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Urbanitesunite t1_islfn66 wrote

My Friend is helping with construction— he said likely late november.


keratinflowershop35 OP t1_islg7ql wrote

Oh wow, it seems they want to get it done before holidays. Do you know if all those buildings need to be complete before they open? It seems they're all going up in concert.


FunLife64 t1_isliizz wrote

Well the parking is a part of the whole complex. So while every finishing of the apt portion doesn’t need to be done, there are things that have to be done to have the parking available.


V0nH30n t1_iskvhb5 wrote

Terrible spot for a super market imo


misterpeanutsman t1_iskx2p3 wrote

good thing no one asked you. finally we have a walkable grocery store in fox point.


V0nH30n t1_iskxiku wrote

East side market, and 2 whole foods. You're in such a desert


Cycle-path1 t1_isl5k95 wrote

Having the option not to shop at a store owned and operated by Amazon is a win in my book. Also it is way cheaper and far more affordable for families and students alike.


nodumbunny t1_islfx7b wrote

Cheaper than what? Whole Foods is hardly the yard stick to measure by ... ANYTHING is cheaper.


Cycle-path1 t1_islhtny wrote

That's my point! TJs is cheaper as opposed to Whole Foods which was the only store available for myself since I only walk.


nodumbunny t1_islmapt wrote

If you live walking distance to the new TJ, and walking distance to a WF, then you either live in walking distance to East Side Market as well, or you live on the bus line. There are two WF and one is spitting distance from ESM, and the other is on the busline that also serves Stop and Shop.

In other words, you already have less expensive choices.


alekoz47 t1_ismdvhh wrote

ESM is not cheap


nodumbunny t1_ismjbjb wrote

It is less expensive than WF and probably Trader Joe's. My point is that Traders Joe's is not coming to save the day for people who can walk to East Side Market.


Efficient_Bird_406 t1_isn3xpm wrote

Sorry…have you ever been to East Side Market? I’ve gone so many times in a pinch and a small tub of cream cheese is like $4.50. It’s so so far from cheap and honestly more expensive that Whole Foods in some departments.


nodumbunny t1_isnzssc wrote

Yes, and because I sometimes shop at ESM, I know it was purchased by Ahold (parent company of Stop and Shop) some time ago. It now has most items priced the same as Stop and Shop, and many Stop and Shop brands (including cream cheese. If you're concerned about cost and the environment, don't buy the tubs. Buy the S&S brand of brick cream cheese available at ESM.) You can shop at ESM very inexpensively if you avoid the specialty items. The same is not true for Trader Joe's, where everything is special and therefore higher priced.

Downvote what you THINK I said, or read what I actually said. If you live walking distance to the Waterman WF, you live walking distance to ESM, and TJ is not going to solve any problems for you. Will a city bus stop right in front if TJ? It does at ESM.


Silentjosh37 t1_isonra3 wrote

It honestly is not anymore, you are better off going to Whole Foods. The quality is better and in most cases you can find the 365 brand cheaper than anything you will find at East Side Market. Since Stop and Shop/Giant bought them a few years back their prices have gone through the roof. What makes it even worse is that it is all Stop and Shop signage, product etc priced much higher than Stop and Shop.


_wheresMySuperSuit t1_islgx6u wrote

> good thing no one asked you.

commits to throwing in their opinion who nobody else asked for


LiamMacGabhann t1_isnlq3r wrote

Exactly. I lived in that neighborhood for over 10 years and it really needed a decent full service grocery store. Eagle Market, was great, but didn’t have a wide selection.


bentlarkin t1_isl7liw wrote

No clue why you’re getting downvoted, it’s already a dangerous/super congested area for cars and pedestrians. Love me some Trader Joe’s mandarin orange chicken but this area is gonna be even more of a shit show now.


listen_youse t1_islds0p wrote

The area is decidedly not a shit show except for one thing: Too many cars. It is most welcoming to people moving about by means other than car. If that is not your thing, just keep driving to any of the other 1000 supermarkets.


bentlarkin t1_isllx68 wrote

It’s surrounded on both sides by major arteries for 95/195.. what about that is safe? Another reason they never should’ve put 95 right through the center of the city.


JasonDJ t1_ism3h6i wrote

…the whole point of the interstate highway system is to connect the capitals and major commerce centers of all the states. A highway that doesn’t go through the middle of the city would be a pretty shitty highway. Could you imagine if it just dipped into Olneyville and everyone wanting to get downtown or through the east side had to finish through backroads? Then multiply that by every commerce center in every state in the country.

Though I do kind of wish that the “norm” was a park and ride in an outskirts of the city paired with an efficient, effective, safe and family-friendly public transit. Unfortunately RIPTA is none of the above.


dionidium t1_isohuap wrote

> …the whole point of the interstate highway system is to connect the capitals and major commerce centers of all the states.

Yes, that's right. The last mile through functioning urban cores wasn't necessary to that project and it wasn't even part of the original idea. It got added on as the project unfolded, because the gov guaranteed funding and every city wanted to get in on it:

> [Eisenhower] went on to say that the matter of running Interstate routes through the congested parts of the cities was entirely against his original concept and wishes; that he never anticipated that the program would turn out this way… [He] was certainly not aware of any concept of using the program to build up an extensive intra-city route network as part of the program he sponsored.

As for this:

> Could you imagine if it just dipped into Olneyville and everyone wanting to get downtown or through the east side had to finish through backroads? Then multiply that by every commerce center in every state in the country.

Of course I can imagine it. It would be great. The only possible way to think that outcome wouldn't be better is to believe that the efficient movement of people in automobiles though urban cores is the most important thing about a city, which is in my view basically absurd. In fact, you have to think it's important enough that it's literally worth tearing down the city that already exists, because moving people through the city is even more important than having a city at all!

It's important to remember that this is basically what people really thought when the highways were built. People thought cities were filthy, dirty, and inhumane, and that it would be an unalloyed good to tear them down so that people could move to the open spaces and fresh air of the suburbs.

At least they were consistent. They weren't afraid to literally say that. I think their values were wrong, but at least they had a logic to them.

Most of the arguments for highways today don't really demonstrate the courage of any such convictions. They're just arguments for the status quo, because people are used to cities with highways and can't imagine anything else.


laterbacon t1_iso9co8 wrote

The interstate system was designed to mimic the German Autobahn except for one important thing. The Autobahn doesn't rip through city centers. There are well designed ring roads to disperse traffic into cities. Just take a look at a map of any German city and see how the highways all go around the cities.

Edit: there are actually two other important differences, one being the construction quality of the roadbed which is basically garbage in the US. The other is the avoidance of long straightaways. Even in flat open country, there are curves engineered into the Autobahn which helps keep drivers alert.


lightningbolt1987 t1_issgc2b wrote

It’s just going to be… a city. Cities are busy and lively. That’s why they’re interesting. Right now it’s way too dead. Yes—there will be some traffic leaving a popular market in a dense part of a city. That’s how it is in every lively city. Looks like Providence is making progress. Stop complaining and be smart about when you choose to shop there. You’re not entitled to pull up right in front with no traffic as if you’re at a Warwick strip mall.


V0nH30n t1_isl7zqd wrote

It's for the condo commuters. This isn't for Providence residents. People who like this shit are from Connecticut and work in Boston. No Rhode Island in them


Efficient_Bird_406 t1_isn3paz wrote

That’s not true at all. I understand it’s easy to say but there’s so many full residents who live on the east side who would love this. Also whose working in Boston but from CT and passing through Prov for Whole Foods?? Such a weird comment.


Silentjosh37 t1_isokdva wrote

This is true. There is already too much congestion and activity in and around this area. I am all for a Trader Joes going in and even in that area just right there is going to make it a complete shit show.

To those saying its great that it will be walkable, yes that is a plus, but it is also going to bring a lot more congestion to that area and actually make it less walkable because of the amount of people that will be driving to this location from outside the city. This is going to be a huge draw especially for the first year or so. There are going to be so many people coming in that do not understand how to share the road with people on bikes, pedestrians and scooters etc that it is going to become mildly more dangerous for those people.

Add on the fact that it is directly off the highway with what looks like not very well designed entry and exit to the parking lot it is going to a nightmare for everyone in and around that area as it is already has heavy traffic.

This would have been better suited down where the empty area down by Tops Electrical is where there is a huge empty space with enough space for proper entry and exits without fighting people coming directly off the highway. Still walkable but better overall.


lightningbolt1987 t1_issgn64 wrote

More traffic is good for me since I live in the neighborhood—it means the cars go slower on the roads. Right now south main feels like a mini-highway. South Water used to feel that way until they wisely narrowed it. Also right now: there’s barely any traffic. Just a 10 minute delay during evening rush hour. Not a big deal.


nbreadcrumb t1_isl2pf6 wrote

It's right off the highway. It's actually a great place. But go off.


nodumbunny t1_islfkim wrote

I don't know why you're getting downvoted, you are correct. I used to work in that neighborhood and the traffic patterns are confusing. Where is the parking going to be? It's a bit of a food dessert I guess but it's not like TJ is accessible, or the people who live there don't have the resources to get to Stop and Shop.


HereForTheLulz t1_islm6h2 wrote

Walk, bike, bus. Driving isn’t compulsory


nodumbunny t1_islnbzy wrote

Why didn't I think of this? Yes of course ... Driving isn't compulsory, so we should definitely ignore the fact that there WILL be more cars coming to an area that is already confusing for drivers. You are absolutely right!


lightningbolt1987 t1_issgxwl wrote

Who cares if more cars come to the area? This is how it is in most other cities. Can we stop wishing that providence was a ghost town? Let’s bring lots of people here and create vibrancy. A little traffic is not a big deal. Only dead cities have no traffic. Go to any lively dynamic city and there is some traffic because people want to be there. It’s really not a big deal. Just plan accordingly for which hours you’re driving there. The entitled Rhode Island culture of thinking any traffic or that needing to park two blocks away is a problem is completely insane.


nodumbunny t1_issjy3l wrote

No one is saying "OH MY GOD CARS! NOOOO!" it's being pointed out that it's an area that already has confusing traffic patterns for visitors. I hope this has been taken into consideration. I also hope the walkability of Wickendon street will be preserved.

I don't disagree with you about cars and wanting people to come here, not all parts of the city can handle visiting cars equally well.


lightningbolt1987 t1_ist5xeg wrote

More cars improves walkability by slowing down traffic. Also all of the added units in that development and the foot traffic from Trader Joe’s will be great for wickenden street merchants and in turn the neighborhood. No where in the city needs to “handle cars” it’s ok if there’s traffic in popular and busy areas.


Silentjosh37 t1_isooeyc wrote

Yes but it is the majority of traffic in and around the area. 95% of all activity, commuting and shopping is done by car.

Especially in cases of grocery shopping I don't think you are going to be seeing many people coming in from the surrounding areas like East Providence, Seekonk, Pawtucket, Johnston, Cranston by bike to visit this market. This is going to be a very hard place for people walking, biking or busing to get to when this first opens and for the foreseeable future for the amount of people that will be coming here from outside the city.


FoleyisGood t1_isnxvrt wrote

> Where is the parking going to be?

in the parking garage they are building


UsedCollection5830 t1_isls0sh wrote

🥺🥺🥺🥺 they sell the best pumpkin waffles 🧇 use to drive all the way to Warwick


katieleehaw t1_iskxfns wrote

What’s the address? I was hoping it had opened already!


aKnowing t1_islj7so wrote

It’s right off the exit to s main exit in providence


RedditSkippy t1_islzedl wrote

So is it on South Main? Someone told me it was going on Wickenden. Admittedly, I haven’t been following the construction closely.


aKnowing t1_ism00ym wrote

Intersection of the south main exit and wickenden, across from the shell


Schweatyturtle t1_islm3n5 wrote

I heard from someone that was hired to work there early November. That may have been an optimistic estimate though


_wheresMySuperSuit t1_islh7k0 wrote


Providentians: hate it

Yuppie motherfuckers: this is exactly what we needed.


orm518 t1_islige2 wrote

The Venn diagram overlap of “yuppie motherfuckers” and those who say “Providentians” is a circle.


PipeLayer2016 t1_islxkrm wrote

On the east side that may be true. This city is much better than that.


_wheresMySuperSuit t1_isliss2 wrote

I learned that word this week actually. 25 years in this city, so I think the Venn diagram is an actual Venn diagram.


orm518 t1_isljgsx wrote

Only 25 years? Get out.


_wheresMySuperSuit t1_isljr75 wrote

Actually 27… And i’m only 30 buddy. Get out to where? I’ve only ever been in the Providence education system.


orm518 t1_islkkmz wrote

It was sarcasm. Can’t wait to walk to Trader Joe’s!


_wheresMySuperSuit t1_islkxbv wrote

I know it was lmao. Mine was supposed to be taken with sarcasm too. Words just never translate well through text.

I’m just upset because parking already a bitch around there. I had to circle the block twice on Friday when I was trying to get Fellini’s.


mdurg68 t1_isw0gp7 wrote

I don’t think I’ve ever had less than 2 circles to get to Fellini


Efficient_Bird_406 t1_isn36pu wrote

Whether or not you want to argue yuppie politics… The east side needs an affordable grocery store. There’s plenty of people that aren’t high income earners (myself included) and groceries are tough unless you want to make a whole drive out of it. Trader Joe’s really is affordable and walking distance to many!


OctoberRust13 t1_ism4wrt wrote

Yuppie MFs go to Whole Foods and Eastside Marketplace... I think those of us that dont make millions will benefit from a Trader Joes...


alekoz47 t1_ismdpql wrote

Ye Eastside Marketplace will never have the $1.99 chicken from Trader Joes


lumixod t1_iso6jtz wrote

I see a lot of false answers here, my brother works at JT in Warwick and will be transferring to the new location on opening week. 3rd week of November.


Danyahs t1_ism5o3p wrote

Early November


TartProfessional246 t1_isr24j5 wrote

they are advertising the apartments in the same developments for Nov 1 move-in, so i’m assuming right around the same time?


Clear-Push5407 t1_islbodc wrote

This is going to be such a mess.


FunLife64 t1_islj33z wrote

How exactly? The TJs parking lot in Warwick isn’t that big. I’ve never had more than a “have to wait an additional light” to get in or out. Theres always spaces. This TJs is in between interstate on ramps and off ramps (also with loads of street parking around) - meaning they are already areas built for high volume. This isn’t Costco.


Cole3823 t1_isod2wg wrote

Is there a parking lot at this new tj in providence? Because street parking is definitely not going to be able to handle it if not. I worked in the area for a few years and had to find street parking to park. I would always have to show up nearly and hour early to drive around in order to find a spot during the day.


FunLife64 t1_issevu8 wrote

Most people go to the stores not during businsss hours. Big difference.

And yes, there’s a multilevel parking deck going in.


Cole3823 t1_issf2m2 wrote

Idk Google says the other trader joe's in warwick is busiest between 12pm and 5pm. I'd imagine this new location would be similar


FunLife64 t1_issziht wrote

Yes but that’s on weekdays - look at weekends, the busyness is much greater on weekends.


Silentjosh37 t1_isomyg2 wrote

There is going to be a parking garage attached to the condo they are building at that location, I don't know how much it is going to help it doesn't look that big. And yes the street parking there is extremely limited as it is, especially with the changes they made on South Water St where the bike lane was added.


Silentjosh37 t1_isomlz2 wrote

Have you actually been to the location where this is going to be located? There is very little street parking around there, one side is a highway off ramp and the other side has only a small section of on street parking especially since the change with this new construction.

The TJs in Warwick has the benefit of having a large parking area that is shared with the whole plaza and at times around the holidays is an absolute nightmare.

Where this is in Providence is going to be like the worst days in Warwick(which has also been open a long while now so less of a draw) parking area that are adding is also going to be for the condos that they are building at that location as well so there will be a ton of cars coming in and out of that location where there is already a huge amount of traffic on a good day and a hellish amount on a bad day.


FunLife64 t1_issek2s wrote

Yes I live there. There’s literally about 1/4 mile of street parking literally across the street on S. Main and S. Water. There’s also built in parking.

These types of developments exist in many cities.


PipeLayer2016 t1_islxseg wrote

If you don't go on a Saturday afternoon, it will be fine. Dunkin freakin Donuts cause worse traffic problems on the daily


Thick-Error-6330 t1_it7koh3 wrote

Original rumor was by the end of October, but it seems like that will not be the case


LiamMacGabhann t1_isnm6lo wrote

I’m from Providence but live in Fort Lauderdale now, anyone know if the Providence TJs will be allowed to sell beer and wine?