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Ape_Togetha_Strong t1_iutuvy6 wrote

>Is it really going to hit us

No, and outside of clickbait headlines, where have you seen someone actually say it is?

It's a potentially dangerous asteroid, but not on timescales that are relevant to your lifetime.

In general, asteroids coming from the direction of the sun that we have no way of detecting until they're just a few hours from hitting are a real worry though. But there's nothing you, personally, can do about that either other than choosing a career that helps solve it, so you shouldn't worry about those either.


2C_H3 t1_iutvclu wrote

I only seen news headlines that said it was headed our way.


Ape_Togetha_Strong t1_iutvhss wrote

Yeah, notice how it's specifically phrased in a vague, meaningless way? "Headed our way" means nothing. It doesn't say that it's going to hit us.


szypty t1_iutxp8w wrote

Exacrly. It's fucking clickbait of the lowest order, meant to elicit fear and nothing more.

This is the equivalent of saying "There's a gun aimed at you!", while the gun in question is being wielded by some dude in Caracas, Venezuela, who's aiming down the ground while you are sitting comfortably at your couch in London, UK. Yeah, technically the barrel of that gun points directly towards you, but that exclamation is missing some key parts, isn't it?


A_Ghost___Probably t1_iutwvf5 wrote

"This extinction level meteor is headed towards us😵☠" "...astronomers say it will visit us soon, are we doomed!?" (Source: A-153 will come within 100k miles of earth in the year 7531)

Every time.


wawheele t1_iuu1tel wrote

Every day we live is another day closer to death. It’s always headed our way.


Omniscient_Pig t1_iutvxv6 wrote

If something was going to hit us, the headlines would not be as vague as 'headed our way'.

And if it should hit us, it won't be happening for hundreds of years, so you need not worry at all.


glittersparklythings t1_iutx6er wrote

Hi! I have a fashion marketing degree, fashion design degree, background working in Hollywood, and a background in PR. I promise you all this context is important for what I’m about to say next:


Don’t do that. Always, always, always read the articles. Why. There are studies that show a majority of people don’t read articles and only read the headline. Therefore they write extremely vague and misleading headline. Not the headlines aren’t entirely wrong. However they aren’t what you thought either. Always read an article. And then go read it from a different source.


Lance-Harper t1_iuu005s wrote

If an asteroid was on a collision course with us, you’ll hear it EVERYWHERE. The whole planet would’ve gone crazy. And you’d also here from space agencies reacting to it.

Don’t fall for clickbait.


tnakahara t1_iutv7tt wrote

Try not to spend too much time worrying about things you have no control over Took me about 20 years POST college to learn that lesson.

Maybe study science and learn (or invent) a better warning or discovery system. Or deflection or deterrence methods. Put your concern to good use


Mildly_Irritated_Max t1_iutunhx wrote

No, it's nothing to worry about. It's a potential threat, but not for hundreds of years from now.

Putin's war, climate change, and the rise of right wing extremism are much more immediate existential threats.


PhilosopherDon0001 t1_iutujqx wrote

we are spinning as we orbit.

It takes a really long time to move through space.

The likelihood of something big enough to do dmg, hiding in line with the sun during its' approach the hole time, is very very unlikely.


mercon_82 t1_iutuw6d wrote

No it's not, that thing has been out there floating around since before our ancestors were trying to discover fire (probably longer than that). As a side note if it was an actual threat i.e planet killer headed our way, they would never tell us about it. That type of things tends to cause mass panic and hysteria.


bunnnythor t1_iutvob5 wrote

You should be anxious...

...but about repaying off those student loans for the next 60 years. After a couple of decades of that, getting wiped out by a wanton asteroid will feel like sweet, sweet relief.


Zachtpres t1_iutuqpr wrote

I trust they won't, but there is always the possibility of underestimating threat levels of certain things. It's entirely a human thing and no matter how objective and intelligent we are there is always room for error even when we are certain we are right. So many things are dangerous to us in day to day life yet we never are affected by,


spellsongrisen t1_iutusw2 wrote

More data should come out and ease your fears.

Edit: Every couple of months the media tries to hype a space rock and make us worry. Usually it's such a long shot it is never mentioned again.


This_Basket3457 t1_iutxbku wrote

Every day there are millions of things that can kill you at any moment. Best to be too worried about them especially a meteor.


Torrall t1_iutysfi wrote

No need to worry about this one. In the future if a headline bothers you read the article then look online for things from reputable sources that back it up. If you dont have time or the capacity for that, ask reddit. Maybe in the /r/ask subreddit but good enough. Youll maybe get some gruff for asking here but good on you for seeking answers instead of just stewing in your own anxiety alone.


jupiterisagirl t1_iuu0428 wrote

It might, centuries from now. Not something you need to worry about. Honestly, anything can happen at any moment because of crazy space stuff, we can’t control that. It’s comforting in a way, knowing that we want to survive. It means life is worth it and we shouldn’t take it for granted. Deep breaths! Reset that mind. :)


extractwise t1_iuu1o1m wrote

I mean, you can die at any moment. Tomorrow you could get hit by a car through no fault of your own.


Calierio t1_iuu3i49 wrote

Jeez man touch grass! Might be your first/last time!


Venik489 t1_iuu62wf wrote

Even if it was about to hit us, nothing you can do about it 🤷‍♀️


ryschwith t1_iuubsfz wrote

A few additional details to put your mind at ease:

> As things stand, 2022 AP7 crosses Earth’s orbit. This makes it a potentially hazardous asteroid, he said. > However, the crossing occurs at a time when the Earth is on the other side of the sun, he explained, adding that this configuration will continue for the foreseeable future.

(emphasis mine, source:'no%20chance,Euronews%20Next%20in%20an%20email.)

Also, this kind of thing is why we had the DART mission and what will no doubt be numerous follow-up missions.


SpartanJack17 t1_iuudj8i wrote

Hello u/2C_H3, your submission "Anxious about the Asteroid detected in suns glare" has been removed from r/space because:

  • Such questions should be asked in the "All space questions" thread stickied at the top of the sub.

Please read the rules in the sidebar and check r/space for duplicate submissions before posting. If you have any questions about this removal please message the r/space moderators. Thank you.


[deleted] OP t1_iutux00 wrote

I think we are fine but if it were going to hit us do you think they would tell us?


crimm-e t1_iutvmhc wrote

no, it causes panic and mayhem. they wouldnt let anyone know till the last moments


jupiterisagirl t1_iuu09s7 wrote

Hahaha there are more than just government funded scientists or astronomers watching the sky. We’d know.


crimm-e t1_iuu1qsg wrote

I doubt anyone would listen to smaller sources or organizations, I doubt they would get the publicity to voice it


2C_H3 t1_iutvx3u wrote

Yes, because it would be really hard for them to prevent that kind of thing from getting out to the public since there is a lot of scientists out there that study this kind of stuff.