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maxhinator123 t1_j2yak5k wrote

As a skier climate change has been devastating the last ten ish years :( even ruining my maple syrup harvest! The sap flows mid winter now and refreezes damaging the trees hence why it's not supposed to flow until it's warm out


Andromeda321 t1_j2ye3xn wrote

It's estimated that by the end of the century it will no longer be viable to run ski resorts in New England. Something I think about a lot in conditions like right now...


Illustrious-Study237 t1_j2yh97e wrote

God, can we just suck all the excess carbon out of the air already? I need the four seasons šŸ„ŗ


ZacPetkanas t1_j2yoirk wrote

> God, can we just suck all the excess carbon out of the air already?

Plant more trees!


Psychological-Cry221 t1_j31s1fv wrote

Thatā€™s ridiculous, we have no idea what snow making technology will be like in even just ten more years.


bonanzapineapple t1_j30gh4e wrote

I know I've been thinking about it every minute of 2023 so far as I watch the snow melt before my eyes


Coopetition t1_j2xsl8m wrote

NH is a purple state, so I expect half of the comments to be climate change deniers.


[deleted] t1_j2xuj9y wrote

Lol. What an ignorant comment, itā€™s actually really Redā€¦


NostalgiaBombs t1_j2xvnx4 wrote

Thatā€™s why there were around 60,000 more democrat votes in the 2020 presidential election, because NH is a red state.

Donā€™t forget that land doesnā€™t have a political alignment.


[deleted] t1_j2xwdum wrote

You would have to live here


Chillin_Squid t1_j2yxbvy wrote

Loud and outspoken does not mean the majority.


[deleted] t1_j2yxmg5 wrote

Meek and clueless donā€™t help either


Dux_Ignobilis t1_j2ymis8 wrote

You sound like a townie who's never left their town. The state is very purple and often more democratic considering the senators and reps we send to the federal government.


cwalton505 t1_j2y6no5 wrote

So...... more climate deniers?


[deleted] t1_j2y90dj wrote

Yes well 30 + years of bullshit storiesā€¦please, go away.


lantrick t1_j2ybj9x wrote

You'd better get out and shovel all that snow... lol


[deleted] t1_j2ycmza wrote

Winter is far from overā€¦.lol


lantrick t1_j2yn9vx wrote

yup, and you should get about 3 weeks of it before spring. Maybe you should do a little ice skating after all it's New Hampshire in January right? not South Carolina.


[deleted] t1_j2ynnhy wrote

3 weeks? Try 8ā€¦again uninformed bot


Magnolia-Rush t1_j2ykcom wrote

If you're using the NY Post to prove your point, I'm not sure you can be helped. Fortunately, you don't represent NH. Most people here are reasonable and know that climate change is very real and already causing major problems.


[deleted] t1_j2yly6x wrote

Remember diesel cars? I think the government encouraged the use of themā€¦.what a bad, bad decision that was.


Dux_Ignobilis t1_j2ymog8 wrote

Was that.. was that supposed to be a point or something? I don't think you understand how many logical fallacies you're using to "prove" climate change isn't real.


[deleted] t1_j2yyhkr wrote

Your mom is calling, time for your homework


kearsargeII t1_j2z7d5o wrote

You literally write like a toddler. You shouldnā€™t be throwing shade here.


[deleted] t1_j2z7rnc wrote

Oh the grammar shame, lol, please, Iā€™ll throw shade where ever I want .


[deleted] t1_j2ylay7 wrote

I think I do represent New Hampshire and I stand by the article which is more than your worthless comment


Economy_Influence_92 t1_j2yrxyy wrote

How does one stand behind a climate change article, but yet deny 30 years of ā€œbullshitā€ climate stories? Honestly just curious.


[deleted] t1_j2yuke5 wrote

It ā€˜s about 50 years of false claims.


Dux_Ignobilis t1_j2ymc8a wrote

Shares a sensationalist article sensationalizing past sensationalist articles and presents it as proof

Can't get any better than that.


[deleted] t1_j2ymnmc wrote

Well do better than that, itā€™s all lip service spewing your bullshit


Dux_Ignobilis t1_j2ymr4e wrote

You're the one denying climate change, so provide the proof. Quit acting like a child.


[deleted] t1_j2yn7gl wrote

A child, Iā€™m realizing this site is run by uninformed children.


Dux_Ignobilis t1_j2ynll9 wrote

Is this your way of ignoring the point that you can't prove your claims..? You realize that by continuing to defer and ignore evidence and then insulting anyone who points it out means you are the one acting like a child right? Or is that too difficult to understand?


[deleted] t1_j2yoqfi wrote

All you can do is run your mouth, too bad


tech1010 t1_j2xvdfg wrote

This article is total nonsense. Iā€™ve been growing blueberries for 10+ years.

NJ is one of the largest blueberry producing states and their avg winter temp is much warmer than NH.

Weā€™d have to be Georgia/Florida levels of warm for them to not get enough chill hours.


ZacPetkanas t1_j2xzzaz wrote

> Weā€™d have to be Georgia/Florida levels of warm for them to not get enough chill hours.

And even then there are varieties that are tolerant to zone 10. Which to be fair to the author of the article, they did mention:

> Bartlett says there are other varieties of blueberries he could plant that are adapted to different kinds of weather, but they would take about eight years to start producing fruit on his farm.

What's more of a problem is a lot of cold/warm cycling which can cause a lot of winter kill because the plant comes out of dormancy in the warmth and then the cold kills the newer wood. (As a grower, I know you know that. I'm addressing folks who may not know)


General-Silver-4004 t1_j32d7tv wrote

But itā€™s a different variety. NH and ME blueberries and strawberries are best in my subjective opinion. Itā€™s partially the rocky soil but I suspect itā€™s also the cold snaps and varietyā€™s grown.


ZacPetkanas t1_j32dwti wrote

> But itā€™s a different variety. NH and ME blueberries and strawberries are best in my subjective opinion

Possibly. But it may be due more to freshness. Often fruit crops are picked before they're ripe so they'll ship better and then artificially ripened with ethylene gas and the like.

Eating NH fruit in NH means they were likely allowed to ripen naturally, hence the better flavor. When I travelled to Georgia and had a peach from a road-side farm stand I couldn't buy peaches from the grocery store any longer; only tree-ripened peaches for me from then on.


rudyattitudedee t1_j2ys4mt wrote

Itā€™s Devastating maine wild blueberries. My family has 440 acres of them Downeast and the harvest has been getting worse every year.


tech1010 t1_j2z06nf wrote

How much do you think is due to warmer winters versus problems with the native pollinator (bumblebees).


rudyattitudedee t1_j2zhape wrote

Both are huge factors but, especially due to the salt on the coast and less fog coverage, itā€™s been hot and dry there most of the year and when I was 10-15 summer usually included a windbreaker or sweater. Now all summer is 80-100 degrees, and very dry. We used to be snowed out of the house half the winter and now we are lucky to get one storm. Itā€™s drastic with how close we are to the Canadian border there, you really notice how similar weather is these days to the southern east coast.


Andromeda321 t1_j2ydujj wrote

(Not so) Fun fact, with current climate change estimates it's predicted NH weather will be akin to what Maryland is like today by the end of the century, which is further south than NJ! So I can imagine change in that short a period will cause a lot of stresses to many plants.


tech1010 t1_j2z0g6f wrote

There's a famous saying -- if you believe what you're saying then put your money where your mouth is.

The fact that all the big doomsday predictors have bought/built massive oceanfront estates says all you need to know.


gweased_pig t1_j2z5czk wrote

10,000 years ago NH was under a mile of ice. In 10,000 years it will be under a mile of ice. Enjoy your interglacial period blueberries.


Psychological-Cry221 t1_j31sbr9 wrote

This is one winter I would love to be mild. Cost to much to heat this winter.


PoorInCT t1_j30zjpe wrote

i dunno about this. They grow like weeds at my relatives houses back in Connecticut, and the whole state has become the shoulder season version of Banff for Canadian Geese.


shibbin4libbin t1_j32e61u wrote

Al gore said weā€™d be under water years agoā€¦ this thing is a bubble waiting to pop any second now. Too bad, blueberries are my favorite.


lagle123 t1_j2ysx4t wrote

Thought the world was going to end in 12 years because of climate changed and youā€™re worried about berries?


[deleted] t1_j2yjdh0 wrote

How many trillion this time?


EJhayford69 t1_j2yoehh wrote

If our Winters are warm with no snow, itā€™s climate change. If our winters are freezing cold with tons of snow, itā€™s climate change.


SoiledGloves t1_j2xtcuh wrote

Climate change is happening, but the blueberries will adapt. The grow just fine in the south


Wide_Television_7074 t1_j2zzj3d wrote

Dems desperately trying to make NH out to be a purple state lolā€¦ we red baby


FloozyFoot t1_j30jwx4 wrote

Check the voter rolls in your town. They're down at the town hall. Then fill this in [citation needed]


Wide_Television_7074 t1_j30uwze wrote

Reddit echo chamber is not NH - live free or die is not something Dems understandā€¦ neither freedom nor the right to die (without paying a tax)


FloozyFoot t1_j31szgl wrote

You completely ignored what I wrote to concentrate on your preconceived notions. This is the problem with the right now, it's all feelings, no fact


Wide_Television_7074 t1_j32c1yc wrote

speak English, what are you trying to say. you are attempting to be clever with a ā€˜fill in the blankā€™ and field trip. I said what I mean, plain and simple. I do know my towns historic voting and I have all the information that I personally need.


FloozyFoot t1_j32cv2f wrote

That is literally what a preconceived notion is. You don't need proof, your feelings are enough. I have no doubt you mean it, but you can't extrapolate your single opinion as the stance of an entire state.


[deleted] t1_j2yj3qy wrote

Lol. Scammer. Create the fearā€¦food shortage ,,,fill your cupboards now


[deleted] t1_j2xx4ux wrote

Oh education, climate change, guns, Iā€™m sure you will hit all the ā€œ hot topicsā€ with your Left wing clown world spin on things


MissorNoob t1_j2yg3ii wrote

We all live on the planet, dumbass. If it becomes less hospitable to human life, it affects everyone. Covering your ears and pretending not to hear the warnings won't change anything.


[deleted] t1_j2yh6ye wrote

Dumbass? Lol šŸ˜‚ Climate change is another money grabā€¦.you create fear first, them get people to comply or else the world will end..lolā€¦and the government is the only one who can stop the problem so give them all your moneyā€¦you are a scammerā€¦


red204 t1_j2yioc1 wrote

I'm sure you'll end up blaming the coming food shortages in a few decades on population growth and the money-grabbing Biden admin instead of failed crops due to climate change


asuds t1_j2yiyx3 wrote

Get them to comply with what exactly? Generating less pollution? The HORROR!