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dojijosu t1_jbztdhe wrote

Well done! I know it sound lame, but public libraries have a lot of stuff going on these days. Book clubs, coding workshops, fan meetups. Take a look at what your local one offers. And if you’re near Nashua, they have lots of events and clubs.


Verucasalt-- OP t1_jbzuqhz wrote

Thank you!! Have you been to the Kava Bar in Nashua? Wanted to try that out as I hear it’s a fun sober bar.


omgdrones t1_jc0ft2e wrote

Yes. Highly recommended. Order the Cherry Noble and enjoy the company. Very good spot.


BooRand t1_jbzzjrx wrote

Id not heard of that one, thank you for mentioning it


FrickenRightHeDid t1_jc04ds9 wrote

I know you said that you weren't looking for anything AA related, but meetings aside we AA'er host a ton of events. There's an open mic night coming up. We host dances, dinners, tons of fellowship, kayaking trips, ski days, softball tournaments. The list is endless. If you'd like any more information, I'd be more than happy to help. (Oringinally put this in a DM to OP but didn't understand why I did. It's solid info for anyone).


Ok_Nobody4967 t1_jc03mcy wrote

I don’t know of any. Just wanted to wish you well and congratulations!


Icy-Neck-2422 t1_jbzrsfu wrote

You might want to search out SMART recovery in NH if anonymous groups are not for you. Good luck!


Poisonous_plum t1_jc06uev wrote

Congrats! Not sure where you’re located in NH, but look up The Pink Cloud Connect on Facebook. They post local meetups that are usually in the Chelmsford/Lowell, MA area. They also do a big soberfest once a year that seems like a good time! The founders email is listed on the fb page and she may be able to help you find places!


Verucasalt-- OP t1_jc39iew wrote

I’ll be sure to check that out! Thank you for the information. :-)


reptarcannabis t1_jc09tod wrote

I’m in Mass on the nh border 15 min south of Keene nh come help on the farm sometime so much to plant so little time


yum-yum-mom t1_jc00bek wrote

Maybe some coffee shops have stuff going on?


Verucasalt-- OP t1_jc39lqq wrote

I haven’t found any coffee shops by me that seem to do those types of events. I wish they did because that would be so fun!


the-little-furmaid t1_jc0abjb wrote

Congrats on nearly 100 days alcohol free 🤘🏼

Groups tend to lean toward an older demographic. I am not sure what age-range you are looking for. I am sure are some substance free meetups in your area, like hiking groups and intramural sports. Not sure if that is your jam! If people go out for a drink afterwards, you can always excuse yourself beforehand.


roundeye2020 t1_jc0br4x wrote

It's really hard to just excuse yourself when you are enjoying the company and you are an addict. 100 days in I would probably relapse. Not trying to dig on you, just highlighting the danger in that statement from the perspective of an addict in recovery.


the-little-furmaid t1_jc0djl2 wrote

I am in recovery. But you are right; in the early days of sobriety a person can easily fall into old habits when they haven’t properly developed the right coping skills.

OP should probably find a mental health counselor who specializes in SUD; they can probably direct OP towards whatever resources they need.


roundeye2020 t1_jc52moo wrote

I have 10 years off the sauce, and I still have my ups and downs. A good therapist is hard to find these days. Do you have any recommendations? I went to a work event recently and I have not been that close to the edge in a while. I was ready to throw it all away. Nutz right. I promptly left the event, but it sucked to be on the outside. People think after time it gets easier but for me the work continues. Some days I'm good and I want to be in that type of environment "bars ect.". I guess to prove a point to myself. Other days I need to lock myself indoors because I just don't trust myself.

Shout out to everyone here in the struggle. I wish you all well and feel your pain 100%. Nothing worth it in life comes easy so I just keep getting after sobriety and make it a priority.


the-little-furmaid t1_jc7jvzg wrote

I do not have recommendations for specific therapists, although I do recommend folks check their insurance about virtual options. I realize not everyone is interested in therapy through a screen, but many insurances have partnered with virtual therapy providers and waived copays due to the pandemic.

Additionally, being honest with others about your sobriety can be a game changer. Sharing to your comfort level with colleagues and friends can increase your own accountability (assuming these people are prosocial supports).

Personally, I have also downloaded the app “I am Sober” and have personalize it to include images and mottos to keep me motivated. Also r/stopdrinking … it’s a great subreddit to join.


VinsonChe90 t1_jc0cynk wrote

Congrats!🎊🎉🍾 100 days is amazing, and there gonna keep adding on one day at a time. I’m 7 years this May and for me to keep my mind of alcohol, especially the first year, sports. During the late spring to fall I love to go cycling. Winter to early spring I like to go skiing.

I will say that for me, going sober really had an effect on my social life. You need to find healthy people to befriend, maybe even some sober ones. Almost like keeping your mind so busy that you can give any attention to alcohol.

You got this! Feel free to PM me if you have any questions.


MagicalPeanut t1_jc0wlv3 wrote

First, congrats on your first 100 days, and hopefully many more to come. As someone who is part of an extended family that has had (and maybe still has?) drug and alcohol problems, I am sure they appreciate your efforts.

I don't drink and can tell you that socializing in general is difficult. One thing I'll throw out there which you might like are small hiking trips. Some of the state parks allow alcohol in designated areas, but many also prohibit it. I've met a few nice people in my travels who share a similar interest in the wilderness and the call of the loons. Not only is it relaxing, generally alcohol-free, but a good source of exercise as well.


smdifansmfjsmsnd t1_jc2yqut wrote

Hey congratulations on those 100ish days. I know as a recovering addict how hard it is and those first days are that much harder. Keep up the good work.


Verucasalt-- OP t1_jc39p8h wrote

It’s getting much easier! Thank you for the support.


Any_Supermarket8479 t1_jc1f1nl wrote

Congratulations, seacoast has a ton of sober events. company called phoenix does really cool sober meet ups to hike, climb kayak etc. you should check ‘em out.


Verucasalt-- OP t1_jc1mpv9 wrote

Thank you!! I’m in the sea coast area so I’ll definitely check that out!


catcrackers t1_jc2ce9h wrote

NH Recovery Hub on Facebook tends to share a lot of the upcoming activities/events.


Sweet-Palpitation473 t1_jc3091c wrote

Been sober since Labor Day 2019 (first game of the Bruins SCF) and I still hang with all my buddies who drink and/or smoke. I know I don't really fit your criteria but just wanted to say you ain't alone homie


newbraces81 t1_jc88seh wrote

Congrats on your sobriety!!! in a whisper voice... Memorial day. I mix those 2 holidays up all the time. Rock on ✌🏻


Verucasalt-- OP t1_jc39vxx wrote

Congrats on the long-standing sobriety! It definitely isn’t easy. But Ive been able to socialize with others who are drinking as well but I attribute that to a medication helping me! Otherwise I’m not sure I would have made it this far.