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snorlaxatives_69 t1_j0rzvoq wrote

Whatever you do, just don't volunteer for Salvation Army


mangogetter t1_j0u7zui wrote

Aside from the bigotry, they're also just effing useless. Connecting Grounds does 100x what they do with about 10% of their budget.


Advanced_Car1599 t1_j0u3slz wrote

I don’t know anything about this… but the only people that suffer are the recipients of their services.


snorlaxatives_69 t1_j0ubz4u wrote

It’s never been hard to miss. I suggest you look it up. They’ve been known to turn away trans people


HairKlopek t1_j0snyzx wrote

Crisis cold weather shelter will need help. Literally saving lives.


LurkingOakleaf t1_j0srguk wrote

There’s a post on this very Reddit trending about helping the homeless, here’s the relavant info:

Below is the full text from The Connecting Grounds Facebook page about this critical need in our community next week. If you aren’t comfortable filling out the form here, you can look them up on Facebook to see how to get involved with either TCG or other agencies in town. There are unsheltered people, including little ones, who are living on the streets or in cars and will not survive this weather crisis if we don’t get enough volunteers to open up more shelters. ———————— “Please share this critical call for volunteers from our TCG Outreach Volunteers group:

As we look ahead to the forecast for the next week, there is a life-threatening drop in temperatures headed our way! I know it is Christmas week, and it is hard enough to staff our current shelters to open for current services. However, we will need to find creative ways to open more capacity these days to save lives.

As we have done in the past, massive hoteling is not an option this year as many more rooms are being used as weekly rentals for individuals and families. There is not enough volume of open rooms to meet the needs.

Many people are working on solutions for additional shelter spaces and expanded daytime options to protect the lives of our neighbors. Still, the most critical factor is going to be willing volunteers!

I am putting this sign-up sheet out BEFORE WE HAVE A FULL PLAN because our plan(s) will largely depend on how many people are willing to help. Please help in any capacity between December 22-December 26; please fill out this form to help shape the crisis response of TCG and many other agencies as we plan ahead.


Ardvark-Dongle t1_j0sxeft wrote

Volunteer for an overnight shelter. So many are desperate for Volunteers and are shutting down due to lack there of.


spicymemories19 t1_j0sexra wrote

Volunteer at Isabel's House! If you like kids anyway


Goblin4Morrison t1_j0sv5in wrote

Why? Is the post from earlier needing help not good enough? They literally are posting a cry for help!