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Ghost_of_P34 t1_j5km9zw wrote

If you are in school, that's usually a good enough reason to postpone jury duty. Try emailing/calling them again.


Hi_Im_Nosferatu OP t1_j5kqzak wrote

I sent an email. I'll probably wait a little while to call back and hopefully I can get someone who will actually talk with me.


Ghost_of_P34 t1_j5kusrh wrote

I thought there is an automated system that allows you to postpone.


Hi_Im_Nosferatu OP t1_j5kxjv5 wrote

It's too late to postpone it says. Just called again and talked to someone much nicer who told me next time I need to postpone earlier.

The annoying part is they summoned me today so I took off work, but today was only the "Orientation" which was 15 minutes long... Why can't it all just be on the same day!?!


lividtaffy t1_j5llwah wrote

You didn’t get notification? I had jury duty last week (orientation on Jan 17) but I got my notification of summons in the mail on like Dec 20something.


Meem-Thief t1_j5mzfk9 wrote

Well missing Jury duty would be far worse than missing the first day, e-mail your teachers and explain the situation so that they know you have no choice on not being in class


PulpFriction21 t1_j5kqxm6 wrote

So this one time I totally forgot I had jury duty and went to work like normal, At about 3 pm I said oh shit and called to say “I forgot to show up today” and the lady on the phone was super nice and just rescheduled it and said don’t miss it again.

So in my experience, you can miss it and own up to it and get it rescheduled without consequence, if they don’t help you out in advance.

Hopefully calling and letting them know will be enough though, I never had to go as a student


puzzlebuzz t1_j5lglrp wrote

Yeah. I called morning of and said my kid is sick and I have no child care. No problems.


MrRob_NJ t1_j5lli16 wrote

Just this last December, I did the virtual orientation and was expected to serve in person the next day, my son was sick and I couldn't find anyone to watch him on short notice. They made a big deal of it when I emailed and called them. I had to send them an email of my son's doctor's note that she gave us for his school. He was legitimately sick and wound up missing 3 days.


puzzlebuzz t1_j5lm0r6 wrote

Yikes. I guess it depends. Also I did have that experience in 2012.


MrRob_NJ t1_j5lnnma wrote

Yeah I didn't have any issues a while back when I couldn't make it. Things have changed I guess.


healthierlurker t1_j5mohag wrote

Why did you only start dealing with this the day before? This is a self created problem. They send the notice in advance. My jury duty coincided with the birth of my children and I was excused weeks before the summons date.


SleepyHobo t1_j5n0i0l wrote

This guy posted in r/legaladvice not really looking for advice, but looking for the answer he wants "How do I get out of this jury duty service?". Obviously he didn't get the answers he wanted and got properly roasted for it. This guys needs to grow up quick.


underscorebot t1_j5n0n0f wrote

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ohsnaaaaap t1_j5lrx39 wrote

Your summons is sent 9 weeks prior to your jury week. The term of service is listed on the green postcard and white summons, hence why the orientation can be one day and the trial the next. Students can only be excused by the judge, but your service can be deferred. If you already emailed the jury office just wait for them to give you a new date.


coreynj2461 t1_j5lfdxf wrote

Also depends on the class. Some classes the professor goes through the syllabus in 10 minutes and says well start next class. Others start and have an assignment due the 2nd day right off the bat


Gixxerfool t1_j5murzz wrote

I just got a jury notification this past weekend. It’s not until March.


Educational_Paint987 t1_j5lt22l wrote

Back in the days we would use any excuse to miss class....times have changed


NosferatusNuts t1_j5mkymo wrote

First, looks like you got the appropriate guidance in the comments. Second, great username lol


FlameThrower18 t1_j5nzgxm wrote

What's the penalty for this? Asking for a friend who missed yesterday


HelpingHan724 t1_j5o485s wrote

Was recently scheduled to appear, confirmed that I would be able to serve, then tested positive for covid 1 day before it started. They made me call the merjury phone number every day, saying “you probably won’t be picked since your number is so high in the jury pool”. In the end I wasn’t picked, which was good since apparently being rescheduled at last minute is a hassle. Check your jury pool #, if it’s high enough then it’s possible you won’t get picked at all in the initial selection process.


tromachick t1_j5rwrsw wrote

Good to know. How do you check your jury pool number?


HelpingHan724 t1_j5t5op4 wrote

It’s on the official summons (green card) they sent you


tromachick t1_j5tvuuy wrote

Thanks, found it. My # is over 1700, hopefully that’s high enough


HelpingHan724 t1_j5u0qhe wrote

Oh yeah that’s a great#, they probably won’t even get to you in their screening/selection process. Mine was in the 900’s and they had their jury selected relatively quick.


tromachick t1_j5u76gx wrote

Oh wow. I won’t bother rescheduling then. I’m surprised they make the pools go that high and then dismiss all the extra people instead of carrying it over to the next trial.


LemurCat04 t1_j5mecgk wrote

I never attended the first week of Spring semester. First day? Pfffft. You’re still in drop-add. It’s syllabus day.


chriskatelots t1_j5pojc9 wrote

Imagine spending all that money on tuition to skip classes….


LemurCat04 t1_j5ppurq wrote

Yes, that one whole class threw everything right into the red on ROI.


BluePearl2020 t1_j5n3fyu wrote

Hi do your civic duty


RafeDangerous t1_j5ohjt1 wrote

Counterpoint, stop forcing conscripts to do a job that they claim is critical.