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mjb2012 t1_j6nnquk wrote

The Guardian is authwalled. To summarize:

An engaged couple, who were popular on Instagram, posted a video of themselves dancing together in public, and the woman did not have a head covering. Dancing in public is forbidden. A woman dancing with a man in public is especially forbidden. The woman not covering her head in public is forbidden. Oh, and they did this dance in front of a national landmark which is a symbol of the regime and whose designer lives in exile because his religion is forbidden. The name of the landmark? The Freedom (Azadi) Tower, of course.

The couple was convicted without access to lawyers and bail was denied. The charges were “encouraging corruption and public prostitution” and “gathering with the intention of disrupting national security”.

The woman was sent to Iran's squalid, overcrowded prison for women.


Sensate60 t1_j6nvhqa wrote

Omg, they keep babies and children in there...Jesus, and cut off water during the hottest times and allow sewage back ups and zero medical care. Basically, they stick women, babies, and children in there to die.


kingtz t1_j6nwnxn wrote

What a piece of shit regime. This is no way to live. I hope the people of Iran overthrow them and charge them with every death and abuse under their watch. Enjoy 4000 years in prison, fuckers.


Xenoanthropus t1_j6pdzoa wrote

If the people of Iran overthrow the government there will be no prison time for anyone.


Primary-Bookkeeper10 t1_j6nsm5u wrote

Wow that prison she'll be there for 10 years, if she survives. All for 3 seconds of "dancing".


Vic_O22 t1_j6o2nev wrote

>The charges were “encouraging corruption and public prostitution” and “gathering with the intention of disrupting national security”.

Were they dancing the Lambada? Spicy Tango piece? Rhumba? Were they undressing while dancing? Using porn language while dancing? Where they calling for bypassers to protest against the regime while dancing? ...

I'd like to understand how an innocent dance can be turned into a jail sentence. And most importantly - why?! Shouldn't the government spend their limited resources on something that actually matters? Like... battling corruption, poverty, injustice... Yeah... Nevermind...

My condolences to the couple.

Cheers to hoping the nation will manage to overthrow the sociopathic government and its croonies one day.


Alkdmani t1_j6p1uiu wrote

I lived under a dictatorship, there is never a logical reason behind any of their actions. It is all about keeping power and "saving" face: If Iranian become socially liberated, they might ask for separation of state and religion, they don't want that and they are fighting tooth and nail for it.


Al_Jazzera t1_j6p6y9i wrote

"Saving face" and looking as ruthless and despicable as one can get the whole time they're doing it. I can't wait for the day that repressive and backward mafia government is tossed into the dustbin of history.


bandit69 t1_j6nsa10 wrote

10 Years in prison for expressing love and joy. It's amazing how primitive those religious zealots can be.

I don't want to, but I can't help hating the scumbags in power in Iran.


8BitSk8r t1_j6nvo60 wrote

Crap like this is why the world needs to stop treating religion as some thing you can’t criticize. Fuck every part of this. These people are losing an entire decade of their lives, simply for having fun, because some religious piece of shit says so.


davetowers646 t1_j6nnk80 wrote

There's got to be times if you're running a theocracy when you must think, "What the fuck are we doing?"


jackanape7 t1_j6nnwll wrote

I'll go out on a limb and say they probably don't have a second thought about any of the crazy shit they do.


Archmage_of_Detroit t1_j6opiy0 wrote

No, they do. They think "this is awesome!"

Look at DeSantis. He's an intelligent man. He's charging teachers with felonies for teaching students that gay people exist because he likes it. Running a dictatorial regime is fun for him.


Prophet_Tehenhauin t1_j6ou4v1 wrote

You mean the guy who oversaw torture at Gitmo enjoys hurting people? Whoddathunkit?


Counter-Fleche t1_j6o7qjx wrote

Deep thinkers don't run theocracies. Zealots and authoritarians do, and they only think about how to control others.


u9Nails t1_j6nml3p wrote

Tehran: sounds like a great place to not live.


GoTron88 t1_j6occwb wrote

If you're interested in not living, the Iranian government can help you with that!


tsukiyaki1 t1_j6o0fyn wrote

There is no god here.. religion is a cancer used by powerful men to manipulate the masses.


shewy92 t1_j6o2ml6 wrote

>Haghighi was not wearing a headscarf, in defiance of Iran’s strict rules. Women are also not allowed to dance in public, let alone with a man.

I was wondering how what they did was illegal because I forgot briefly that Iran is a backwoods country that would put some countries in the medieval times blush


Timbo_007 t1_j6opmhb wrote

Why do people keep saying, that we have to respect their culture ?


hugglenugget OP t1_j6oyw29 wrote

Who keeps telling you to respect the Iranian government?

Or if that's not who you mean by "their", who do you mean?


ayyyvocado t1_j6nox1h wrote

Ridiculous. 10 years for daring to be joyous. What a way to run a country.


999others t1_j6ny6rc wrote

These cultures hate women.


RedneckLiberace t1_j6nmr11 wrote

Men dance only with men. Women dance only with women. Yet, you don't hear about gay pride parades in the Arab world.


aweimar t1_j6ol2hh wrote

Think about Iran. The people of Iran. Educated, exposed to most forms of modernism. Yet ruled by thuggish theologians. It’s nearly an untenable equation. The only way out of it will snuff so many bright lights. I feel terrible for them. I wish that it could change. The world would feel better.


SharpieBass t1_j6nqppi wrote

I mean, they are lucky. Surprised they weren’t tortured and executed.


[deleted] t1_j6oans8 wrote

Damn, all over some pieces of paper or some sky fairy ?


baxterstate t1_j6nk1zx wrote

I’d go to jail too. I’m a lousy dancer.


Relative-Dream-4804 t1_j6nmnph wrote

WTF. Jail the people who jailed them!


excusetheblood t1_j6nn0d3 wrote

We apologize for the fault in the freedom. Those responsible for jailing the people who have just been jailed, have been jailed


chrisdurand t1_j6of9rh wrote

Pissing off already pissed off citizens is a bold strategy, Cotton.


aleeque t1_j6pali0 wrote

Ironic. Iran forces ultra radical, orthodox islam on the citizens for basically one sole reason - to increase the birth rate, since Iran is 60% ethnic Persians and 40% Kurds, Azeris and Arabs who hate the Persians, reproduce at a faster rate and will start a civil war the minute they think they have a chance of winning. And yet Persians in Iran have one of the lowest fertility rates in the entire world. Iran is doomed to dissolve as a state within our lifetime because of this.

Meanwhile, North Korea which has been exclusively atheist for generations, has a birthrate that is perfectly fine.


KeenK0ng t1_j6nr58b wrote

They are seriously taking on tiktok.


CleanOnesGloves t1_j6nyb45 wrote

But we can't criticize other's religion and culture / tradition. LMAO.


djmetalhawk t1_j6nw7gj wrote

Their latest revolution was quelled it seems.


Pazoll t1_j6omqrz wrote

The punishment fits the crime questionmark.


frealfr t1_j6p659q wrote

Dancing should not be tolerated - Footloose


xseannnn t1_j6p6cfy wrote

Shit country gonna shit.


kthulhu666 t1_j6nlson wrote

Twist: The Elaine not involved.


Politicsboringagain t1_j6nskam wrote

The crazy shit are the people who live in the US and hate the US and will call the US facist state while making excuses for Iran.


Arrg-ima-pirate t1_j6nvrzo wrote

Both can be true. Iran can be a shit hole… and America really isn’t a lot better… check out the 82 year old lady jailed for not being able to afford her trash bill… or the lady jailed for feeding some homeless people… both recent in the u.s


LIGHT_COLLUSION t1_j6pe5zh wrote

I think both of those cases were bullshit too, but how is receiving a citation for an unpaid bill/feeding the homeless even in the same ballpark as going to jail for 10 fucking years for dancing in public.

More on info on the cases referenced:
82 year old woman arrested for unpaid trash bill
Summary: Woman was arrested for unpaid trash bill, bill was paid, charges dropped. No jail/prison term.

78 year old woman arrested for feeding homeless
Summary: Woman was arrested for serving homecooked meals in public park, charges dropped, woman warned not serve meals on public property. No jail/prison term.


chrisdurand t1_j6oexn2 wrote

Gonna let you in on an industry secret: it's possible to walk and chew gum at the same time.


Q_OANN t1_j6om8su wrote

Would’ve guessed red states in USA if they didn’t say where


[deleted] t1_j6nrj92 wrote



Sidthelid66 t1_j6obpf9 wrote

Who would downvote this. Do people not remember how bad the macarena was?
