Submitted by thrwawy5599 t3_126q64u in newjersey

Just wondering if anyone has any experience with microclover lawns in NJ. I have been wanting to do this for a few years. I'd love to hear about anyone's experience. I can find nothing but pros for it online and very few cons.

The pros include : Less water usage over summer Crowds out weeds so less/little herbicide Better for the environment overall

Cons : Not for heavy traffic ( it won't be for me ) Reseed more often

I really want to seed for it this fall to set myself up for next year.



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Awdra t1_jeaiica wrote

My husband reseeded our lawn with this: Fleur De Lawn. We love it! Definitely noticed more bees and bugs in the lawn than before plus it’s beautiful. He was planning to just rent a tiller but we were able to find a decent one on Amazon. The whole project was a lot more work than was expected because of the grade of our yard, so we definitely would have spent more renting one.


Swingline1234 t1_jeanywk wrote

How's that mix do with deer? Some of the pics show deer grazing in it. Honestly if it keeps them away from my shrubs I'll be happy.


Awdra t1_jeat2pj wrote

No idea. We don’t see deer in our yard, just bunnies, groundhogs and squirrels!


cC2Panda t1_jebs3lb wrote

In 2020 I let the lawn go wild with red clovers and the groundhogs fucking loved it. They are the most ridiculous eaters too, just chomping away on flowers.


Ghostfact-V t1_jebcbnt wrote

Is this native to Oregon mix? I want to be as “native” as possible but this looks amazing


rexmons t1_jeapl9w wrote

I bought a bag of microclover seeds to fill in the patchy areas of my lawn and it came out great.


iago303 t1_jeb28ug wrote

Eventually the microclover will spread out and cover your entire yard especially in shade areas, you might want to plant some strawberries for borders instead of having to use a weedwaker,if you pinch the first flowers they will flower again about a month or so later and the fruit 🍓 will be a lot sweeter


Papancasudani t1_jecxkv3 wrote

Sounds like it will keep going and spread into my neighbor's yard.


iago303 t1_jecyh99 wrote

That works too as long the neighbors are amenable


thecoolestpants t1_jeb1nto wrote

>Crowds out weeds

Define weeds. Do you mean noxious invasive plants or are you referring to dandelions and such just trying to do their job?

Keep in mind some people refer to clover as a weed since it fell out of favor because of bee allergies. It used to be standard in turf mixes. So if you don't want people giving you crap for having a weed infested lawn this is not the way. The only way to please those people is to have a singular type of grass growing from edge to edge, no flowers just blades of grass.

Micro clover is fine, but from my experience it will eventually just become clover. My parents lawn was mostly clover and there wasn't a ton of reseeding needed with kids and dogs running all over it.

Check out /r/nolawns they might be a bit more helpful


lost_in_life_34 t1_jebf0vc wrote

when I do my long runs I see plenty of homes with some weeds in the yard. lots of people don't really care and don't want to dump chemicals into their lawn for some fake ideal


thecoolestpants t1_jebvhnl wrote

I don't remember recommending chemicals and I don't see it in my post. So I'm a little confused are you bolstering my point or did I miss something?


finestFartistry t1_jeaeiqx wrote

Clover attracts bees, which is fine as long as you aren’t allergic to bee stings.


lost_in_life_34 t1_jebenec wrote

this year i'm putting ground cover on my grass by the sidewalk so I don't have to mow it and to kill off the weeds naturally. I have some clover I planted last year but not much and leaving less grass than before to mow


also planting ground cover plants for shady parts I tried to plant grass in but didn't take very well and too much trouble


you can also mow your grass higher in the 3 inch range to avoid the sun drying the dirt out


Maleficent_Proof5946 t1_jefdo75 wrote

Not sure if it's true, but I was told that whatever the grass height is the roots would be the same.


rawbface t1_jebhu8w wrote

Keep in mind that "less water usage over the summer" also means it doesn't consumer as much water as turf grass overall. Make sure your yard is graded properly and your drainage is on point. For me, living at the bottom of a hill, it would turn my backyard into a bog.