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4e_65_6f t1_iuza2t8 wrote

Buying land. I think that's the last thing AI figures out how to make more of.

Not that it won't eventually though.


SpaceDepix t1_iuzl2g0 wrote

AGI deploys a pocket dimension and be like “it’s free real estate”


turnip_burrito t1_iuzidr3 wrote

Yeah real estate on a planet would be pretty scarce for a while, until it gets siezed by the AGI anyway.


Frumpagumpus t1_iv0dv99 wrote

i'm pretty sure AGI will be georgist, which is to say i agree with you, in a way


[deleted] t1_iv0p2i6 wrote



4e_65_6f t1_iv0prqo wrote

Yeah I also thought about open sea 'floating housing' and underwater.

There's plenty of options but I still think that comes after all jobs are already taken.


myxyplyxy t1_iuz8op7 wrote

Google founder moved to New Zealand.


PhilosophusFuturum t1_iuzc14d wrote

Depends on the elite. The ones who work at Silicon Valley will probably try making their own startups that develop and create AGI models, or incorporate this into their own companies. They would do this to get in on the mass profit that this could potentially rake in.

The regular rich elites would be investing a lot of money in the companies who will make AGI and profit off of stock growth.

The congressmen would likely focus on developing their own models and try to block hostile nations like China and Russia from hacking the system. Having an AGI early would lead to ASI early which would be a massive geopolitical advantage.


ExtraFun4319 t1_iuzj858 wrote

I strongly believe that if world governments suspected that private organizations within their jurisdiction were close to solving AGI they'd either nationalize them or confiscate their technology/algorithms, etc.

There is NO WAY any government would just stay idle and allow a private company to develop a technology much more powerful than nukes. That's why I find it funny when I see people say that Google or Meta or some other company will be the first to achieve AGI. Maybe they will, but as a state-owned enterprise under the control of their government, not under the control of their CEO's/boards.


dakpanWTS t1_iuzlh03 wrote

But would states be smart enough to realise their interest? Governments and politicians are usually very reactive to technological and scientific advancements, not anticipative....


ExtraFun4319 t1_iuzmqfa wrote

I assume there's people in gov who keep up with tech progress (military leaders, DARPA scientists, etc.) so they would have a good idea of when the time for nationalization/confiscation would be right and relay this belief to the lawmakers/head of state so that they could take action.

In any case, I expect politicians to raise their interest in AI as the technology advances, and future senators may not even need a heads up to introduce legislation to make AI-researching companies state owned.


TheDonVancity t1_iuzbr59 wrote

This is a great question and I’m interested to see the answers


GodOfThunder101 t1_iuzeuz2 wrote

investing in AI companies that are developing AGI, if it comes they would want to own it I'm sure of it.


Future_Believer t1_iuzkpg2 wrote

Excellent question.

Looking at the current situation doesn't add a lot of clarity but it is worth trying anyway. Most of the non-tech "elites" that I observe don't actually seem to be aware of the exponential advance of technology. They act on individual developments when they think they can make money on them but for the most part, they plan and act as if the way things are is the way things will always be.

The tech "elites" appear to be distracted by other things. They want to go to Mars or cure disease or develop the next big social media site. We don't actually know what it will take to get the attention of either group.

According to what gets developed when, there is a solid chance that money will become largely obsolete. Humans will be able to have anything they could possibly want whenever they want it. Work will be done by robots. I have no idea how elites might maintain that status. I know they will want to but what will the medium of exchange be?

Politicians and/or would be kingmakers. will try to pass laws that keep them in power but about the time a Manufactured Intelligence is certified as a judge, that sort of behavior might bet more difficult.

As an aside, I have a difficult time believing that it could be as long as 5 years from the time AGI is obvious/imminent and the time it is pervasive. This is important because corporations are a bit like aircraft carriers in that you cannot turn them on a dime. It will not be possible, even with hundreds of billions of dollars at hand, to restructure a Berkshire Hathaway, a Goldman Sachs, a Meta or Alphabet, a Booz Allen, to take extreme advantage of whatever comes up.


whatsinyourhead t1_iuzo9zy wrote

I was thinking about this the other day and came to the conclusion that they would be talking about how AI needs to help people and work to better peoples lives, stuff like UBI and creating an equal society, basically everything that someone like elon musks existence contradicts. They know at a certain point all the money or power in the world would not make an AI beholden to them, they would have no control over it as their money or influence would mean nothing to it. The AI might even view billionaires as evil, in a world with such inequalities and greed. It makes sense why they would try and play the humanitarian angle in regards to AI, they certainly won't be able to use it for their own gain at a certain point


Primus_Pilus1 t1_iuzg388 wrote

The elites would be making stockpiles of rarer elements that less likely to be found in the asteroid belt. Independent power, farm land, etc. If an AGI cooks up a fusion generator and a cornucopia machine, rare (but necessary) elements will be required short term, for a few years until AGI begins to industrialize the solar system. More exotic, high performance alloys (like rhenium for high temp jet compressor metal) & machines.


Primus_Pilus1 t1_iuzgaqm wrote

If AGI is civilized, it offers them comfort and power, or it may just murder hobo them "for the greater good". Could go either way.


Dustangelms t1_iuzi9ic wrote

Live out the last few years of their cream of the top life.


piedamon t1_iuzmfw5 wrote

Make the only satellite internet and monitor the traffic while holding the keys to internet access.

Sell autonomous cars with internet access and remote controls.

Gatekeep access to space travel.

At this point, you can monitor all of society secretly, use that information for propaganda, stocks, mergers, idea theft, blackmail, sanctions, etc., or cause mass disarray with your army of remote controlled cars. I don’t really know what the ai would want or do at this point, but I do know it’s a lot of power.


420BigDawg_ t1_iuzohp8 wrote

Probably doing exactly what they doing right now

Moving far right


sideways OP t1_iuzoj7o wrote



420BigDawg_ t1_iv1z0tz wrote

They are scared OR see it as a way to control us which they like so they are taking advantage


pcake1 t1_iuzotu4 wrote

Buying farmland. Building spaceships to leave earth. Giving $190 billion of taxpayer money to big tech firms for “competition” purposes.


modestLife1 t1_iuzos7v wrote

they'd by wanking off furiously, then passing out.