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ProgressMom68 t1_j19t3x0 wrote

It’s important to know that some of these locations are “shelter in place” and once they’re full, people will be staying there for the duration of the cold snap. It’s very important to go to Grace tonight to get squared away. Downloading the Shelter SGF app will help provide up to date information.


the_honeyman t1_j1a5fs6 wrote

Post your location or dm if you need a ride. Several of us are out giving rides and can come help.

Edit: had to call it for the night and get my kid home. Good luck out there.


internationalkoala00 t1_j1a03pj wrote

The Springfield expo center is open from 12-7 during the day today. (Thurs) and will be open from 7 am to 7 pm Friday and Saturday.


spicymemories19 t1_j1bheu7 wrote

Commenting to add- I work at Isabel's House and we have availability I'd you have children in need of shelter :)


notnotpegbundy OP t1_j1bm5lm wrote

Thank you for your help during this rough times!!! You are so appreciated.


Mom2LLC t1_j1bst9e wrote

For being a city with a church or two on every block... this list is...lacking...

Thank you OP for sharing this so others can find shelter.

It's just disappointing. Nothing but hypocrisy.


hystericallymad t1_j1dony3 wrote

This is what you get when your churches are just in the business of selling the title Christian... The hypocrisies come to light. Use this list when deciding where to grow your faith in Christ's love.


notnotpegbundy OP t1_j1bykia wrote

It’s disappointing but unfortunately it’s a “better than nothing” approach that we are left with. I wish I had the means to open my home, but I don’t, that’s just the reality. Hopefully by posting this it, or the other comments left by others, can help someone now or in the future.

For those of us who can’t to open our homes, we can try to share resources.


ProgressMom68 t1_j1bz8hn wrote

Opening private homes isn’t the answer, anyway, despite what randos on the Internet would have you believe. Having large spaces for congregate care provided by people who know what they’re doing is important. Individuals can help best by donating what the shelters need, be that food, clothing, money, time, etc.


Goblin4Morrison t1_j1dw7s6 wrote

Do you literally get on here to go against everything anyone posts? Every post you make is about what someone shouldn’t do. How about you just be thankful there are people who care even a little bit and even have that thought. You can educate without being condescending, which is how you literally always come across.


ProgressMom68 t1_j1e67b5 wrote

Wow. Nice ad hominem attack. As it so happens I’ve worked in homelessness outreach for many years. I know a bit about what works and what doesn’t and I try to share that and point people in the right direction. If you don’t like it, feel free to scroll on by. But attacking someone from a position of anonymity is shitty. Also, really? You created an account just to attack me personally? You have problems.


notnotpegbundy OP t1_j1edads wrote

At least I’m trying to spread the word, I guess.


ProgressMom68 t1_j1ee1hw wrote

Yes!! That’s extremely important. Thank you for doing it!! I’m so sorry if I made you feel like that wasn’t enough.


notnotpegbundy OP t1_j1ee9gi wrote

Sorry, that was not meant to come across as asking for validity, but totally did. I just meant I wish I could do more.

ETA: the word not


ProgressMom68 t1_j1eee8n wrote

I think most of us wish that. But we do what we can and it adds up. It all matters.


Goblin4Morrison t1_j1ectdn wrote

Well considering the below user deleted their account, I thought I’d address one thing they stated, I didn’t create this account just to personally attack you, person. If you look at the create date, you’d notice it was way before this post, so you don’t matter that much, darling. I genuinely hope you got comfort in thinking you did. Some warm fuzzies.


the_honeyman t1_j1euer5 wrote

If that's Progress Mom, they didn't delete their account, they blocked you, like they do anybody who disagrees with them.


Tys-Effect t1_j1bc2sb wrote

Any info on how to be apart of these programs? Whether to help or provide items?


notnotpegbundy OP t1_j1bm8ea wrote

There’s actually another post somewhere a little bit farther down of some ideas.


GinWithJennifer t1_j1bnq5d wrote


I'm actually about to climb into my homeless cocoon

Just shook up like 8 hand warmers to start and threw them into my sleeping bag. Just trying to find the will to get in it. This was a good reminder better now than later. Got my battery packs. Like 30+ hand warmers. Toe warmers. Electric blanket. Ejected bag liner. All m blankets. Ifht ight brb

Edit: So far so good. Pain in the ass at first. Zipper broke the other day so extra care has to be taken to fold my sleeping bag. Probably get a new one or some tape or something. Let's in the slightest breeze so gonna arrange the outer most layer one more time

Edit 2: ahh warm. Hopefully tonight goes fast


notnotpegbundy OP t1_j1by1ae wrote

I am sorry you were ever in a situation that has caused you to feel like you cannot trust shelters.

Maybe this list, or the wonderful comments left by others, can help someone.

Please stay warm.


GinWithJennifer t1_j1cxwxj wrote

Burrrr it's OK. Inside my cocoon. Even a few seconds outside feels unbearable


Goblin4Morrison t1_j1dweo4 wrote

I opened my window for a minute and my breath got caught in my throat. Sending you warm thoughts, friend.


GinWithJennifer t1_j1dwxcj wrote

Im good. Need more hand warmers for tonight but then its supposed to go back to """normal""" or how it has been. usually 15-30.

I am hoping to deploy my solar panel today since the sun is out...if the ice on my back windshield relents


GinWithJennifer t1_j1dkrlg wrote

I made it. The hand warmers in my socks are real mvps. They are still a little warm this morning when most others are solid cold.

I'll tell you I don't want to do what again without twice as many 🥶