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Responsible-Lunch815 t1_ja6r93c wrote

I don't get it. You spend how much to go see a movie? I've seen people have full on phone conversations. Like what do you think this is? You took a shower, got dressed, drove to the theater and paid for this?


A88_I99 t1_ja6ril5 wrote

What I don't understand is the lack of self-awareness. Who do these people think they are?


f1del1us t1_jaak0hx wrote

The most important person in that room, and as such, the only person that matters


ScaryDavey t1_ja6y6n6 wrote

I’m beginning to wonder if those people have movie memberships like AMC’s A-List or Regal Unlimited. You pay a yearly or monthly fee and can see multiple movies for free. It would give them an excuse to just “hang out” at the movie theatre without being actively involved in the movie itself. I think people would abuse it like that.


jamesneysmith t1_ja9i4j2 wrote

I think for some people distracted entertainment is entertainment. The type of people that are generally scrolling their phone the entire time they're watching television. So I imagine these people would say they had a good time at the theatre even though they spent a sizeable chunk of that time talking to their friends or playing on their phone


tomandshell t1_ja6qnkg wrote

I’m surprised they even make it into the theater after spending 45 minutes trying to back into a parking spot. That should also earn jail time.


[deleted] t1_ja6szuj wrote



ScaryDavey t1_ja6ybd3 wrote

Those people need to be reminded of an invention called streaming!


AllenWoody34 t1_ja6v11n wrote

You definitely have your own type of Purge film series on your mind.


spambearpig t1_ja6tanm wrote

Can we kick them hard in the crotch first?

People can get institutionalised to jail. Nobody gets used to being kicked hard in the balls.


Intelligent-Age2786 t1_ja6uny0 wrote

I hate obnoxious movie theatre goers. My local theatre had to raise their age restrictions on R rated movies last January cuz a bunch of dumb teens were acting crazy and obnoxious. I was going to see the new Scream and almost couldn’t see it cuz I was only 17 but luckily I was with my sister so they let it slide. Luckily tho, I’ve never had firsthand experience with people acting like dumbasses


ScaryDavey t1_ja6yt0a wrote

Well, jail is a little extreme, but you can temporarily and then eventually permanently ban numbskulls who think that how you act at the movie theatre is the same as streaming at home.


jokes_on_you_ha t1_ja77au2 wrote

Every time I go to the cinema, there's at least a few people with their shoes off and feet up on the seat in front of them. When did this become normal?


MH3ndr1ks t1_ja7bvnh wrote

I want a free pass to smash every single phone that gets used to make a picture during a cool moment, and a ass whooping if the flash is used.


JRR49 t1_ja7i0cm wrote

Couldn’t agree more. Two recent terrible experiences. 1- Avatar 2 Imax 3D - couple behind me commented on EVERY scene. Sometimes talking over the next scene if it was loud. When people told them to quiet down they begin talking back. Worst experience ever and since it was IMAX 3D and not recliners, they were right on top of us. 2- MEG3N - sitting in front of a group of middle school / high schoolers. Talking all movie. Taking pictures with their flash on of their ICEEs. It was terrible and was the weekend after experience 1. My wife and I go to the movies quite often and this almost made me cancel my AMC A list membership lol.


momalloyd t1_ja7p5da wrote

Just put them on a list. Then next time they try and buy a ticket, they will only have access to screenings for assholes. They will all be stuck in the same room together and not know it. We can watch our movies in peace.


ValentinBang t1_ja800fj wrote

Why not simply execute them there and then?


PrecisionHat t1_ja7r2ni wrote

Why can't I take off my shoes?


svarney99 t1_ja7sqrx wrote

If this isn’t sarcasm then you are the problem.


PrecisionHat t1_ja7z5fq wrote

Just answer the question. My feet don't smell, if that's your problem.


svarney99 t1_ja80w0t wrote

Because it’s disgusting.


PrecisionHat t1_ja81gn3 wrote

What?! Why? It's not like I'm barefoot. I'm not sticking them in your face. Maybe you just have a weird hangup about feet?


svarney99 t1_ja8388w wrote

The fact of the matter is that you may be nose blind to your own scents. Removing your shoes indoors in a location that it is not expected or required is extremely inconsiderate of others. It’s as inconsiderate as dousing yourself in heavy cologne/ perfume. And that’s what this entire thread is about… people being inconsiderate of others in movie theatres.


PrecisionHat t1_ja84ouv wrote

Well, I guess I'm inconsiderate then. But, thankfully, you have no say in what I do or don't do. Yeesh.


Hollow_Rant t1_ja6tz73 wrote

This person eating beans!


Particular-Ad-4772 t1_ja728pb wrote

People should be jailed for bringing their smartphones in a theater amoung other places .


CoCityCreeper t1_ja6r26w wrote

I'd go a couple steps further and say just jail everyone who goes to movie theaters in general.


ThePhoneBook t1_ja6t4pt wrote

Go out? Jail. Stay in? Also jail. You know what, just move all maternity wards into jails.