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locus2779 t1_ixui1vs wrote

Start with the Facebook group. There's also the north hills sports cars club.


yolorelli t1_ixujz4p wrote

What are you selling?


RaspberryTechnical90 t1_ixul65g wrote

It’s an early 90’s model Nissan. It was a project car an old ex left here, and has just been sitting in my garage.


crushedrancor t1_ixuqm14 wrote

So it’s not yours?


RaspberryTechnical90 t1_ixutmls wrote

Not originally. It wasn’t mine and I’ve personally never worked on it…It was left here quite a while ago and doesn’t run, so it’s just been stuck in my garage forever.


AOCMarryMe t1_ixuwmdz wrote

Who has the title?


RaspberryTechnical90 t1_ixux0xt wrote

Long story short, the father of the original owner, who passed away.


motociclista t1_ixuzi3m wrote

That’s not a long story. That’s a short story. And that story is “I don’t own this car and therefore cannot legally sell it.” You need to get the title straight before you try to sell it. You’re opening yourself up to a mess of trouble if you sell a car you don’t own. It likely doesn’t have much value and may not be worth the hassle of making legal for sale.


RaspberryTechnical90 t1_ixv2o7n wrote

I’ve tried to contact anyone who might have the title, or still be in contact with whoever has the title. For years. No one wants the car, or knows what grandparent’s garage the title ended up in.

I’m as sure as you are that it isn’t worth the hassle of legal issues. This is a situation where I would almost consider paying someone to get it off my property. This was more of a “how do I find car people who can steer me in the right direction” post, not a situation where I thought I was about to make a great sale.

I know it was a really cool car and had potential. I just thought someone could have fun with it, and I could have my garage back….It sounds instead like I’ll have to go through a civil court situation to get anywhere.


motociclista t1_ixv8nq6 wrote

There are auto salvage companies that will remove unwanted cars, they normally want a title, but I’m sure some will waive that. Call around, someone will remove it. Or you can contact penndot and find out what the process is for obtaining a title on an abandoned vehicle. Just cover your ass. Selling a vehicle you don’t own can get tricky if somewhere down the road the rightful owner shows up.


RaspberryTechnical90 t1_ixvgupk wrote

I will definitely contact penndot on Monday for more info. Now I’m completely freaked out about getting in trouble…It would have been cool to see the car go to someone who’d enjoy it, but it’s certainly not worth all the hassle.


motociclista t1_ixvlhel wrote

It’s not so much that you’ll get in trouble. It’s more like it could be a giant hassle. The only way you’d get in trouble is if the vehicle was reported stolen at any point. If that’s the case, you’re sitting on stolen property. But there’s not much chance that it was reported stolen. What can and has happened is the next of kin of the deceased can find out the car exists and decide they want it. Let’s say you sell it to someone. Then one day there’s a knock on your door “Hi, I’m such and such and I heard you might have my dads old car. It’s legally mine and I’d like to have it.” Now, you have a hassle. You sold a car you didn’t own and the person who bought it has to give it back to the rightful owner, and they’re just out the money. This is a very unlikely but possible scenario. The most likely scenario is whomever owns it, if anyone, doesn’t care about it and never will. But whoever buys it from you will have a hassle getting a title. Your best bet is to sell it to someone who is aware of the title status and doesn’t care. The last thing you want is to sell it to someone that will come back in a year after they fix it and bug you to help them find the title. Call a few “we buy cars” type used car lots. They usually know the loopholes and can deal with the title issues.


CL-MotoTech t1_ixuktn1 wrote

It probably depends on the type of car as much as anything.


RaspberryTechnical90 t1_ixulboo wrote

That’s true. It’s an old drag/rally project, I believe. Early 90’s Nissan.


CL-MotoTech t1_ixuny9v wrote

I know basically nothing about local drag racing but I am sure there is a community.


RaspberryTechnical90 t1_ixutf4w wrote

I’ll look into that specifically, thank you!


coatedingold t1_ixuuaf2 wrote

Keystone is the "local dragway". Also dragway 42 in ohio isn't too far and a lot of locals go there. World of wheels is coming in January to the convention center.


PamZero t1_ixv0y8x wrote

Is the title in your name? If so, you’re good to go. If not, whoever’s name is on the title will have to be present to sign the vehicle over to the buyer.


RaspberryTechnical90 t1_ixv348b wrote

What should I do if the person who’s name is on the title has passed away?…The father of said person is the last one I can verify having the physical title.


sopabe6197 t1_ixv3rv3 wrote

Project cars are a tough sell. Nobody wants to deal with someone's half finished project. As of lately it seems like pop tunes are the thing.


RaspberryTechnical90 t1_ixv406z wrote

Gotcha. I thought it might have some cool parts or something. At some point, someone loved that car and put a lot of effort into it


DarkKnyt t1_ixuhnkc wrote

There are meets at the waterfront frequently during the summer. Not sure about winter.

I can't find the link by easy googling but if you look at the Pittsburgh/homestead event calendar you might be able to find a link who can connect you to the car community.


RaspberryTechnical90 t1_ixukqdc wrote

That’s great, thank you!


StingMachine t1_ixuky38 wrote

What is it? Been looking for a good project


RaspberryTechnical90 t1_ixulgeb wrote

92 Nissan, I’m trying to look for the paperwork on what actual model it is….Definitely an acquired taste, but I’d love to get it out of here.


Videoking24 t1_ixv0ffo wrote

You can probably throw a pic of it up and have it identified before you find the paperwork


Beginning_Ad_6616 t1_ixuo63e wrote

PCS - Pittsburgh Car Scene..not sure if they are still around or not.


crushedrancor t1_ixuqez1 wrote

Lol thought that imploded last year with all the drama with sam


Beginning_Ad_6616 t1_ixviecu wrote

Wasn’t sure if it was still going or not with the drama that car groups tend to attract. I usually just do my own thing.


412fitter t1_ixuqzfl wrote

They changed the name to Steel City Society when some other people took over the group from w/e happened with the original founder