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2WhomAreYouListening t1_iuc3v38 wrote

This is basically WWE at this point. The scoring is comically fake.

Silva is taking a big payday into his retirement cushion. Paul will continue to sell PPVs.


frsm1177 t1_iuc5q5i wrote

The second I saw the ridiculous difference in glove size, I knew exactly why to thank my VPN.


2WhomAreYouListening t1_iucbtyj wrote

Yeah, to any who is ignorant enough to pay for a Jake Paul PPV; he deserves your money.


Cheftyler1980 t1_iuc65an wrote

Stop. Giving. This. Idiot. Fame.


Taynnk t1_iudd4qa wrote

Eventually he will get wrecked by a real fighter. Not that Silva isn’t. It’s like he fought with one hand behind his back. Or in this case, both legs and a grappling/submission game behind his back lol.

It will work itself out.


ArgenTravis t1_iudmhls wrote

Not if he keeps paying fights a ton of money to lose.


Cheftyler1980 t1_iudxqjl wrote

It should have “worked itself out” during his first fight but here we are talking about an irrelevant piece of excrement.


Explorer335 t1_iuc5rwa wrote

The outcome was planned. This is just a payday event designed to publicize the launch of the United Fighters Association.


ForestCityWRX t1_iuc5cmq wrote

Can these fights just join WWE now?


VoidBowAintThatBad t1_iuc42h9 wrote

Jake spent over half that fight trying to get out of being pressed against the ring, didn’t look especially sharp with anything he was giving, and was clenching at every given moment that Silva had the upper hand

Fun fight but Jake doesn’t deserve a win for that


rocky_iwata t1_iuc5cjm wrote

You knew it is a boxing match designed for Jake Paul to win anyway. But Silva fighting well, entertaining the audiences, lasting the whole match without being KO'ed and getting paid big is a big win for him.


Semi_HadrOn t1_iuc5l7x wrote

It’s pantomime for people who don’t know the sport.


JimJamYimYam t1_iuc6ort wrote

More fundraising than actual sport


Jettefr t1_iuc7as6 wrote

Silva won in my books lmao. I’m not even hating bro. Paul is a decent fighter, Silva won overall


DudeButtMunch t1_iuf4z1t wrote

Anderson got humiliated and put on his ass by a Nick Kids star


auniqueusername2000 t1_iuc8jys wrote

Jake will always be a heel type figure, but it sells tickets like a motherfucker and lines the pockets of old retired fighters. Swallowing pride probably isn’t too hard for 35% of ppv sales on top of $500k for Silva and subsequent fighters


CRoseCrizzle t1_iucdrxm wrote

It was a boxing match and Silva was known for MMA not boxing. Silva is 47 years old to Paul's 25.

Idk if Paul is so good why not just have him fight active boxers in their 20s-30s? Why the whole charade with old MMA fighters?


ArgenTravis t1_iudmnob wrote

Likely he wouldn't be able to get anyone to sanction a fight against a real boxer with real rules.


DudeButtMunch t1_iuf5127 wrote

>Idk if Paul is so good why not just have him fight active boxers in their 20s-30s? Why the whole charade with old MMA fighters?

Because MMA fans keep giving him money


BruntLIVEz t1_iucxrnb wrote

He’s the great pale hope. Let the random street fights begin. “I’m Jake…..wait”


DudeButtMunch t1_iuf4rzo wrote

Jake Paul showing MMA to be the trash sport that most of us already knew it was.

MMA fighters can't box and they can't beat a Youtuber either.


jbweId t1_iuhyhk0 wrote

Boxing retard cope


DudeButtMunch t1_iuk044b wrote

Go iron your Tapout shirt, bro. Your MMA fighters keep getting killed by a Youtuber. Take the L and lay off the "RIGGED!" talk.


baker39466 t1_iuc51bz wrote

Jake definitely secured the win after the knockdown. Fair play.


DonDonielDOn t1_iucbr6z wrote

Anybody who actually watched the fight knows this is the truth.
