced to listen to FM radio